Xavin's List Subpages

September 11, 2008

Xavin's List Subpages Plugin

Adds a tag that you can use in your pages to display a list of it's subpages.

This plugin adds the ability to put a tag in your page entry and have it display a list of pages. By deafult it will
show the subpages of the page that it is on, but it will accept any of the options the
wp_list_pages template tag
will except title_li and echo. It is very simple to use, just put [xls] in the entry for your page where you want the list to appear.

There is one option in addition to the wp_list_pages ones. Specifying a css_class will override the default of
xls_list for the class of the surrounding ul.

It supports multiple uses of the tag with different options on one page.

Here are a few examples of valid tags:

[xls depth=2] 

Shows two levels of the subpages of the current page.

[xls child_of=10 exclude="13, 15, 33"] 

Shows all children of the page with id 10, excluding pages 13, 15, and 33.

[xls child_of="0" show_date="modified"] 

Shows all pages, and shows the last modified date of each page.

Check the wp_list_pages documentation for all of the possible options.


  1. Upload xavins-list-subpages.php to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Place [xls] in your pages. Check the plugin homepage for
    detailed options and more complex uses.


Check the plugin homepage


  • Version: 1.3
  • Active installations: 200
  • WordPress Version: 2.5.1
  • Tested up to: 2.6.2


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