XTRA Settings
fures By fures

October 20, 2022

XTRA Settings Plugin

XTRA adds 40+ hidden settings, tweaks and options to tailor your wordpress website in a clean format and super-light weight.

XTRA adds 40+ hidden settings, tweaks and options to tailor your wordpress website in a clean format and super-light weight. The plugin uses WP actions, filters, the .htaccess file and the wp-config.php file for setting options. This plugin also includes a manual Database backup, cleanup and optimization tool to make your wordpress website lighter and faster. Also included are Related Posts, Share Buttons, WP Auto-Update, Maintenance Mode and Debug Mode with easy switches. Image compression organized in bulk ajax batches for fast speed and convenience.


  • Security – Server hardening, WP Security settings, disable xml-rpc and all feeds
  • Speed – Compression, Cache, Memory and Minifier
  • SEO – settings and JavaScript Defer and Footer
  • Social – settings and Share Buttons, 2 blocks, 6 positions
  • WP Settings – Admin, WP mods, Cron, Maintenance and Debug modes
  • Update – auto-update core, themes, selected plugins, translations
  • Hits Counter – simple, slim, usable
  • Post settings – Related Posts, Revisions, Content changes
  • Database – Backup, Cleanup and Optimize
  • Cron Jobs – check and delete
  • Plugins – temporarily mute
  • Images – bulk image compression, maximum size, regenerate thumbs


  1. Install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly or upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/xtra-settings directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress Admin.


  1. <strong>XTRA Settings Security screen</strong>

    XTRA Settings Security screen

  2. <strong>XTRA Settings Database Cleanup and Optimize screen</strong>

    XTRA Settings Database Cleanup and Optimize screen

  3. <strong>XTRA Settings Speed screen</strong>

    XTRA Settings Speed screen

  4. <strong>XTRA Settings WP Settings screen</strong>

    XTRA Settings WP Settings screen

  5. <strong>XTRA Settings Posts and Content screen</strong>

    XTRA Settings Posts and Content screen

  6. <strong>XTRA Settings WP Modes screen</strong>

    XTRA Settings WP Modes screen


  • Please make a backup of your .htaccess and wp-config.php files.
  • Some options don’t work if your .htaccess and wp-config.php files are not writable.
  • Plugin deactivation restores all WP settings.
  • Plugin delete makes a complete clean-up of all XTRA settings.



  • Fixed Website under Maintenance error at xtra-settings/xtra.php:3499 with mb_strrpos()


  • Compatibility with WP 6.0


  • Compatibility with WP 5.8


  • Compatibility with WP 5.7
  • Tweaked Restore options form: asking if include the Hit Counter data


  • Compatibility with WP 5.6
  • Added Backup and Restore of all your current settings – in a right side box
  • Added Remove Admin Notices – at 16.7
  • Added Delete selected images
  • Fixed some PHP 8+ warnings and notices – hopefully
  • Fixed geoip URL to https://freegeoip.app/json/
  • Tweaked to not create empty wp-config if not exists
  • Tweaked initial settings to show colors, numbers and hits chart


  • Fixed some more PHP 7+ notices


  • Compatibility with WP 5.5
  • Added Themes Auto-Update exclude list


  • Fixed Hit Counter notification email sending multiple times


  • Removed most details from Hits Counter notification email to decrease spam rating
  • Added option to still enable all details in Hits Counter notification email
  • Removed custom send time from Hits Counter notification email. Mail send is at day-change: midnight by server time.


