This plugin provides the function to create a set of questions to answer with "yes / no (/or other)". Yes/Noチャートを作れるプラグインです。
This plugin provides the function to create a set of questions to answer with “yes / no (/or other)”.
Requires PHP: 5.5
The guide is here. ガイドはこちらです
This plug-in makes several pages and data base tables automatically.
Donwload plugin zip file.
Upload plugin file from Administrator menu “Plugins > Add New > Upload Plugin”.
管理画面「プラグイン > 新規追加 > プラグインのアップロード」からプラグインファイルをアップロードします
Activate the plugin.
Open a menu “Yes / No: Question Set”.
“Question Set” is a group that brings together questions.
メニュー「Yes/No: 設問セット」を開きます。
Insert the name of new question set in the top line, and “Update”.
When it is added, open “Add Question”.
Enter the question contents.
You can choose “Question (with branch)” and “Result (No branch)”.
You can edit the question from list of “Questions”.
Select a “Branch” from the questions in the same set.
You can set up to 10 branches “Yes, No” and others.
A question without “Branch” is used as “result” and it is a end point.
After setting all, Insert short-code on any page.
List of "Question Set": 設問セットのリスト
List of "Questions" belonging to the set: セット内の設問のリスト
Form for adding new "Question": 設問を追加するフォーム
Adding new question as a "Result": 「結果」として設問を追加
Select a "Branch" from the questions in the same set: 同じセットの設問から分岐先を選択
You can set up to 10 branches "Yes, No" and others: 分岐先は「はい・いいえ」など10個まで設定可能
After setting all, Insert short-code on any page: 設定が済んだら任意のページにショートコードを挿入
It will start with the first question: 最初の設問から開始
A question without "Branch" is used as "result" and it is a end point: 分岐のない設問は「結果(終点)」です
If you make a "Branch" to the first question, it is "Once again": 最初の質問への分岐を作ると「もう1度」です
If you want the “Editor” role to also set the question, add the following code to the theme “functions.php”.
“編集者”権限でも設問を設定させる場合は、お使いのテーマの”functions.php” に次のようにコードを追加してください。
add_filter('yesno_allow_menu', 'my_menu_role',99 ); function my_menu_role( $args ){ return 'edit_pages'; } add_filter('yesno_allow_generate', 'my_generate_role', 99 ); function my_generate_role( $args ){ return current_user_can('edit_pages'); }
* See the document on roles.