YITH WooCommerce Product Add-Ons

July 11, 2024

YITH WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Plugin

Increase average order value by letting your customers purchase additional options on your products.

YITH Product Add-ons & Extra Options is a versatile and complete tool for the creation and sale of advanced products or services and the addition of custom options to your product pages.

You can create endless blocks of options to display in all products or only in specific products or categories, and choose from different types of product add-ons: radios, drop-down menus, text boxes, checkboxes, etc. Set a price for each option, offer it for free or discount the product price when the option is selected.

This product add-ons plugin is a simple solution for selling customizable products (e.g., if you sell t-shirts or jewelry, you can insert a radio button to let the user choose whether or not to customize the product and if they choose “Yes” show a text box to enter the text to be printed or engraved) or products with advanced add-ons (e.g., if you sell a box of products, you can let the user choose the number of products to include, charge extra for additional products, and have the user choose the shipping service from a list of available couriers).

The options selected and information submitted by customers will be included in the order details.



See the plugin in action:
Try the free version’s live demo >

  • Create unlimited blocks of options
  • Display the block of addons in all products or only in specific products or categories
  • Add HTML elements to the options block: title, text, and delimiters (single, double, dotted or dashed border, space, etc.)
  • Add “Radio button” type options
  • Add “Text input” options (optional: set a minimum and maximum number of characters the user can enter)
  • Add “Select” type options
  • Add “Checkbox” type options
  • Set conditions to show or hide a block of product addons (e.g., show option B only when the user selects “Yes” in option A)
  • Set conditions to show add-on options only in certain variations (e.g., show options only when black color variation is selected)
  • Choose whether to set the option as mandatory
  • Choose whether to show the option as selected by default
  • Choose where to show the addons on the Product Page (before or after the “Add to Cart” button)
  • Enter an optional title for each option block and choose which format to use (h1, h2, h3, etc.)
  • Enter a name and a description for each option
  • Display an optional tooltip for each option and customize its colors and position
  • Choose whether to offer the option for free (product price does not change when selected)
  • Choose whether the option has a fixed or percentage cost that increases the product price, or whether to offer a discount on the product price when the option is selected
  • Set a background and padding for the option block, and customize the border, text, and highlight colors.


See the plugin in action:
Visit the Premium version’s live demo >

  • Hide options from specific products
  • Show add-ons to all users/only logged in users/only certain user roles
  • Add “Text area” type options (you can also set a minimum and maximum number of characters the user can enter)
  • Add “Color picker” options (set a color swatch or image)
  • Add “Number” type options
  • Add “Label or image” type options
  • Add “Date” type options (with advanced options to also set a default date, start and end year, etc.)
  • Add “File upload” type options with drag and drop support. Set supported file formats and maximum allowed size
  • Add “Product” type options to display related products for upsell promotion
  • Upload an image to represent the option and choose whether to use it to replace the main product image (on the product page and in the shopping cart)
  • Choose the location of the image (above or below the label, right or left)
  • Choose whether or not to display the set of product addons in a section that can be opened and closed (toggle)
  • Hide the name, description and price of the options
  • Choose how many options you want to show for each row, and enable the grid layout to adjust the arrangement of the options based on the width of the page
  • Choose whether or not to multiply the product price by the length of the text entered by the user (available only for the “Text” and “Text Area” types)
  • Choose whether the product price should be multiplied by the quantity of the option selected by the user (available for “Quantity” type only)
  • Offer the first X selected options for free (e.g. if someone buys a pizza, the first three toppings are free, the fourth is charged)
  • Choose whether to replace the product price with the updated price including options, and whether to display a price summary box on the product page
  • Choose the style for checkboxes and color swatches (round or square)
  • Set image position for “Label or image” type options
  • Set the default position for name and description
  • For each block, choose how many options the user can select and whether to set a number (exact, minimum, or maximum) of options to select before paying
  • Hide the “Add to Cart” button until the user selects the required options
  • Show or hide selected addons in the cart
  • Allow the user to change the selected options in the cart from a modal window NEW
  • Show or hide selected product addons in order emails


Important: First of all, you have to download and activate WooCommerce plugin, which is mandatory for YITH WooCommerce Product Add-Ons to be working.

  1. Unzip the downloaded zip file.
  2. Upload the plugin folder into the wp-content/plugins/ directory of your WordPress site.
  3. Activate YITH WooCommerce Product Add-Ons from Plugins page.


YITH WooCommerce Product Add-Ons will add a new tab called “Products Add-Ons” in “YIT Plugins” menu item. There, you will find all Yithemes plugins with quick access to plugin setting page.


