Redirection for Contact Form 7 Plugin
The ultimate add-on for CF7 - redirect to any page you choose after mail sent successfully, firing scripts after submission, save submissions in datab …
The ultimate add-on for CF7 – redirect to any page you choose after mail sent successfully, firing scripts after submission, save submissions in database, and much more options to make CF7 poweful then ever.
NOTE: This plugin requires CF7 version 4.8 or later.
Simply go to your form settings, choose the “Redirect Settings” tab and set the page you want to be redirected to.
- Redirect to any URL
- Open page in a new tab
- Run JavaScript after form submission (great for conversion management)
- Pass fields from the form as URL query parameters
- Add Honeypot to minimize spam
- Save form submissions to your database
- GDPR create erase personal data request
- GDPR create export personal data request
Our Extensions
*** Free Trial ***
- [Extension] [Conditional logic for each action]
- [Extension] [Integrate with monday]
- [Extension] [Multi step form]
- [Extension] [Send SMS messages with twilio]
- [Extension] [Integrate with Salesforce]
- [Extension] [Integrate with Hubspot CRM]
- [Extension] [Frontend Publishing – Allow your visitors to submit post types]
- [Extension] [Integrate with Mailchimp – Automatically add form submissions to your predefined list]
- [Extension] [Frontend Registration – Use CF7 as a registration form]
- [Extension] [Frontend Login – Use CF7 to login users to your website]
- [Extension] [Conditional form validations (custom error messages)]
- [Extension] [Manage email notifications by conditional logic]
- [Extension] [Fire custom JavaScript events by conditional logic]
- [Extension] [Send data to remote servers (3rd-party integration)]
- [Extension] [Send submissions to API Json/XML to remote servers]
- [Extension] [Send submissions to API POST/GET to remote servers]
- [Extension] [Integrate with paypal]
- [Extension] [Integrate with stripe]
- [Extension] [Create and send PDF]
- [Extension] [Send Slack Message]
- [Extension] [Eliminate Duplicates]
- [Extension] [Thank You Popup Message]
Note: some features are availible only as an extension. Which means you need an extension to unlock those features.
More info and documentation on
Installing Redirection for CF7 can be done either by searching for “Redirection for CF7” via the “Plugins > Add New” screen in your WordPress dashboard, or by using the following steps:
- Download the plugin via
- Upload the ZIP file through the “Plugins > Add New > Upload” screen in your WordPress dashboard.
- Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
- Visit the settings screen and configure, as desired.
Actions tab
Redirect Action
Fire JavaScript Action
Save Lead Actions
Extensions tab
Does the plugin disables CF7 Ajax? No, it doesn’t. The plugin does not disables any of CF7 normal behavior, unlike all other plugins that do the same.
Does this plugin uses “on_sent_ok” additional setting? No. One of the reasons we developed this plugin, is because on_send_ok is now deprecated, and is going to be abolished by the end of 2017. This plugin is the only redirect plugin for CF7 that has been updated to use DOM events to perform redirect, as CF7 developer Takayuki Miyoshi recommends.
How to use files shortcodes [{field_name}-filename] – will replace the shortcode with the file name
[{field_name}-base_64_file] – will replace the shortcode with a base64 representation of a file
[{field_name}-path] – will replace the shortcode with the file path on the server