WP SPID Italia

May 05, 2024

WP SPID Italia Plugin

SPID - Sistema Pubblico di Identità Digitale

Plugin WordPress per l’interfacciamento con il Sistema Pubblico di Identità Digitale (SPID)

  • GitHub: https://github.com/WPGov/wp-spid-italia
  • WP.org: https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-spid-italia

Copyright © 2017-2024 Marco Milesi


  • Christian Ghellere, Andrea Smith: attività di software testing
  • Paolo Bozzo: sviluppo libreria Drupal-PASW
  • Nadia Caprotti: condivisione know-how Drupal-PASW
  • Comune di Firenze: sviluppo libreria SimpleSaml riadattata da Paolo
  • Porte Aperte sul Web


  • Italian Linux Society


Per informazioni dettagliate consultare la documentazione.



Backup your data before upgrade.

2.8.3 20240505

  • [BUGFIX] Aggiornato metadata PosteID

2.8.2 20240226

  • [BUGFIX] Aggiornato metadata validator.spid.gov.it – PR #68 https://github.com/WPGov/wp-spid-italia/pull/68
  • [BUGFIX] Aumentato limite caratteri sp_org_display_name – PR #66 https://github.com/WPGov/wp-spid-italia/pull/66

2.8.1 20240118

  • [BUGFIX] Aggiornato metadata validator.spid.gov.it

2.8 20231025

  • [IMPROVE] Nuova gestione degli errori in caso di utenza non registrata (messaggio su standard WP)
  • [IMPROVE] Revisione filtro in caso di nuove utenze con controllo classe WP_User (rif. wp-spid-italia.php:284)
  • [BUGFIX] Corretto errore di mancata possibilità reset password WP in alcune configurazioni
  • [BUGFIX] Migliorata la gestione degli errori in fase di login e errori in alcune configurazioni
  • Testato con WordPress 6.4

2.7.1 20231004

  • [BUGFIX] Error with missing reset password button with some configurations (thanks to effekt.it)
  • Tested with WP 6.3

2.7 20230718

  • [NEW] Removed IntesiGroup IDP
  • [BUGFIX] Code and orphan resources cleanup

2.6.1 20230527

  • [NEW] Added Infocamere IDP
  • [NEW] Removed IntesaID IDP
  • [BUGFIX] Minor bugfix

2.6 20230508

  • [NEW] Added EtnaID IDP
  • [BUGFIX] Minor css/code refactoring
  • [BUGFIX] Minor bugfix

2.5 20221105

  • [NEW] Added TeamSystem IDP
  • [NEW] Improved wp-login.php UI/UX with 2 columns-layout
  • [IMPROVE] WP 6.1 compatibility
  • [BUGFIX] Fixed redirect url (thanks Daneel87)
  • [BUGFIX] Minor css/code refactoring
  • [BUGFIX] Minor bugfix

2.4.3 20220621

  • [BUGFIX] Fixed bug causing login error with Namirial under some server configurations
  • [BUGFIX] Improved logout handlink with post() spid interface
  • [BUGFIX] Minor bugfix

2.4.1 20220531

  • [NEW] Added redirect_to shortcode parameter with optional “CURRENT_URL” value (login redirect to current page)
  • [IMPROVE] Added new Intesa logo

2.4 20220529

  • [NEW] Added low-level support for digitalAddress, digitalAddress, domicileStreetAddress, domicilePostalCode, domicileMunicipality, domicileProvince, domicileNation (avviso 25)
  • [NEW] Added shortcode parameter redirect_to
  • [IMPROVE] WP 6.0 compatibility and best-pratices
  • [IMPROVE] Better filters/api
  • [BUGFIX] Minor bugfix

2.3.6 20220321

  • [BUGFIX] Spid validator metadata update

2.3.5 20220318

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Performance boost
  • [SECURITY] Updated libraries with CVE (!)
  • [BUGFIX] Minor bugfix