  1. Blocks table

    Blocks table

  2. Block configuration page

    Block configuration page

  3. Add-on editor

    Add-on editor

  4. General options

    General options

  5. Cart & Order options

    Cart & Order options

  6. Style options

    Style options

  7. Product page with different options (1/5)

    Product page with different options (1/5)

  8. Product page with different options (2/5)

    Product page with different options (2/5)

  9. Product page with different options (3/5)

    Product page with different options (3/5)

  10. Product page with different options (4/5)

    Product page with different options (4/5)

  11. Product page with different options (5/5)

    Product page with different options (5/5)


Can I add options groups on variable products?

Yes, the plugin allows to do it. Options can be configured globally on product, but not on single variation.

Can I disable global options on single product?

Yes, you can do it, but not singularly. From the product editing page, you can disable the use of “all” global options groups.

I would like to show an option only when a specific combination of options chosen from users occurs. How can I do it?

You must enable the dependency on the option you are interested in by inserting the name of options you want your users to select.

How can I report security bugs?

You can report security bugs through the Patchstack Vulnerability Disclosure Program. The Patchstack team help validate, triage and handle any security vulnerabilities. Report a security vulnerability.


4.12.0 – Released on 11 July 2024

  • New: support for WordPress 6.6
  • New: support for WooCommerce 9.1
  • Update: YITH plugin framework
  • Fix: select-option.php template path
  • Dev: added arguments to filters

4.11.0 – Released on 25 June 2024

  • New: support for WooCommerce 9.0
  • Update: YITH plugin framework
  • Fix: add price suffix for options and total price
  • Fix: replace total price
  • Fix: selection type single or multiple for input text
  • Dev: new filter ‘yith_wapo_calculate_addons_price_in_cart’
  • Dev: new filter ‘hide_order_price_if_zero’
  • Dev: new filter ‘yith_wapo_include_shortcode_price_suffix’

4.10.0 – Released on 22 May 2024

  • New: support for WooCommerce 8.9
  • Tweak: include a trigger for addon image change
  • Update: YITH plugin framework
  • Fix: the option image replace the main image (select type)
  • Dev: parsing total calculation
  • Dev: sanitize text and textarea for prevent inject malicious code
  • Dev: format decimals of add-on price after saving add-on configuration

4.9.3 – Released on 07 May 2024

  • Fix: the option image replace the main image (select type)
  • Fix: removed useless option description
  • Tweak: sanitize addon text and textarea in order to prevent inject code

4.9.2 – Released on 30 April 2024

  • Fix: image not appearing when selecting an option on add-on type Selector
  • Fix: incorrect total calculation

4.9.1 – Released on 25 April 2024

  • Fix: store image option as id
  • Fix: filter add-ons meta for order

4.9.0 – Released on 23 April 2024

  • New: support for WooCommerce 8.8
  • Update: YITH plugin framework
  • Fix: sortable add-ons and priority
  • Fix: integration with Multi Currency when the custom price is enabled but the currency is not set
  • Fix: check required fields to hide add to cart button
  • Dev: added background process to convert URL of images to image id in the add-on option
  • Dev: refactoring code using wc_get_template to display images of the options
  • Dev: refactoring JS code
  • Dev: CSS changes

4.8.0 – Released on 26 March 2024

  • New: support for WordPress 6.5
  • New: support for WooCommerce 8.7
  • Update: YITH plugin framework
  • Fix: get blocks of parent category if child category is set
  • Fix: array on file
  • Fix: metadata not available in order edit page
  • Fix: addons calculation when variation loading
  • Fix: WooCommerce quantity field not updating add-on prices
  • Fix: updated Woodmart check to prevent JS error
  • Dev: add jquery-ui as a dependency
  • Dev: changed position of ‘yith-wapo-after-reload-addons’ trigger
  • Dev: New JS trigger ‘wapo-before-calculate-product-price’
  • Dev: new filter ‘yith_wapo_prevent_ajax_call_on_unchanged_totals’
  • Dev: new filter ‘yih_wapo_cart_item_quantity’
  • Dev: new filter ‘yith_wapo_check_for_missing_meta_data’
  • Dev: new JS filter ‘yith_wapo_addon_datepicker_before_show_day’

4.7.1 – Released on 12 February 2024

  • Fix: fatal error with order items

4.7.0 – Released on 08 February 2024

  • New: support for WooCommerce 8.6
  • Update: YITH plugin framework
  • Fix: saving add-on metadata in the order item
  • Dev: new filter ‘yith_wapo_cart_item_meta_data’

