Bulk Edit Posts and Products in Spreadsheet

March 27, 2024

Bulk Edit Posts and Products in Spreadsheet Plugin

Modern Bulk Editor for Posts and Pages, create and edit hundreds of posts at once in a spreadsheet inside wp-admin. Search and quick edits.

A Spreadsheet created specially for WordPress. Edit posts in bulk using Spreadsheet.

It works with Gutenberg (new editor) and the Classic Editor

You can edit the post content using the Gutenberg editor right on the spreadsheet.
It also works with the Classic Editor.

Awesome things that you can do with WP Sheet Editor

  • View all your posts, pages, and woocommerce products in a spreadsheet
  • Edit posts in Spreadsheet (all core fields)
  • Edit pages in Spreadsheet (all core fields)
  • Create a lot of posts / products at once
  • Copy information between posts
  • Edit WooCommerce Products (Free version limited to title, status, regular price, sale price).
  • And more…

WP Sheet Editor is perfect for you if…

  • You are tired of opening several pages to edit your posts
  • You are tired of wasting time waiting for each post editor to load and save


  • Spreadsheet where you can edit all the information of your posts, pages, and woocommerce products including post title, post content, post status, post excerpt, featured image, publish date, comment status, page parent, post categories, and post tags.
  • You can navigate in the spreadsheet with your keyboard
  • You can order the spreadsheet by any column.
  • You can edit hundreds of posts without reloading the page
  • It works on shared hosting (you can adjust the server consumption on the options page)
  • Developers can add custom columns to the spreadsheet using actions and filters.
  • WPBakery Page Builder integration. Open the live or backend editor right on the spreadsheet.

Premium features

WooCommerce Spreadsheet:

Edit woocommerce products using the spreadsheet.
It works well with Variable Products, Attributes, Downloadable Products, and Variations.

Buy WooCommerce Spreadsheet Plugin
Money back guarantee. We´ll give you a refund if the plugin doesn´t work.

Edit all product fields, including:

  • sale price
  • regular price
  • gallery
  • short description
  • stock status
  • stock quantity
  • featured image
  • visibility
  • is virtual
  • is downloadable
  • attributes
  • categories
  • tags
  • sale price dates
  • purchase notes
  • enable reviews
  • Shipping class
  • Custom fields
  • And more.

Buy WooCommerce Spreadsheet Plugin
Money back guarantee. We´ll give you a refund if the plugin doesn´t work.

Replace formula:

Apply changes to ALL YOUR POSTS AT ONCE with just a few clicks.

You can do a lot of things, like:

  • Replace words or phrases
  • Add a message at the end/beginning of your posts
  • Change posts status
  • Add a message above or below all the images.
  • Add shortcodes at the beginning or ending of all the posts in a specific category
  • Change all references to old prices in your posts
  • Change all links in your posts
  • Mark all products in a specific category as “out of stock”
  • Add a category to ALL THE POSTS in a specific category
  • Change post status from draft to publish, or any other
  • Set the same featured image in ALL the posts in specific category.
  • Replace an existing value with the current date
  • Etc.

Buy Premium Version

Math formula:

For example:

  • Increase / decrease products prices by a 10%
  • Increase / decrease your products stock in a specific product category

Advanced Custom Fields integration

Edit your metaboxes in the spreadsheet.

Add custom columns to the spreadsheet and edit other plugin´s fields.

Buy Premium Version

Copy information between posts in bulk

Do you need to set the same categories to 20 posts? Instead of adding every category manually, just drag one cell and paste it into the 20 cells below. Yes, it´s that easy.

You can copy titles, excerpts, post dates, categories, tags, etc.

You can enable / disable columns on the spreadsheet.

You can rename columns on the spreadsheet

Edit custom post types

You can enable the spreadsheet on ANY custom post type.

For example, you can edit the descriptions or captions of your images (media attachments) to improve your SEO.

If you theme added a “Portfolio” post type, you can edit the items too.

Buy Premium Version

Spanish / Español

Este plugin te permite editar entradas, artículo, y páginas usando una hoja de cálculo dentro de WP admin.
Tú puedes ver todos los posts y páginas en la hoja de cálculo y rápidamente editar los campos de WordPress.

