Team Manager – WordPress Showcase Team Members

July 09, 2024

Team Manager – WordPress Showcase Team Members Plugin

Best plugin to showcase your team members with grid, list and Carousel layout. Fully customizable with Elementor and shortcode builder.

WordPress Team Manager is the most versatile and industry-leading WordPress team showcase plugin designed to create and manage team member showcases with excellent design and numerous options.

The plugin offers three unique layout presets and a variety of impressive styling options. With it, you can quickly and easily create a visually appealing team members section on your WordPress site. Displaying members of a team or staff is the main purpose of the plugin, it can also be used to showcase other types of content that combine images and text, allowing for creative applications!

It’s the perfect solution for displaying and managing the members of your staff, team, or workforce.

πŸ‘‰ Live Demo | Documentation | Support πŸ‘ˆ

πŸ† How To install WordPress Team Manager:

Why WordPress Team Manager is Important?

Your visitors want to know more about the people who make up your company or organization because it matters. Showcase your amazing team members to build trust and credibility between your business and your customers. Enhance your team members page design effortlessly with WordPress Team Manager.

We believe that you shouldn’t need to be a programmer or hire a developer to create a beautiful team members page on your WordPress site. That’s why we built the ultimate WordPress Team Manager plugin that’s both EASY and POWERFUL. We can confidently say that this is the smartest plugin of its kind on the market.

πŸ† How To add new team Member:

πŸ† Fields available for input:

  • Team/Member name
  • Position/Job title
  • Photo/Image
  • Short Bio
  • Long Bio
  • Website Url
  • Location
  • Email Address
  • Mobile/Telephone number
  • Years of Experience
  • Social links (Facebook, Twitte, etc.)

You can easily show/hide and customize every field.

πŸ† Available Shortcode Builder Layouts:

πŸ‘‰ Grid Layouts: The WordPress Team plugin’s grid layout arranges your posts in a responsive and visually appealing grid format, making it easy for visitors to browse through multiple posts at once while maintaining a clean and organized presentation on your website.

Grid Layout Demo

πŸ‘‰ Slider Layout: The WordPress Team plugin provides a list layout option that displays your posts in a clean and structured format, allowing readers to easily scan through titles, excerpts, and meta information in a familiar and user-friendly layout.

Slider Layout Demo

πŸ‘‰ List Layouts: For a visually appealing and engaging layout, the WordPress Team plugin could incorporate a slider feature that displays featured posts or categories in a rotating carousel format, allowing visitors to easily navigate through highlighted content.

List Layout Demo

πŸ† Elementor Widget

You can display team members with Elementor widget with lots of customization options.

Elementor Grid Layout Demo

πŸ† Features of The WordPress Team Plugin

  • Create unlimited teams, members.
  • 3 Unique layouts (Carousel, Grid, and List).
  • Fully responsive and mobile-ready.
  • Shortcode Generator.
  • Multiple team shortcodes on one page.
  • Slick, elegant, and fast.
  • Simple and intuitive settings panel-no coding required!
  • Select Team Group
  • Control columns in different devices.
  • Control total members to display.
  • Display random order & order by members.
  • Display show this ids only (Example:1, 2, 3)
  • Display remove ids from list (Example:4, 5, 6)
  • Margin or space between members.
  • Member border, radius, and background color.
  • Show/hide every element of a member.
  • Social icon position, margin, and color.
  • Choose the image size from the available crop sizes.
  • Photo/Image box background color.
  • Image hover effect.
  • Highly customizable.
  • Touch enabled carousels.
  • Fully translatable
  • Multisite supported.
  • Accessibility for disabled people.
  • Custom CSS options.
  • Cross-browser supported.
  • Compatible with any theme.
  • And many more options.

πŸ‘‰ Carousel controls:

  • Enable AutoPlay
  • Slide scrolling speed
  • Slide to scroll
  • Pause on hover
  • Show/hide navigation
  • Navigation color
  • Show/hide pagination bullets
  • Pagination color and active color
  • Auto height etc.

πŸ‘‰ Page Builders Ready

  • Gutenberg
  • WPBakery
  • Elementor
  • Divi Builders
  • BeaverBuilder
  • SiteOrgin
  • Themify Builder
  • Fusion Builder
  • Genesis Framework


  1. Upload wp-team-manager to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. A new tab Team will be available on the wordpress admin section


  1. Grid Layout

    Grid Layout

  2. List Layout

    List Layout

  3. Carousel layout

    Carousel layout

  4. Add new Team Member

    Add new Team Member

  5. Team Generator

    Team Generator

  6. Shortcode Generator (deprecated)

    Shortcode Generator (deprecated)

  7. Settings Page

    Settings Page


Where is the short code ?