4.6.0 – Released on 30 January 2024

  • New: integration with YITH Multi Currency plugin
  • Tweak: avoid innecessary ajax calls when price is calculated
  • Tweak: saving of metadata into order item
  • Update: plugin framework
  • Fix: non-numeric value on tax
  • Fix: CSS rule affecting to the currency list
  • Dev: new filter ‘yith_wapo_block_priority_field_args’
  • Dev: new filter ‘yith_wapo_priority_on_column_default’
  • Dev: new trigger ‘wapo-after-calculate-product-price’
  • Dev: added the raw price data in the ajax method update_totals_with_suffix

4.5.0 – Released on 16 January 2024

  • New: support for WooCommerce 8.5
  • Fix: critical error updating totals
  • Fix: include variation_id on get blocks by product and additional parameters added to add to cart validation
  • Fix: default_sale_price undefined on select option
  • Fix: set negative value if addons price is decrease
  • Dev: changed esc_html() to wp_kses_post() in some add-on labels

4.4.1 – Released on 21 December 2023

  • Fix: fixed price calculation and replace price function

4.4.0 – Released on 19 December 2023

  • New: support for WooCommerce 8.4
  • Update: YITH plugin framework
  • Fix: price calculation with placeholders
  • Fix: print HTML characters
  • Fix: prevent issue with backslashes on block title
  • Fix: replace image path
  • Fix: security issue using serialize() & unserialize() functions
  • Fix: order by priority and block id
  • Fix: calculate the addons tax based on the product
  • Dev: new filter ‘yith_wapo_addon_price’
  • Dev: new localized parameter ‘conditionalDisplayEffect’
  • Dev: deprecated dynamic property – update for PHP 8.2

4.3.1 – Released on 05 December 2023

  • Fix: security issue using serialize() function
  • Fix: product price replacement in product page
  • Fix: show add-on price excluding vat

4.3.0 – Released on 20 November 2023

  • New: support for WordPress 6.4
  • New: support for WooCommerce 8.3
  • New: search by block title and added pagination to the blocks list
  • New: filter by block status and filter by product in the blocks list
  • Update: YITH plugin framework
  • Fix: variation form
  • Dev: new filter ‘yith_wapo_save_addon_settings’
  • Dev: new filter ‘yith_wapo_addon_title_on_editor’
  • Dev: new filter ‘yith_wapo_add_cart_item_data’
  • Dev: new filter ‘yith_wapo_before_print_block’
  • Dev: minor CSS changes

4.2.1 – Released on 25 October 2023

  • Fix: added nonce verification due to security issues

4.2.0 – Released on 03 October 2023

  • New: support for WooCommerce 8.2
  • Update: YITH plugin framework
  • Fix: use mb_substr function instead substr function
  • Fix: fixed dependencies
  • Fix: remove incorrect index when adding file add-ons on product page

4.1.0 – Released on 14 September 2023

  • New: support for WooCommerce 8.1
  • Update: YITH plugin framework

4.0.2 – Released on 31 August 2023

  • Fix: product price selector to replace new prices
  • Fix: non-numeric value on cart
  • Fix: error with redeclared functions
  • Dev: improved CSS grid rules & code refactoring
  • Dev: new filter ‘yith_wapo_option_price_html’
  • Dev: minor CSS changes

4.0.1 – Released on 09 August 2023

  • Fix: added variations for Conditional logic feature

4.0.0 – Released on 01 August 2023

  • New: support for WordPress 6.3
  • New: support for WooCommerce 8.0
  • New: support for WooCommerce block templates
  • New: support for WooCommerce HPOS feature
  • Tweak: blocks table improved
  • Tweak: conditional logic information on selectors
  • Tweak: organization of options for each add-on
  • Tweak: organization of tabs in the add-on editor
  • Tweak: organization of options on Style tab
  • Tweak: option dependencies and coherences
  • Update: YITH plugin framework
  • Update: upload framework field
  • Update: files and folders organization
  • Fix: add-on taxes calculation depending on product price
  • Fix: block is created when no options are set
  • Fix: custom styles not applied correctly
  • Fix: minor bugs
  • Dev: remove switch to version 1.x
  • Dev: applied new panel style
  • Dev: improved performance of the database (new table)
  • Dev: code refactor
  • Dev: CSS changes
  • Dev: new filter ‘yith_wapo_custom_inline_styles’
  • Remove: ‘show block titles in the cart page’ option
  • Remove: unused files and code

2.24.1 – Released on 16 Jul 2023

  • Fix: fatal error “Call to a member function get_price() on bool”

2.24.0 – Released on 16 Jul 2023

  • New: support for WooCommerce 7.9
  • Update: YITH plugin framework
  • Fix: minor bugs

2.23.0 – Released on 27 Jun 2023

  • New: support for WooCommerce 7.8
  • Update: YITH plugin framework
  • Fix: price calculated wrongly on Cart in case of variable product
  • Fix: plugin author name
  • Fix: minor bugs

