Create and customize your popup windows using templates carefully designed by YITH.
Popups are a powerful tool to catch your users’ attention: direct and customizable, with YITH WooCommerce Popup you will be able to use them in the best way to accomplish your achievements.
Add them in every page you want, using a template you can customize freely: create the best popup window for your needs, and add a message, a newsletter form or the products of your own shop.
Plugin’s features:
If you have any suggestions concerning how to improve YITH WooCommerce Popup, you can write to us, so that we can improve YITH WooCommerce Popup.
Important: First of all, you have to download and activate WooCommerce plugin, which is mandatory for YITH WooCommerce Popup to be working.
directory of your WordPress site.YITH WooCommerce Popup
from Plugins page.YITH WooCommerce Popup will add a new tab called “Popup” in “YITH” menu item. There, you will find all YITH plugins with quick access to plugin setting page.
Recently YITH WooCommerce Popup has been selected to be included in the “” translate programme.
In order to import correctly the plugin strings in the new system, we had to change the text domain form ‘ypop’ to ‘yith-woocommerce-popup’.
Once the plugin will be imported in the system, the translations of other languages will be downloaded directly from WordPress, without using any .po and .mo files. Moreover, users will be able to participate in a more direct way to plugin translations, suggesting texts in their languages in the dedicated tab on
During this transition step, .po and .mo files will be used as always, but in order to be recognized by WordPress, they will need to have a new nomenclature, renaming them in:
Initial release