Publisho Theme

Introducing Publisho - A light weight and responsive WordPress Magazine Theme suitable for News, Publishing, Magazine, small business blog/website etc. It comes with a premium single post/page design with full width title. After the blockbuster success of Iconic One we are releasing Publisho - a carefully crafted WP theme with mobile first approach that is fully tested with Google mobile friendly test. Theme has a fluid/responsive interface which will adapt to all screen sizes be it desktop or mobile and due to its light weight and optimizations you will easily achieve pagespeed over 92+. Theme is SEO optimized for high rankings by default and is also compatible with popular plugins like Yoast SEO and AIO SEO. Support is free which you can access here



  • Version: 1.94
  • WordPress Version: 4.7
  • PHP Version: 5.2.4
  • Author: Themonic
  • Homepage: Publisho