2.22.0 – Released on 16 May 2023

  • New: support for WooCommerce 7.7
  • Update: YITH plugin framework
  • Fix: prevent error when product doesn’t exists
  • Fix: minor bugs

2.21.0 – Released on 19 Apr 2023

  • New: support for WooCommerce 7.6
  • Update: YITH plugin framework
  • Fix: minor bugs

2.20.0 – Released on 21 Mar 2023

  • New: support for WordPress 6.2
  • New: support for WooCommerce 7.5
  • Update: YITH plugin framework
  • Fix: minor bugs

2.19.0 – Released on 21 Feb 2023

  • New: support for WooCommerce 7.4
  • Update: YITH plugin framework
  • Fix add addons when click on order again button
  • Fix: fixed stripslashes passing array values
  • Fix: minor bugs

2.18.0 – Released on 16 Jan 2023

  • New: support for WooCommerce 7.3
  • Update: YITH plugin framework
  • Fix: prevent see default option for select
  • Fix: minor bugs

2.17.0 – Released on 15 Dec 2022

  • New: support for WooCommerce 7.2
  • Update: YITH plugin framework
  • Fix: keep conditional logic when duplicating blocks
  • Fix: minor bugs

2.16.0 – Released on 15 Nov 2022

  • New: support for WordPress 6.1
  • New: support for WooCommerce 7.1
  • Update: YITH plugin framework
  • Fix: patched security vulnerability
  • Fix: minor bugs

2.15.0 – Released on 13 Oct 2022

  • New: support for WooCommerce 7.0
  • Update: YITH plugin framework
  • Fix: required add-on for Select add-on only
  • Fix: removed required option for add-on type Radios
  • Fix: minor bugs

2.14.0 – Released on 20 Sep 2022

  • New: support for WooCommerce 6.9
  • Update: YITH plugin framework
  • Fix: minor bugs

2.13.0 – Released on 16 Aug 2022

  • New: support for WooCommerce 6.8
  • Update: YITH plugin framework
  • Dev: added required on select options
  • Dev: added JS check for required selector
  • Dev: re-enabled “Limit input characters”
  • Fix: disabled selection type (Single/Multiple) for add-on type Selector
  • Fix: minor bugs

2.12.0 – Released on 18 Jul 2022

  • New: support for WooCommerce 6.7
  • Update: YITH plugin framework
  • Update: plugin name & small changes
  • Fix: help tab
  • Fix: minor bugs

2.11.0 – Released on 22 Jun 2022

  • New: support for WooCommerce 6.6
  • Update: YITH plugin framework
  • Fix: price calculation when price method is free
  • Fix: minor bugs

2.10.0 – Released on 18 May 2022

  • New: support for WordPress 6.0
  • New: support for WooCommerce 6.5
  • Update: YITH plugin framework
  • Fix: calculate price if tax is added
  • Fix: percentage price calculation
  • Fix: minor bugs

2.9.0 – Released on 20 Apr 2022

  • New: support for WooCommerce 6.4
  • Update: YITH plugin framework
  • Dev: new filter ‘yith_wapo_included_products_check’
  • Fix: calculate add-on prices when quantity input changes
  • Fix: minor bugs

2.8.0 – Released on 17 Mar 2022

  • New: support for WooCommerce 6.3
  • Update: YITH plugin framework
  • Dev: added new filter ‘yith_wapo_base_price_cart_data’
  • Fix: translatable string “Select options”
  • Fix: minor bugs

2.7.0 – Released on 16 Feb 2022

  • New: support for WooCommerce 6.2
  • Dev: added new filter ‘yith_wapo_table_hide_total_order’
  • Dev: added new filter ‘yith_wapo_allowed_product_types’
  • Dev: improved image replacement option
  • Fix: addons price calculation after input numbers with value 0
  • Fix: add readonly attribute to date add-ons
  • Fix: avoid counting ‘Select an option’ in Select add-ons as a valid option for the min/max rules
  • Fix: fixed number addon when value is zero
  • Fix: changed the default value with placeholder
  • Fix: apply global accent color to the Product-type add-ons when it is selected
  • Fix: fixed print of addons when a variation is selected ( also for Quick View integration )
  • Fix: hide prices on cart if value is zero
  • Fix: default grid value for free version
  • Fix: minor bugs