2.3.4 20220213

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Added beta support for aggregator XML (enterprise light/full service aggregator)
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Minor changes
  • [BUGFIX] Added final trailing slash on XML metadata (stripped from WP 5.9) – Thanks to C. Lentini

2.3.3 20220201

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Minor changes
  • [IMPROVEMENT] WP 5.9+6.0 compatibility check
  • [BUGFIX] Updated Inforcert metadata

2.3 20211230

  • [NEW] Added compatibility with third party login URL modifiers and custom filters – check wiki
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Performance boost
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Settings page changes
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Readme and doc changes
  • [BUGFIX] Removed some warnings

2.2.4 20211201

  • [BUGFIX] Minor bugfix – https://github.com/WPGov/wp-spid-italia/releases

2.2.3 20211016

  • [BUGFIX] Minor bugfix – https://github.com/WPGov/wp-spid-italia/releases

2.2.2 20211019

  • [BUGFIX] Minor bugfix – https://github.com/WPGov/wp-spid-italia/releases

2.2 20211017

  • [NEW] Frontend button UI
  • [NEW] Added various filters – check wiki
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Various code refactoring
  • [BUGFIX] Minor bugfix

2.1 20210930

  • [NEW] Shortcode for f/e Spid button display
  • [NEW] Added familyName (last_name) as default field to generate SPID crt (note: requires AGID metadata resubmission, if you want to use it)
  • [NEW] Added name and familyName mapping to wp first_name and last_name
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Improved WP enqueue logic
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Code refactoring for html/css/js styling on both f/e and login form
  • [BUGFIX] Added sp_org limit lenght
  • [BUGFIX] Minor bugfix


  • Improved graphic design
  • Improved login error handling with WP standards

  • Changed level type due to AGID corrige ‘AuthnContextClassRef’ => array( ‘https://www.spid.gov.it/SpidL1’ )

  • Removed AllowCreate parameter, as requested by AGID – lib\modules\saml\lib\Auth\Source\SP.php
  • RelayState change to encoded aes-265 – lib\vendor\simplesamlphp\saml2\src\SAML2\HTTPArtifact.php

1.5.2 – 20200926

  • Compatibility check
  • Minor changes

Versione 1.5 09/10/2019

  • Fixed SAML component security issue, xmlseclibs from 2.0.1 to 2.1.1
  • Minor improvements

Versione 1.4 11/09/2018

  • Aggiunto messaggio di errore in caso di utente non riconosciuto (email/CF mancanti in WordPress)
  • Migliorata interfaccia impostazioni

Versione 1.3.2 16/12/2017

  • Fixed php warnings on settings.php

Versione 1.3.1 14/12/2017

  • readme.txt changes

Versione 1.3 13/12/2017

  • Nuovo sistema di logout non più basato su wp_logout_url (testare)
  • Corretto conflitto con wp_logout_url che causava un warning e un blocco dei menù a causa di caratteri speciali nel link di logout della libreria
  • Rimosso parametro di autenticazione AuthnContextClassRef (testare) per problemi con un IDP

Versione 1.1 27/11/2017

  • Aggiunto sistema di login tramite codice fiscale
  • Aggiunto campo utente codice_fiscale
  • Miglioramenti vari
  • Modifiche alla schermata impostazioni

Versione 1.0.1 24/11/2017

  • Corretti bug (falsi allarmi) nel pannello di verifica

Versione 1.0 23/11/2017

  • Corrette stringhe mancanti

Version 0.7b 16/11/2017

  • Impostata lingua italiana su libreria e rimosse altre localizzazioni

Version 0.5b 16/11/2017

  • Architecture bump for closed testing

Versione 0.2 (beta) 14/11/2017

  • First commit after plugin approval


  • Version: 2.8.3
  • Active installations: 300
  • WordPress Version: 4.8
  • Tested up to: 6.6.1


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