  • Fixed Hits Counter analytics for Countries, IPs and Pages showing 0
  • Fixed Hits Counter analytics links for Pages
  • Remove onclicks from Hits Counter notification emails
  • Remove date_default_timezone_set as it interferes with WP Site Health check


  • Fixed htaccess redundant comments
  • Fixed some more PHP 7+ notices
  • Export DB Tables function source reference is corrected based on ttodua’s request


  • Compatibility with WP 5.4
  • Fixed deprecated create_function PHP 7+ warnings
  • Fixed exif_read_data PHP 7+ warnings
  • Fixed PHP 7+ warnings and majority of notices (none on my system)
  • Fixed some css for xsmall and restore buttons
  • Fixed position of lightbulb icon on the admin bar


  • Compatibility with WP 5.3
  • Fixed javascript exclude at Open all external links in new tab


  • Fixed Hits Counter daily mail sent multiple times
  • Added Icon spacing for Social Share icons
  • Added require authentication for REST API requests
  • Added Disable Self Pingback


  • Fixed Hits Counter daily mail sent multiple times
  • Fixed Start Auto-Update Check button
  • Tweaked Social Share icons zooming method


  • Compatibility with WP 5.2
  • Fixed Hits Counter daily mail sent multiple times
  • Fixed wrong share button links caused by output buffer order


  • Compatibility with WP 5.1
  • Fixed Hits Counter daily mail sent twice
  • Fixed Export Database header already started warning in some rare cases


  • Fixed placement of Facebook SDK into wp-footer
  • Fixed php warning: A non-numeric value encountered in
    /plugins/xtra-settings/xtra.php on line 1066
  • Tweaked php error reporting by disabling display of php warnings


  • Fixed placement of Facebook SDK root div on singular pages


  • Compatibility with WP 5.0


  • Fixed warning in freegeoip.net calls in case the call is forbidden


  • Tweaked Add self-link to all uploaded images in posts by linking to full size image


  • Fixed some bugs


  • Fixed a very insidious bug in Shorten the Title in post-lists
  • Added Add time() as query string if Debug Mode is ON (this ensures instant refresh in development stage)
  • Fixed is_customize_preview() not returning good results
  • Fixed Remove query strings: only from script and css filenames (.js, .css)


  • Added hide shortcode if not used for Social Share Buttons and Related Posts
  • Fixed shortcode bug at Related Posts
  • Fixed some css and positioning for Social Share Buttons and Related Posts


  • Added Disable Comments globally into WP Settings WordPress Mods
  • Added inline-block option for Social Share Buttons header
  • Fixed some css and positioning for Social Share Buttons


  • Fixed warnings of in_array() in xtra.php on line 1892
  • Tweaked html places for Share Buttons and Related Posts


  • Fixed a bug at 17.5 Auto-Resize Image Uploads


  • Tweaked Images to show current quality ratio for JPGs
  • Tweaked Hit Counter’s User Agent analysis to improve mobile device recognition in Hit Log
  • Added SEO add meta tags options separated as Description, Keywords and Robots
  • Added Shortcodes selector in editor (25.7)
  • Tweaked some code and reordered own options panel


  • Tweaked some js localisation in admin-search.js
  • Fixed a page link in Hit Counter if WP is not in the root folder
  • Tweaked adding FeedBurner into Google group in Hit Counter
  • Added new sub-options to Exclude from count & Don’t log in Hit Counter
  • Removed deprecated Enable WordPress Cache option (6.1)


  • Fixed some translation related bugs in js
  • Fixed a text bug in Memory and PHP Execution values (7.1, 7.2)
  • Tweaked some script texts for localisation


  • Fixed a translation related bug


  • Added Top Countries, Top IPs and Top Pages tabs (23.4, 23.5, 23.6) to Hit Counter
  • Tweaked Require a Featured Image (26.1) action priority
  • Tweaked Related Posts by adding category filter (in 24.1)
  • Added Don’t mix categories (24.4) to Related Post
  • Added 2nd Share Buttons block (15)
  • Added 2 new shapes to Share Buttons blocks (14.2, 15.2)
  • Added Facebook native Like button to Share Buttons blocks (14.3, 15.3)
  • Added a new position (after title) in Share Buttons and Related Posts (14.3, 15.3, 24.2)
  • Tweaked Share buttons settings by adding category filter (in 14.1 and 15.1)
  • Added translation-ready outputs
  • Tweaked css for small screens


