CBX Next Previous Article

May 28, 2024

CBX Next Previous Article Plugin

Shows next previous page or article link using arrow icon or box style, have setting to configure as need.

Keeping visitors active in a website and putting them engaged in reading more articles is really a big challenge. CBX Next Previous Article plugin helps to engage user displaying easy navigation for next previous article or next previous page. Using the plugin setting there are lots of parameter to configure, show/hide and customize the presentation.

CBX Next Previous Article by Codeboxr

📋 Documentation | 🌟 Upgrade to PRO | 👨‍💻 Free Support | 🤴 Pro Support | 📱 Contact

If you think any necessary feature is missing contact with us, we will add in new release. Best way to check the feature is to install the free core version in any dev site and explore

🛄 Core Plugin Features

  • Simple and Fast Article Navigation for single article(Details mode of any post type)
  • Next Previous Page navigation for archive pages
  • Comes with 4 Pre-styled Next/ Previous Buttons
  • Built-in post type(s) support(Pro Addon support custom post types)*
  • Google Analytics tracking for display views and clicks

💎 Pro Addon: Core feature enhancement

  • Custom Post Type(s) support
  • Custom image as next previous icon
  • Thumb based display as replacement for arrow feature in archive or details page
  • Advance navigation display using – Slide in/out, fadein/out or modal display in details article page
  • Special support for WooCommerce and Easy digital download plugin


To hook the adjacent next previous post sort order sql here is code sample


This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working.


  1. Upload folder wpnextpreviouslink to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Check setting from the setting menu from admin panel




  • [new] Skip next prev for specific post/page id(s) – Request in wp.org support https://wordpress.org/support/topic/hide-on-few-pages/
  • [new] Post ‘order by’ per post basis (in core only date)
  • [new] Plugin check plugin used to check standard errors and warnings and fixed


  • [improvement] Settings reset and import improved that is related with pro addon also
  • [new] New documentation page
  • [new] PHP 8.2 compatible
  • [updated] Dashboard style improved
  • [updated] Pro addon updated and new version 2.0.5 released
  • [new] Added woocommerce like template system for different views which can be overrode using plugin and theme


  • [new] Settings Input fields checkbox and radio buttons style improved
  • [new] Settings dashboard revamped & improved
  • [update] Related pro addon V2.0.4 released
  • [new] Z-index for next prev arrow for better dynamic control from plugin’s setting page
  • [new] New setting section added in plugin’s global setting named “Tools” that helps to reset the plugin’s setting to default


  • [new] Extra filter hooks added in core
  • [new] New features in pro addon [looping next prev for single article]


  • [new] Compatible with 6.1.1
  • [new] Style and other minor improvements


  • [Updated] Dashboard more updated with left side tab in larger screen and tab at top in smaller screen
  • [new] Navigate by category now has option per post type category or taxonomy set option, so now it works for custom post types with custom taxonomy.


  • [Updated] New dashboard interface


  • [updated] Click works if ga enabled for advance display mode.


  • [new] Google analytics tracking of show/view and click event for next prev for single page
  • [new] Link open in new window/tab or not , default same window
  • [fix] Works perfectly for single page as frontpage as home page
  • [fix] Home Page always display arrow style
  • [improvement] Plugin setting style improved with relevance information and ux


  • [improvement] Performance improvement
  • [new] Navigate by category id off by default, this will give better default experience after the plugin install and activate


  • Version: 2.7.2
  • Active installations: 1,000
  • WordPress Version: 3.0
  • Tested up to: 6.5.5


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