WP Tidy TinyMCE

May 15, 2014

WP Tidy TinyMCE Plugin

Simple options to tidy up the uncommonly used buttons and controls from WordPress TinyMCE editor. Updated to work with both the new 3.9 editor and 3.

Simple options to tidy up the uncommonly used buttons and controls from WordPress TinyMCE editor

Currently the plugin supports the following:

Block Formats

  • h1 / Heading 1
  • h2 / Heading 2
  • h3 / Heading 3
  • h4 / Heading 4
  • h5 / Heading 5
  • h6 / Heading 6
  • p / Paragraph
  • address / Address
  • pre / Preformatted


  • strikethrough / Strikethrough
  • underline / Underline
  • bold / Bold
  • italic / Italic
  • forecolor / Font color
  • justifyfull / Justify text
  • outdent / Outdent
  • indent / Indent
  • charmap / Special Characters
  • help / Help
  • pasteword / Paste from Word
  • pastetext / Pase as plain text
  • removeformat / Remove formatting
  • undo / Undo
  • redo / Redo
  • bullist / Bullet list
  • numlist / Numbered List
  • blockquote / Block quote
  • justifycenter / Center align
  • justifyright / Right align
  • justifyleft / Left align
  • spellchecker / Spell checker


Download a zip of the repository and put in a wp-tidy-tinymce directory inside

Go to the plugins page and activate it.

You can then visit the Settings > Tidy TinyMCE page to pick which block formats and buttons you want to be available in the editor.



  • Updated to work with 3.9


  • First version


  • Version: 2.0
  • Active installations: 200
  • WordPress Version: 3.4
  • Tested up to: 3.9.40


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