  • Fixed Change default WP email Sender Address
  • Tweaked xtra_options_save action priority at shutdown
  • Tweaked get_optionXTRA function against isset function anomalies on global arrays
  • Tweaked name space and names in CSS files
  • Tweaked and reorganized admin settings include
  • Tweaked tab design
  • Added text domain xtra-settings for getting closer to translation-ready
  • Added option numbers for better reference with option to show/hide
  • Added disable option for showing colors
  • Added disable option for showing right side boxes
  • Added option to put own XTRA plugin settings on a tab
  • Added optional sticky tab when scrolling


  • Fixed code of Allow PHP in text widgets


  • Fixed extract_from_markers function bug in WP 4.9
  • Tested with WordPress 4.9


  • Tweaked Mute/Un-Mute Plugins, added some explanations
  • Tweaked xtra js and css loading in admin area


  • Tweaked css for light and vertical formats
  • Fixed icon usage in Hit List


  • Added Mute/Un-Mute Plugins: i.e. silently disable plugins without actual deactivation
  • Tweaked option filter javascript regex for highlighting
  • Added DB Tables view linked from the Site Info box


  • Added Block access by Targeted Page
  • Tweaked Block access: Admin pages are not allowed to block to avoid suicide
  • Tweaked Block access: block_visitors.php is added that you can rename in case of accidental self-block
  • Fixed Hide Admin Toolbar fatal error for get_plugins function (not being auto included on front-end by WP)
  • Tweaked user capabilities instead of roles (roles are not being reliable as per WP documentation)
  • Tweaked further restrict XTRA Settings: even the page view is only for admins
  • Tweaked Extend WordPress Search to include taxonomy descriptions (not only names)


  • Tweaked plugin data storage into one option array instead of more than 100 option variables


  • Fixed mu-plugins directory missing error


  • Added WP-Options abandoned orphan option search and delete in XTRA settings box
  • Added type icons to Hit Counter hit list
  • Added separate page for Hit Counter all hit list with filters
  • Tweaked filters for Hit Counter hit list
  • Fixed execution time measurement for geoIP and host lookup array handling
  • Fixed to long floating numbers in execution time measurement array


  • Added execution time measurement for geoIP and host lookup in Hits Counter options
  • Fixed Cron jobs delete failure
  • Fixed the alternative position Hit Counter with js tabs and filter in hit list


  • Added Disable WP Heartbeat with optional exception for post/page editor pages
  • Tweaked Hit Counter with js tabs and filter in hit list
  • Fixed Hit Counter email next date display
  • Fixed Hit Counter email title language
  • Fixed some PHP notices
  • Tweaked include ajax.php only when admin-ajax called


  • Tweaked Hit Counter hit list to optionally show also skipped hits (with reason for skipping)
  • Added user names in hits for logged in users
  • Tweaked Hit Counter email send with optional time for sending


  • Added optional light-weight GeoIP info for Hits Counter
  • Added Apache Cache expiration days option
  • Applied name space in css to avoid conflicts
  • Added JS box resizing for the admin page


  • Tweaked Hit Counter exclude strings
  • Added Redirect bad bots by substrings
  • Added option to use/or not the slow gethostbyaddr php function for host name lookup
  • Added Restore Default buttons for each input field
  • Fixed missing array indexes from _SERVER


  • Fixed Hit Counter exclude strings bug


  • Fixed Hit Counter day-change bug
  • Tweaked Hit Counter to show detailed Hits and/or IPs
  • Removed Wonderslider plugin bug fix


  • Added Regenerate Thumbnails & Image Sizes in Images tab
  • Added Hits Counter exclude list for user-agent, remote server and IP substrings
  • Tweaked Redirect some bots to referring URL code: deprecated previous function
  • Tweaked Block external POST code: deprecated previous function
  • Fixed time zone setting in xtra.php
  • Fixed Hit Counter action hook to shutdown


  • Added Hide Notification for Excluded Plugins
  • Tweaked Hit Counter functions
  • Added Add XTRA Hit Counter Dashboard Widget
  • Added Add XTRA Menu to Admin Bar


  • Added Search (filter) for options on the top
  • Added Hits Chart with Google Charts API
  • Tweaked optional tab settings