2.6.0 – Released on 03 Feb 2022

  • New: support for WordPress 5.9
  • New: added functionality to rearrange addon options
  • Update: YITH plugin framework
  • Dev: exclude addons from grouped products
  • Dev: added a new function to get the label of the addon option
  • Dev: added vendor url in the blocks table
  • Fix: show add-on price in cart when ‘yith_wapo_show_options_grouped_in_cart’ filter is applied
  • Fix: fixed undefined variable on date rules
  • Fix: fixed show image option
  • Fix: fixed prices on product page with taxes
  • Fix: calculate addon price when writing in a input text
  • Fix: fixed “Hide options in the order email” option
  • Fix: deprecated function is_ajax(), instead using wp_doing_ajax()
  • Fix: changed JS variables to enqueue_script function
  • Fix: fixed multi vendor integration when saving the vendor id
  • Fix: hide help tab for Vendors
  • Fix: minor bugs

2.5.0 – Released on 18 Jan 2022

  • New: support for WooCommerce 6.1
  • Update: YITH plugin framework
  • Dev: show alt text image when you show image on addons
  • Dev: filter yith_wapo_admin_after_addon_title
  • Dev: new filter ‘yith_wapo_block_classes’
  • Fix: avoid unexpected value type for separator color variable
  • Fix: fixed error displayed when there isn’t an exactly match of numbers
  • Fix: hide “Base price” message in cart if product has no add-ons
  • Fix: fixed addons prices depending on tax configuration
  • Fix: fixed deposit calculation on cart
  • Fix: price calculation for each addon
  • Fix: show addons in the variations when a variable product is selected
  • Fix: calculate total price when event is onkeyup on input type number of number addons
  • Fix: fixed price with percentage price type
  • Fix: minor bugs

2.4.0 – Released on 19 Dec 2021

  • New: support for WooCommerce 6.0
  • New: option to show/hide block titles in the cart page
  • Update: YITH plugin framework
  • Dev: override feature for addon templates
  • Dev: override feature for block.php template
  • Dev: moved the addon description inside the .options element
  • Dev: changed the toggle icon
  • Dev: add price display suffix to total price table
  • Dev: added html element to checkbox template
  • Fix: compatibility with quick view and min/max rules
  • Fix: product bundles integration
  • Fix: clear option description when “Select an option” is selected
  • Fix: price calculation if qty is not grater than 0
  • Fix: Check that the cart item price is numeric
  • Fix: compatibility with WPML
  • Fix: additional check to avoid error checking if product has blocks
  • Fix: addons main title and description with WPML
  • Fix: missing jQuery images
  • Fix: Improved required error for checkbox and radio buttons
  • Fix: min/max feature
  • Fix: “select” class in radio options
  • Fix: fatal error on “Call to a member function get_category_ids() on bool”
  • Fix: fixed display suffix to the total price table
  • Fix: avoid error when the product addon type has a product removed on the site
  • Fix: fixed CSS rules for images of select addon
  • Fix: minor bugs

2.3.0 – Released on 18 Nov 2021

  • New: support for WooCommerce 5.9
  • Update: YITH plugin framework
  • Dev: added classes to the labels of radio template
  • Dev: product price multiplication by qty in single product page
  • Dev: added new filter “yith_wapo_addon_classes”
  • Dev: allow the exclusion of products when the category filter is active
  • Dev: re-enabled the addon description
  • Fix: WPML compatibility
  • Fix: price calculation on hidden options
  • Fix: toggle feature
  • Fix: fixed the information displaying in the block list after the migration
  • Fix: fixed tooltip color warning if it doesn’t exists
  • Fix: tooltip and image replacement compatibility with custom themes
  • Fix: avoid show addons in components of YITH Composite Products
  • Fix: hide add-on price when the amount is zero
  • Fix: compatibility with YITH Multi Vendors
  • Fix: replace price was affecting to related products
  • Fix: subtotal price duplicated in Product Bundles
  • Fix: .change() is not a function (for Divi theme)
  • Fix: ajax add to cart feature
  • Fix: price calculation for hidden options
  • Fix: js code for role based plugin
  • Fix: added media queries to avoid hover rules in mobile devices
  • Fix: replace product image not working for checkboxes
  • Fix: v1 gallery variation of color and labels

2.2.7 – Released on 25 Oct 2021

  • Update: YITH plugin framework
  • Dev: re-enabled the images and descriptions of the “Select” addons
  • Dev: hide add-ons price if value is 0
  • Fix: required hidden options
  • Fix: price not showing on emails when empty or 0
  • Fix: option images don’t show in “Select” add-ons (v1)
  • Fix: HTML code in add-ons description (v1)
  • Fix: product attributes description
  • Fix: switch version problems
  • Fix: minor bugs

2.2.6 – Released on 15 Oct 2021

  • Update: YITH plugin framework
  • Fix: custom add-on style in frontend not working
  • Fix: fixed price of addons with empty price
  • Fix: description of addons doesn’t accept html tags
  • Fix: addon price when value is empty or 0 (only on variable products)
  • Fix: minor bugs

