Permalinks to Category/Permalinks

December 03, 2014

Permalinks to Category/Permalinks Plugin

The plugin automatically redirects users who have accessed a blog post link without the category to the one which has the category and therefore avoid …

If you have an existing website and you want to add category to your blog posts links (e.g. by using: /%category%/%postname%/ in Settings > Permalinks) then your visitors
will most likely run into page not found errors. This plugin checks for such post links and redirects the visitor using permanent (301) redirect to the correct /Category/Permalink link IF the permalinks are setup.

This plugin assumes that you have previously used /%postname%/ in your Settings > Permalinks.


Bugs? Suggestions? If you want a faster reponse contact us through our website’s contact form [ ] and not through the support tab of this plugin or WordPress forums.
We don’t get notified when such requests get posted in the forums.

Free e-book: How to Build a Website Using WordPress: Beginners Guide


Svetoslav Marinov (Slavi) | Custom Web and Mobile Programming by


  1. Unzip the package, and upload permalinks-to-categorypermalinks to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress


How to use this plugin?

Just install the plugin and activate it. There is no need to configure anything.



  • Tested with WP 4.0.1
  • Fixed some weird notices when adding to the settings page.
  • Improved the UI of the settings page
  • Added a link to the settings page (from Plugins)


fixed the check for expected permalink structure & added contact email for support requests.


Initial release


  • Version: 1.0.2
  • Active installations: 100
  • WordPress Version: 2.6
  • Tested up to: 4.0.38


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