You can create shortcode generator under Team menu or use this default short code
[team_manager category=’0′ orderby=’menu_order’ posts_per_page=’0′ post__in=” post__not_in=” layout=’grid’ large_column=’3′ tablet_column=’6′ mobile_column=’12’ show_other_info=’yes’ show_social=’yes’ image_size=’medium’ image_style=’boxed’ bg_color=” social_color=”]

How can i disable the details member link on the image ?

You can disable it on the team manager settings page.

Where i can see the team member id ?

You can see the id on the id column on the team memebers list.

How can i change the image size of the team member?

Team manager list all the image size on the wordpress.To change default image sizes you can do them on the Settings>media

Can I use Team plugin with any theme?

Yes you can use this plugin with any theme it will work. If face any issue mail our support we will help.

Need Any Help?

Please email us at [email protected]



  • [Security Fix] Add sanitize_file_name() and trim for post id on admin.
  • Updated support link and added document link.


  • [Security Fix] Fix a Local File Inclusion issue.


  • Add Read More link


  • Add new Elementor grid style (Style 6)
  • Css update for memeber image gallery


  • Add new Elementor grid style
  • Updated style layout icons for Elementor Widget
  • Small css fix for list layout


  • Add shortcode on admin
  • Update elementor control name


  • [Bug] add wp_kses_post on elementor member block
  • Update team admin layout
  • Update Style type with image control for elementor widget
  • Clean up php code


  • [Feature] Add Style 2 layout for Elementor widget


  • [Security] Use wp_kses_post for memeber area


  • [Feature] Add Free tempalte on elementor widget
  • [Feature] Add Slider control
  • [Feature] Updated team builder admin layout


  • Add Elementor Widget
  • New Team Design module
  • Add image gallery
  • Add slug change options
  • Admin style update
  • Admin performance update
  • New isotop layout
  • Make Shortcode generator (deprecated)


  • Add Gender Taxonomy
  • Add effect on image hover


  • Add Long Bio


  • Update list layout css


  • Update WP Version compatibility
  • Update admin menu name


  • Update Read Me


  • Bring Back Team single view with new design
  • Added Slider Layout


  • Remove Open New window Settings
  • Few data escaping fix
  • Social Font size css


  • Fix permalink issue


  • Add new fields for general information


  • Fix Short Code Generator


  • Fix PHP warning


  • Add short code Preview on setting page
  • Bring back image style settings
  • Remove list default BG bug
  • Fix custom css not working


  • Fix Category 0 bug


  • Fix team_groups filter bug


  • Add HTML support on Bio
  • Show/hide “Show Other Info” section


  • Update CSS


  • Fix Few security check lists
  • Update CSS
  • Remove image style option
  • Remove single team view template


  • Remove a third party script causing security issue
  • Add Font Awesome Icons


  • Remove Social icon type, Social icon size, Open social links on new window Settings
  • Clean up code
  • Remove some php warning


  • Fix bug on shortcode generator
  • Added Short Bio field
  • Updated Custom Meta box style


  • Added Font Awesome icon support
  • Added color, column and Hide team member info option on short code
  • Improved coding


  • Update meta box class
  • Cleanup code and remove team icon


  • Fix shortcode not working on text widget bug


  • Add Instagram
  • Update css for mobile devices
  • Fix some style issue
  • Fix translation bug


  • Enable team member search
  • Add team member details page
  • Disable single team member view settings option
  • Add language support
  • Add telephone hyperlink


  • Make compatible up to wordpess 4.5
  • Fix translation bug


  • Fix open in new window bug for website link
  • Added ID column on the team manager tab


  • Fix tag bug


  • Fix Design layout bug


  • Added design layout option on setting page.
  • Show selected member only using shortcode.
  • Improved UI design.


  • Make compatable with qTranslate plugin and clean up coding


  • Translation text is updated


  • Link open on new window option is added on settings page


  • Clean up some code


  • Remove some notice


  • Fix order bug


  • Fix some bug


  • Fix wrong placement of shortcode


  • Add image size support


  • Add email field on team member page
  • Add featured image support


  • [Bug] Fix php bug


  • Initial Release


  • Version: 2.1.13
  • Active installations: 1,000
  • WordPress Version: 6.0.0
  • Tested up to: 6.5.5
  • PHP Version: 7.4


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