
June 12, 2015

wpLike2Get Plugin

Improve your social media spreading by letting your users pay with a like, a tweet or +1. wpLike2Get allows you to do this easily.

WordPress out of the box is smart enough to give you the ability to host downloads on your personal blog/website. If you deliver premium content for free to your users maybe you want to get a little bit of love from your consumers. With wpLike2Get you can protect your download or content until the user like, tweet or +1 your content.

Decide which type of social network

You decide between Facebooks like and send button, Twitters tweet or follow button and Google +1 button. You can decide for only one button, two, or all together.

Track with Google Analytics

You have the ability to track the button-clicks with Google Analytics.


The social media buttons are loaded when the shortcode was detected. [l2g id=”999″]. You can optional decide for a name of the downloadlink and you can select different social networks when you activated all on the wpLike2Get settings page. A complete shortcode for downloads looks like that: [l2g name=”Download this awesome file” id=”999″ facebook=”true” twitter=”true” gplusone=”false”]
a complete shortcode for hiding content looks like that: [l2g facebook=”true” twitter=”true” gplusone=”false”]here is your content to hide until user likes the content[/l2g]

Shortcode options

  • id => id of the attachment
  • name => some text
  • twitter => true|false
  • facebook => true|false
  • gplusone => true|false
  • single => true|false if true show only on singular views (since v1.2.2)
  • home_text => some text only displayed when single is true (since v1.2.2)
  • like_url => url for all activated social networks to like
  • facebook_url => add the url the user should like, will not detect likes from the past
  • twitter_url => add the url the user should tweet/follow, will not detect likes from the past
  • gplusone_url => add the url the user should plus, will not detect likes from the past


  1. Upload the wplike2get folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the wpLike2Get plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Configure the plugin by going to the wpLike2Get menu that appears under settings in your admin menu


  1. wpLike2Get settings excerpt

    wpLike2Get settings excerpt

  2. The wpLike2Get option in the media-uploader

    The wpLike2Get option in the media-uploader

  3. Example layout of all the social media buttons

    Example layout of all the social media buttons

  4. Example layout of the download link after facebook like

    Example layout of the download link after facebook like


Can I contact you for support questions?

Yes, but please use the wordpress.org forums. In the future I give no support via email anymore.

Can I using it on old files?

Yes, you can use it also on files you uploaded before installing the plugin

Can I hide also content, and not only downloads?

Yes, since version 1.2.0 you can also hide content before user like your post/page. Use following shortcode: [l2g]here is your content to hide until user likes the content[/l2g]

How can I hide a social network on only one specific post/page?

Use the following options in the shortcode: facebook=”false”, twitter=”false” or gplusone=”false”

How can I add the ability to like a facebook fanpage?

Add the attribute like_url to your shortcode and add the url to it. If you want to like different things for every social network, use facebook_url, twitter_url or gplusone_url.


1.2.9 | 24.05.2015

  • integrate twitter widget without fixed http:// schema, transform to // (thanks to @Ciprian)

1.2.8 | 23.10.2014

  • add the possibility to like any URL via custom shortcode (facebook_url, twitter_url, gplusone_url)
  • add spanish translation (thanks to Andrew Kurtis from webhostinghub.com for the translation)
  • minify and combine all javascript files for better performance

1.2.7 | 20.01.2014

  • adding google analytics universal tracking
  • remove the option where you can select your google analytics version. Most of you don’t know the version, it is detected automatically now

1.2.6 | 21.10.2013

  • fixed a copy & paste bug. sorry!

1.2.5 | 21.10.2013

  • fixed a bug, where google analytics tracking for twitter is not working

1.2.4 | 08.10.2013

  • fixed php warning “Creating default object from empty value”

1.2.3 | 08.01.2013

  • full compatibility for wordpress 3.5
  • including french language file (thanks to @oweb (http://www.office-web.net) for the translation)

1.2.2 | 19.10.2012

  • feature: adding an option to show buttons only on singular views (thanks @tiagosgd for feature-request)
  • feature: adding option to set facebook language
  • bugfix: some default options not observed
  • bugfix: show love to developer is not working
  • add a amazon wishlist widget to options page sidebar

1.2.1 | 10.09.2012

  • fixing an error with G+ Plugin. User can’t see hidden content when using G+.
  • fixing array_merge warning on activating plugin
  • integrating PressTrends Plugin API

1.2.0 | 12.03.2012

  • you can now also hiding content before user like the post/page (thanks to Ovidiu for the feature suggestion)
  • using this feature you can use the [l2g] shortcode: [l2g]here is your content to hide until user likes the content[/l2g]
  • this feature is not implemented like the download link (requesting the link via ajax), the content is only hidden in the html output

1.1.0 | 24.02.2012

  • refactoring plugin code for a more wordpress standard code base
  • adding standard css styles to the button, so after activating plugin, you can use it without adding any css styles

1.0 | 10.02.2012

  • initial release


  • Version: 1.2.9
  • Active installations: 100
  • WordPress Version: 3.1
  • Tested up to: 4.2.38


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