Remove or change footer credits or any text or HTML without modifying code.
Remove or replace footer credit of any WordPress theme with the click of a mouse.
Adds a "Credit" field when uploading media to posts and displays it under the images on your blog to properly credit the artist.
Rede API integration for WooCommerce
Payment Gateway for Cielo API on WooCommerce.
Loan repayment calculator, featuring credit rating customization. Slide to set your loan amount and term, and see instant repayment options.
Adds credits to the media uploads: Source and source URL. URLs are nofollow by default.
Take payments with PayL8r Finance using the WooCommerce platform.
Replace the footer credit text for WooCommerce Storefront theme easily from customizer through widgets! Put anything you need!
TAKETIN Marketing Platformと連携したメンバーサイトをWordpressで作成するプラグインです。