2.2.5 – Released on 13 Oct 2021

  • Update: YITH plugin framework
  • Fix: images in migration process
  • Fix: no addons in order details
  • Fix: fixed “Hide options images” on individual add-ons
  • Fix: addons not displayed to cart if Label is empty
  • Fix: max-length attribute not work (v1)
  • Fix: minor bugs

2.2.4 – Released on 12 Oct 2021

  • Update: YITH plugin framework
  • Fix: saving groups
  • Fix: saving addons
  • Fix: minor bugs

2.2.3 – Released on 09 Oct 2021

  • Fix: XSS vulnerabilities

2.2.2 – Released on 08 Oct 2021

  • Update: YITH plugin framework
  • Fix: XSS vulnerabilities
  • Fix: replacement image problem
  • Fix: text and textarea max length
  • Fix: selected options not visible
  • Fix: add to cart button layout
  • Fix: value of addons of type “select” to the cart
  • Fix: variations tab in product editor
  • Fix: minor bugs

2.2.1 – Released on 30 Sep 2021

  • Update: YITH plugin framework
  • Fix: fixed “Add options” button to open the options popup
  • Fix: image replacement
  • Fix: minor bugs

2.2.0 – Released on 28 Sep 2021

  • New: support for WooCommerce 5.8
  • New: help tab in admin panel
  • Update: italian and spanish translation
  • Update: YITH plugin framework
  • Fix: grid tooltip position
  • Fix: integration with role based prices
  • Fix: debug info feature removed for all logged in users
  • Fix: minor bugs

2.1.0 – Released on 14 Sep 2021

  • New: Support for WooCommerce 5.7
  • Update: YITH plugin framework
  • Dev: Scroll on top feature if an option is required
  • Fix: Product page variation price
  • Fix: Min/max feature with request a quote form
  • Fix: Required hidden fields submit
  • Fix: Currency Switcher calculation
  • Fix: Add-ons with no labels in WC order
  • Fix: Toggle feature with “No title”
  • Fix: Replace image reset
  • Fix: XSS vulnerability
  • Fix: Minor bugs

2.0.7 – Released on 30 Aug 2021

  • Update: YITH plugin framework
  • Fix: Min/max checking for radio type
  • Fix: Min/max checking for select type
  • Fix: Error related variations in addons type product
  • Fix: YITH_WAPO_SECRET_KEY constant

2.0.6 – Released on 27 Aug 2021

  • Update: YITH plugin framework
  • Dev: New filter “yith_wapo_replace_product_price_class”
  • Dev: New filter “yith_wapo_show_options_grouped_in_cart”
  • Fix: Flatsome theme layout in product page
  • Fix: Undefined constant error
  • Fix: Colon of the add-on label in cart, checkout and order view
  • Fix: Required option in select type
  • Fix: Min/max add to cart problem
  • Fix: HTML addons name in backend
  • Fix: “Disable globals” option
  • Fix: Currency position
  • Fix: Minor bugs – Released on 26 Aug 2021

  • Fix: Undefined constant YITH_WAPO_SECRET_KEY error – Released on 24 Aug 2021


2.0.5 – Released on 23 Aug 2021

  • New: Support for WooCommerce 5.6
  • Fix: First select option not added to cart
  • Fix: First installation version check
  • Fix: Removed error_log
  • Fix: Minor bugs

2.0.4 – Released on 17 Aug 2021

  • Fix: Multi Vendor integration
  • Fix: DB tables creation
  • Fix: Minor bugs

2.0.3 – Released on 02 Aug 2021

  • New: Hooks before and after addons list
  • Update: IT, ES & FR Translations
  • Update: YITH plugin framework
  • Dev: Improved replacement image feature
  • Fix: Taxes calculation
  • Fix: Number of decimals in total price table
  • Fix: Backend overlay layout problem
  • Fix: Total price number format
  • Fix: Price calculation of single label options
  • Fix: Included categories problem
  • Fix: JS “ajaxurl” variable error
  • Fix: Various JS errors
  • Fix: Minor bugs

2.0.2 – Released on 20 Jul 2021

  • New: Support for WordPress 5.8
  • Update: IT & ES Translations
  • Fix: Currency position in total table
  • Fix: Required files style
  • Fix: Ajax error
  • Fix: Minor bugs

2.0.1 – Released on 06 Jul 2021

  • New: Support for WooCommerce 5.5
  • Update: IT translation
  • Update: ES translation
  • Update: YITH plugin framework
  • Fix: Conditional logic notice
  • Fix: Fatal error in blocks list
  • Fix: Migration function
  • Fix: Minor bugs

