Edit the permalink of custom post type.
Set custom permalinks on a per-post, per-tag or per-category basis.
Permalink Manager improves the built-in permalink settings and allows you to change the URLs of native and custom post types and taxonomies as needed.
This is a fix of Top Level Categories plugin for Wordpress 3.1. and above.
Remove custom post type base slug from url
Easy to change Permalink of custom post type.
Removes category base or parents categories or tag base from your permalinks. Compatible with WPML Plugin and WordPress Multisite.
Adds a column to admin posts/pages views with the slug & URL path. It's helpful when titles don't explain what the page is, or too many …
This plugin allows you to remove the prefix before the URL to your category page (e.g. example.com/dogs instead of example.com/category/dogs)
Allows administrators or capable users to change the users profile url.
Simple Slug Translate can translate the post, page, category and taxonomy slugs to English automatically.
Allows manual selection of a 'main' category for each post for nicer permalinks and better SEO.
Allow admins to translate Permalink to another languages.
Automatically updates the permalink (slug) of a post or page when its title is changed.
To prevent that usernames are publically visible, the username in the author's permalink is replaced with the author's ID.
It checks the Permalink and redirects to the new URL, if it doesn't exist. It sends the header message "moved permanently 301"
Set Custom Permalink Editor on a per-post, per-tag per-page, and per-category basis.
Custom Post Type Rewrite plugin adds default custom post type permalinks.
Replace non-ASCII characters for installs that set the German language as a primary language.
Completely disable the Media Permalink generated by WP.
Allows you to point WordPress objects (posts, pages, custom post types) to a URL of your choosing.
German Slugs properly transliterates umlauts and the letter ß appearing in titles for slugs (i.e. for pretty permalinks).
Fully customise the permalink for an individual page or post and globally set the permalink structure for pages, categories, tags or authors.
Quickly add a trailing slash in the URLs if it's missing in the permalink structure.
This plug-in controls the category in permalink. When the post belongs to two or more categories.
Plugin allows to use post's custom fields values in permalink structure by adding %field_fieldname%, for posts, pages and custom post types.
Reduce permalinks (category or post) that include entire hierarchy of categories to just having the lowest level category.
Allows multiple permalink structures and category-specific permalinks without needing redirects.
Plugin allows to use ACF values in permalink structure by adding %field_fieldname%, for posts, pages and custom post types.
This plugin helps to change WordPress Page Permalinks structure, which is not customizable by default.
Hide author archive of WordPress.
Replaces the username for author permalinks with the users display name. Returns a 404 if the author permalink using the actual username is used.
For each post, author can choose which category is used in permalink.
Generate friendly Pinyin permalink for chinese title 为中文标题生成友好的拼音链接
Rewrite - A WordPress plugin to manage URL rewrite. Edit/add/backup/restore/reorder/test rewrite rule in easy way.
This Breadcrumb will show the permalink url, also clickable all part
Changing WooCommerce Product link to /product/123.html
Efficiently redirect previous urls that were '/postname/post_id/' to '/postname/' automatically. Respects query variables.
Media Post Permalink is simply the easiest solution to separate your media/attachment Permalinks.
Remove ugly characters like %xx from your permalink
Removes the anchor from the permalinks ("read more"-links), so you don't jump halfway down the page.
Adds a "Flush Rewrite Rules" button to WP-Admin > Settings > Permalinks.
Search Fixer makes "pretty" search links work properly. A pretty search link usually looks like this:
Remove base slug of Custom Post Types and change the permalink structure of Custom Post Types.
A flexible shortcode and lookup tool for creating internal links in post/page content (or anywhere shortcodes are parsed).
Provides a shortcode that allows you to insert permalinks into your content.
The plugin automatically redirects users who have accessed a blog post link without the category to the one which has the category and therefore avoid …
Is your WooCommerce shop URLs SEO friendly? Are you taking advantage of all optimization techniques to maximize the visibility of your online store to …
A simple plugin to display page slugs directly in the WordPress admin for easy management.
Generate standalone QR codes, colored and customized with logo inside.
Ermöglicht das automatisierte Umschreiben von deutschen Umlauten in URLs in einen lesbaren Permalink.
Get cleaner and SEO friendly URLs for your WordPress search like /search/coding+tips instead of /?s=coding+tips
This plugin provides Wordpress users with extra template tags. It can be used in themes or plugins.
This module is a workaround to use pretty permalinks without any rewrite rule.
Plugin allows to select category which will be used to generate permalink on post edit page. Use custom permalink option %scategory%.
Changes wordpress user slug for security, it prevents access to the usernames of registered users on your site.
A plugin that redirects posts and pages to specified url.
This plugin generates unicode slug from title You're writing and replaces %postname% part of permalink.
Because sometimes you just want to revert your slugs to what WordPress thinks is best.
Create short links and redirect in your WordPress dashboard, both simple links as well as regular expression matching.