WP Webhooks – Contact Form 7 Integration

May 02, 2021

WP Webhooks – Contact Form 7 Integration Plugin

A WP Webhooks extension to integrate Contact Form 7

This plugin extends the possibilities of WP Webhooks by integrating Contact Form 7 with webhook functionality.
For a full list of the features, please check down below:


  • Submit Contact Form 7 forms to webhooks
  • Send all forms by default to webhooks
  • Deactivate sending the contact form email for one, multiple or all forms
  • Support for special HTML tags https://contactform7.com/special-mail-tags/
  • Support for file attachments (You can preserve files temporary, forever, or not at all)
  • Trigger webhook only for logged in or non logged in users
  • Test Webhooks right out of the box
  • Payload customization – Alows you to minimize the data that is send over to the opposite webhook

For devs

Feel free to message us in case you want special features – We love to help!


  1. Upload the zip file to your WordPress site (Plugins > Add New > Upload)
  2. Activate the plugin
  3. Go to Settings > WP Webhooks Pro -> Settings
  4. Scroll down, activate the specified trigger and click Save
  5. Go to “Send Data” and start implementing the webhook



1.2.1: May 02, 2021

  • Feature: Full compatibility with WP Webhooks 3.1.0+ & WP Webhooks Pro 4.1.0+
  • Feature: Make response data accessible via the key based on the given webhook URL name
  • Tweak: Otpimize performance for empty trigger enqueuement

1.2: October 20, 2020

  • Feature: Allow preservation of form files (Enables you to caches files for the length of your choice to make them available for webhooks
  • Tweak: Optimize documentation
  • Fix: Applied settings for the contact form have been applied to all added webhook endpoints

1.1.2: August 24, 2020

  • Tweak: Support for Contact Form 7 5.2.1 (wpcf7_special_mail_tags receives the mail_tag argument)
  • Tweak: Renewed description for the Send Data on Contact Form 7 Submits
  • Fix: The webhook trigger URL settings only showed five forms instead of all

1.1.1: February 18, 2020

  • Fix: Multiselect fields return null instead of the actual value

1.1.0: January 31, 2020

  • Feature: Support for Special Mail Tags: https://contactform7.com/special-mail-tags/
  • Feature: Payload Customization – Alows you to minimize the data that is send over to the opposite webhook
  • Feature: Form Data Key Customization – Customize the key of the data that is send over from your form
  • Fix: Strip unsanitized slashes away

1.0.0: May 20, 2019

  • Birthday of WPWH – Contact Form 7


  • Version: 1.2.1
  • Active installations: 200
  • WordPress Version: 4.7
  • Tested up to: 5.7.12


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