  • Added Simple Hit Counter in XTRA options box with daily stats email sending
  • Tweaked Bulk Image Compression and Resize with memory usage monitoring and restart if needed
  • Fixed a bug in Debug mode


  • Tweaked Add alt tag to images: take title if set
  • Fixed Social Share Buttons wrong url when using Related Posts


  • Added Extend WordPress Search: Search not only in title and post content, but also in tags, categories and comments
  • Added Highlight Search Results
  • Added Shorten the Title in non-singular views
  • Tweaked Open ALL links in a new tab code


  • Added disable wpautop globally
  • Added thumbnails in posts admin list
  • Added column shortcodes
  • Fixed deactivate function call
  • Fixed admin message show
  • Fixed bulk image compression ajax error handling
  • Added Harden your HTTP response header including Protect against XSS attacks, Page-Framing, Click-Jacking and Content-Sniffing in one option
  • Added Disable WP Cron


  • Added Ajax Bulk Image Compression methods with image backup and restore
  • Added Auto-Resize large image upload to maximum width and height
  • Tweaked Protect From Malicious URL Requests: including HTTP_USER_AGENT libwww, Wget, EmailSiphon, EmailWolf
  • Tweaked php output buffer handling to increase code speed
  • Tweaked JS and CSS position in the footer and defer parsing
  • Tweaked regexp for add self-link, share buttons and related posts positioning


  • Added Highlight Post Color by Status
  • Added Defer parsing of all JavaScript in the SEO tab
  • Added Move all JavaScript to the footer in the SEO tab
  • Added Light View and Vertical Tabs in Xtra Plugin Settings
  • Tweaked UI with sticky selected tabs
  • Removed block URL longer than 255 from malicious requests in Security tab


  • Fixed Share Buttons and Related Posts after article position


  • Include section dashicons to make recognition easier
  • Some tweaks on Share Buttons and Related Posts positioning
  • Tweaked the gui to clear design and improve readability


  • Added Related Posts feature with options in Posts tab
  • Fixed Cron job removal
  • Tweaked meta keywords on non-tagged pages
  • Tweaked show share buttons with [xtra_share_buttons] shortcode
  • Tweaked the HTML Minifier code working with inline img codes (e.g. Ploylang flags)


  • Added Check Auto-Update Now trigger button
  • Added Plugins Auto-Update exclude list
  • Added Remove double title meta tag in SEO
  • Fixed readme bug in Upgrade Notice
  • Fixed SEO bug adding head meta and OG tags
  • Tweaked Add self-link to all uploaded images
  • Tweaked the HTML Minifier code to be more reliable


  • Tweak Open All Links in New Tab and Image Self Link regexes
  • Tweak plugin deactivation method
  • Tweak getting post image as thumbnail or 1st attachment or 1st in-post image
  • Removed the tab called All
  • Added color codes for tabs
  • Added HTML Minifier


  • Added X-Header Apache security settings to protect 3 attack types
  • Finetuned Apache server settings for Compression and Caching
  • Separate Apache server settings in case you have a different web server


  • Fixed Social share buttons not just on posts, also on pages


  • Added Social tab
  • Added 8 Social share buttons in the Social tab
  • Added Facebook JS SDK block option
  • Added Redirect Attachments to their Parent Post
  • Repositioned 2 redirect settings into the SEO tab


  • Added Cron Jobs management
  • Added SEO tab
  • Added Facebook OG tags and Twitter cards in HTML head using post title, excerpt and thumbnail image
  • Remove Plugins Information – did not add extra value
  • Optimized tabs: put all WP settings into one tab


  • Tabbed user interface
  • Added Maintenance mode and Plugins Information


  • Redesigned user interface
  • Added Database Backup, Cleanup and Optimize features


  • Added WordPress Debug mode settings
  • Added WordPress Auto-Update settings


  • Initial version


  • Version: 2.1.8
  • Active installations: 70
  • WordPress Version: 3.7
  • Tested up to: 6.0.9


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