2.0.0 – Released on 01 Jul 2021

  • New: Plugin UI/UX restyling
  • New: Conditional Logic system
  • New: “Product” addon type
  • New: “Color Swatch” addon features
  • New: “Date” addon features & settings
  • New: HTML elements for product page
  • New: Layout & grid settings
  • New: Automatic upgrade procedure
  • New: Cart & Order settings
  • New: Style settings
  • Update: YITH plugin framework
  • Tweak: major code refactoring

1.5.39 – Released on 18 Jun 2021

  • New: Support for WooCommerce 5.4
  • Update: YITH plugin framework
  • Fix: Minor bugs

1.5.38 – Released on 20 May 2021

  • New: Support for WooCommerce 5.3
  • Update: YITH plugin framework
  • Dev: New filter “yith_wapo_get_item_data”
  • Dev: New action “yith_wapo_get_total_by_add_ons_list”
  • Fix: Minor bugs

1.5.37 – Released on 13 April 2021

  • New: Support for WooCommerce 5.2
  • Update: YITH plugin framework
  • Fix: Attributes in order info
  • Fix: Minor bugs

1.5.36 – Released on 12 March 2021

  • New: Support for WordPress 5.7
  • New: Support for WooCommerce 5.1
  • Update: YITH plugin framework
  • Fix: Minor bugs

1.5.35 – Released on 09 February 2021

  • New: Support for WooCommerce 5.0
  • Update: YITH plugin framework
  • Fix: Minor bugs

1.5.34 – Released on 20 January 2021

  • New: Support for WooCommerce 4.9
  • Update: YITH plugin framework
  • Fix: Minor bugs

1.5.33 – Released on 21 December 2020

  • New: Support for WordPress 5.6
  • New: Support for WooCommerce 4.8
  • Update: YITH plugin framework
  • Fix: Minor bugs

1.5.32 – Released on 11 November 2020

  • New: Support for WooCommerce 4.7
  • Update: YITH plugin framework
  • Fix: Select description if checked
  • Fix: Minor bugs

1.5.31 – Released on 14 October 2020

  • New: Support for WooCommerce 4.6
  • New: Hide option feature
  • New: Auto Update feature
  • Update: YITH plugin framework
  • Fix: First X options free for multiple labels
  • Fix: Admin checkbox problems
  • Fix: WPML categories
  • Fix: Colorpicker error
  • Fix: Wrong filter name
  • Fix: Minor bugs – Released on 12 December 2019

  • Update: YIT Plugin Framework
  • Fix: Removed YITH_REFER_ID
  • Fix: Minor bugs – Released on 29 November 2019

  • Update: YIT Plugin Framework
  • Fix: Minor bugs – Released on 05 November 2019

  • Update: YIT Plugin Framework
  • Fix: Minor bugs

1.5.23 – Released on 30 October 2019

  • New: WordPress 5.3 support
  • New: WooCommerce 3.8 support
  • Update: YIT Plugin Framework
  • Fix: Minor bugs

1.5.21 – Released on 12 August 2019

  • New: WooCommerce 3.7 support
  • New: 7up themes compatibility
  • Update: YIT Plugin Framework
  • Fix: Keypress problem
  • Fix: AND operator
  • Fix: All add-ons collapses by default
  • Fix: Minor bugs

1.5.20 – Released on 27 June 2019

  • New: WC Embed Product support
  • New: Replace image method for Divi theme
  • New: Option to disable the “labels” features
  • New: Option to enable again the “add to cart” feature in loop
  • New: Alternate collapse feature
  • Update: YIT Plugin Framework 3.3.5
  • Fix: WooCommerce attribute name conflict
  • Fix: Cart numeric price error
  • Fix: File validation with Request a Quote plugin
  • Fix: Options position
  • Fix: First X free options feature
  • Fix: Replacing image size
  • Fix: jQuery UI filter
  • Fix: QuickView Pro support
  • Fix: Minor bugs

1.5.19 – Released on 28 May 2019

  • New: WordPress 5.2 support
  • Update: Italian language
  • Update: YIT Plugin Framework 3.2.1
  • Fix: Calculate quantity by values amount
  • Fix: Request a Quote error message
  • Fix: Undefined offset notice
  • Fix: Minor bugs

1.5.18 – Released on 11 April 2019

  • New: WordPress 5.1 support
  • New: WooCommerce 3.6 support
  • New: WooCommerce bundle products support
  • New: Filter to change the add-ons title HTML tag
  • New: Scroll product page when required options are not selected
  • New: “Replace Image” method sent by the customer Paul McWalters
  • Update: YIT Plugin Framework 3.1.28
  • Dev: Tax included string
  • Fix: Collapsed feature in Quick View
  • Fix: Add-ons negative percentage values and variations
  • Fix: Missing description-field.php template notice
  • Fix: Image replacement
  • Fix: Options images size
  • Fix: Minor bugs

