WP e-Commerce Related Products

November 21, 2012

WP e-Commerce Related Products Plugin

WPEC Related Products for WP e-Commerce uses information available within the Single Product template to display related Products.

WPEC Related Products for WP e-Commerce uses information available within the Single Product or All Page WPEC template to display related Products that belong to the same Product Category or Product Tag.

WPEC Related Products extend the WP e-Commerce Plugin by displaying related Products to site. It automatically selects related Products based on the Category or Tag.

Thanks to Versipellis, Adam Sargant, code monkey.

Contact me for say hello Onnay Okheng or buy me a cup of chocolate 🙂


  1. Upload the folder ‘WP e-Commerce Related Products’ to the ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress


  1. This is options panel WP e-Commerce Related Products.

    This is options panel WP e-Commerce Related Products.



  • Fixed: condition on single.
  • Remove: condition on all page.


  • Fixed: condition on single.
  • Fixed: related by tag.
  • Add: Display Manually.
  • Add: Place ‘wpsc_theme_footer’.


  • Fixed: double description.


  • New: Can setting place, display on page, and related by.


  • Edit: Change the plugin name.
  • New: Add Plugin Options
  • New: Can setting number, title, and image for display.


  • Initial release


  • Version: 1.3.2
  • Active installations: 100
  • WordPress Version: 3.0
  • Tested up to: 3.4.2


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