WP Reset resets the entire site or selected parts using advanced reset options to default values. 100% safe to use with built-in restore function.
The ultimate solution for resetting your WordPress database or specific components to their default settings using the advanced reset features.
Skip reinstalling WP to reset it & reset the WordPress database back to its original state with 1-click.
Resets the WordPress database back to it's defaults. Deletes all customizations and content. Does not modify files only resets the database.
Enhance security of your blogs by preventing password reset over email function.
Reset, export, and import your WordPress Customizer settings with just one click of a button.
Adds a reset button to each section in the customizer and easily backup / restore / migrate customizer settings
Bulk Password Reset is a tool which can help you do a bulk password reset on all the users or just specific users within a category.
Reset the meta box positions on admin post editor screen for all post types, including custom post types.
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