1.5.17 – Released on 20 February 2019

  • New: TheGem theme support
  • Tweak: Add-ons panel loading speed optimization
  • Update: YITH plugin framework 3.1.21
  • Fix: Missing variation-gallery.php template
  • Fix: Grouped products support
  • Fix: Minor bugs

1.5.16 – Released on 28 January 2019

  • New: WooCommerce Currency Switcher support
  • Update: Language file
  • Update: YIT Plugin Framework 3.1.15
  • Dev: Allow external plugins to save custom options array
  • Fix: Composite Product component variation price reset
  • Fix: Required options
  • Fix: Admin menu
  • Fix: Minor bugs

1.5.15 – Released on 5 December 2018

  • New: WordPress 5.0 support
  • New: Plugin options to enable compatibiliy
  • Dev: Improved Woo Layout Injector support
  • Fix: Minor bugs

1.5.14 – Released on 5 December 2018

  • New: Divi theme support
  • New: Woo Layout Injector plugin support
  • Update: All .po files
  • Update: YIT Plugin Framework 3.1.5
  • Dev: Improved WPML support with required variations
  • Fix: Number add-ons “min” value problem
  • Fix: Variations and attributes disappear after saving
  • Fix: Minor bugs

1.5.13 – Released on 7 November 2018

  • New: Alternative “Replace Image” method for non standard themes support
  • Update: YIT Plugin Framework 3.0.35
  • Update: Dutch language
  • Fix: Elementor support
  • Fix: Deprecated .size() method of jQuery 1.8
  • Fix: Quick View
  • Fix: Minor bugs

1.5.12 – Released on 23 October 2018

  • Update: YIT Plugin Framework 3.0.27
  • Fix: Required options
  • Fix: Minor bugs

1.5.11 – Released on 18 October 2018

  • New: WordPress 4.9.8 support
  • New: WooCommerce 3.5 support
  • Update: YIT Plugin Framework 3.0.24
  • Dev: New “wapo_print_option_price” filter
  • Fix: Hide Label option in add-ons type “labels” and “multi labels”
  • Fix: Required “select” add-ons
  • Fix: Add-on types in “new” form
  • Fix: Minor bugs

1.5.10 – Released on 28 September 2018

  • New: Portuguese translation
  • Fix: Table columns in ThickBox
  • Fix: Undefined variable “collapsed”

1.5.9 – Released on 25 September 2018

  • Fix: Fatal error adding to cart a gift card product
  • Dev: Double price in percentage amount
  • Update: YIT Plugin Framework 3.0.23
  • Update: Language files
  • Fix: Missing options problem
  • Fix: Minor bugs

1.5.8 – Released on 14 September 2018

  • Fix: Activation function
  • Fix: Free version compatibility
  • Fix: Minor bugs

1.5.7 – Released on 6 September 2018

  • New: German translation
  • Tweak: Improved Multi Vendor compatibility
  • Update: YIT Plugin Framework 3.0.21
  • Fix: Avoid undefined “first_options_free_container” variable
  • Fix: Add-ons position in variable products
  • Fix: Required single textarea
  • Fix: Strings translation bug
  • Fix: Vendor in group settings
  • Fix: Data js error
  • Fix: Minor bugs

1.5.6 – Released on 17 August 2018

  • New: “First X options free” feature
  • New: “Hide Label” setting for add-on options
  • New: Support to “Variable subscription” products
  • Update: YIT Plugin Framework 3.0.20
  • Tweak: Improved WPML compatibility
  • Fix: Add-ons position in variable products
  • Fix: Vendor settings in groups
  • Fix: Show Options shortcode
  • Fix: Main image replacement
  • Fix: Filter to disable the plugin init
  • Fix: Groups categories with WPML
  • Fix: Minor bugs

1.5.5 – Released on 22 June 2018

  • New: Option to enable/disable general “collapse” feature
  • New: Option to collapse each single add-on
  • Dev: New filter to disable the plugin init
  • Dev: New filter to disable the jQuery UI loading
  • Dev: New filter to hide add-ons group container
  • Dev: New filter “yith_wapo_show_group_container”
  • Update: Dutch language file
  • Fix: Check for catalog mode hiding price
  • Fix: Fatal error after update
  • Fix: Minor bugs

1.5.4 – Released on 24 May 2018

  • New: WordPress 4.9.6 support
  • New: WooCommerce 3.4 support
  • New: Support to GDPR compliance
  • New: Privacy class
  • Update: Spanish translation


  • Version: 4.12.0
  • Active installations: 10,000
  • WordPress Version: 6.4
  • Tested up to: 6.6.1
  • PHP Version: 7.4


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