WP Users Login History

May 01, 2024

WP Users Login History Plugin

Track website's users by their login related information like Last login Date/Time, Environment/Server IP address,Country/City/Continent/Timezone …

Track website’s users by their login related information like Last login Date/Time, Environment/Server IP address,Country/City/Continent/Timezone, Lat-long, Browser, Platform, Currency code/symbol and many more.

Features And Options:

  • Display Logged in users Details.
  • Add new Column to user listing oage.
  • Mantain Login history from user profile page.
  • Clear History of users.
  • Compatible with WordPress multisite network

Track user’s login details with the following attributes:

  1. Login – Login Date-Time
  2. IP Address – Environment/Server IP address
  3. Country (Based on IP Address)
  4. City (Based on IP Address)
  5. Continent (Based on IP Address)
  6. Timezone (Based on IP Address)
  7. Latitude (Based on IP Address)
  8. Longitude (Based on IP Address)
  9. Browser – Name and Version
  10. Operating System
  11. Currency – Code and Symbol

Compatible With

  1. WP Login Register Flow


Logged user detail, Login Log, user log, log, tracker, admin, subscriber, editor, geo location, manager, report, statistics, activity


  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/plugin-name directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the “WP Users Login History” plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress
  3. Click on “Users” on the dashboard.


  1. User Detail From User Listing Page.

    User Detail From User Listing Page.

  2. Manage User Login History from User Detail Page.

    Manage User Login History from User Detail Page.

  3. User Detail From User Detail Page.

    User Detail From User Detail Page.



  • Initial Public Release.


  • Version: 1.2
  • Active installations: 60
  • WordPress Version: 6.2.2
  • Tested up to: 6.5.5


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