La versión gratuita te permite:
– Ver todos los artículos, entradas, o páginas en la hoja de cálculo
– Crear y editar artículos, entradas, o páginas rápidamente
– Puedes buscar artículos por palabra clave, fecha, o autor
– Puedes copiar información de un artículo a otro
– Funciona con el nuevo editor de WordPress (Gutenberg)
– Puedes editar estos campos: título del post, contenido, estado, fragmento, imágen destacada, fecha de publicación, habilitar comentarios, página padre, categorías, y etiquetas.
– Editar precios de productos rápidamente usando la hoja de cálculo

La versión de pago te permite:
– Editar todos los tipos de posts: posts, páginas, productos de WooCommerce, eventos, portafolios, etc.
– Exportar e importar posts, páginas, productos para editar en excel o Google Sheets
– Editar todos los campos, el editor mostrará todos los campos del tipo de post. Ej. si son productos = todos los precios, inventario, galerías, etc.
– Hacer búsquedas avanzadas por cualquier combinación de campos (ej. buscar por precio, organizadores, información seo, etc.)
– Editar miles de artículos a la vez en un segundo (ej. eliminar cientos de artículos, reemplazar textos, establecer precios en lotes, actualizar fotos, etc.)

Descarga versión de pago
Garantía de devolución de dinero si no te funciona el plugin.


Automatic installation

Automatic installation is the easiest option as WordPress handles the file transfers itself and you don’t need to leave your web browser. To do an automatic install log in to your WordPress dashboard, navigate to the Plugins menu and click Add New.

In the search field type WP Sheet Editor and click Search Plugins. Once you’ve found our plugin you can install it by simply clicking “Install Now”.

Manual installation

The manual installation method involves downloading our plugin and uploading it to your webserver via your favourite FTP application. The WordPress codex contains instructions on how to do this here.


  1. spreadsheet editor

    spreadsheet editor

  2. settings page

    settings page


What kind of posts can I edit using the spreadsheet?

Only posts, pages, and woocommerce products with the free plugin.

WooCommerce Products include LIMITED support, you can edit only simple products and you can edit prices only.

The premium plugin allows you to edit ANY custom post types, including WooCommerce products with all their fields.

What post information can I edit using the spreadsheet?

You can edit all the information of your posts and pages, including post title, post content, post status, post excerpt, featured image, publish date, comment status, page parent, post categories, and post tags.

Can I edit WooCommerce products using the spreadsheet?

The free plugin includes limited support for WooCommerce Products, you can edit only simple products and you can edit prices only.

You need the premium version for editing all types of WooCommerce products and all product fields. Read more about the extension.

Can I edit easy digital downloads products using the spreadsheet?

You need the premium version for editing easy digital downloads products. Read more about the extension.

Can I edit custom post types using the spreadsheet?

The free plugin only allows to edit posts and pages.

But we have the premium version that allows you to edit any custom post type, for example, media attachments, posts , pages , courses , jobs , projects , or any other post type added by other plugins.

Read more about the extension.

Can I run formulas on the spreadsheet?

You need the premium version for running formulas to update all your posts at once. Read more about the extension.

Can I hide the spreadsheet columns that I dont need?

You need the premium version for this. Read more about the extension.

Can I rename the spreadsheet columns?

You need the premium version for this. Read more about the extension.

Can I add custom columns to the spreadsheet?

Yes. The plugin contains several actions and filters for developers. You can add custom columns , modify the spreadsheet behaviour , etc.

Can I use this plugin on cheap / shared servers?

Yes. You can set up the number of posts to save per batch and the waiting between batches. Tweaking those settings you can make it work with any server.


V 2.25.13 – 2024-03-28

  • FIX – CORE – Minor issues

V 2.25.12 – 2024-03-28

  • FIX – CORE – Minor issues

V 2.25.11 – 2024-03-27

  • FIX – CORE – Minor issues

V 2.25.10 – 2024-03-22

  • CHANGE – CORE – General improvements
  • CHANGE – CORE – Improve compatibility with PHP 8.2
  • CHANGE – WC Products – Improve WPML integration
  • CHANGE – CORE – Performance improvements
  • CHANGE – WC Products – Improve the display of variations

V 2.25.9 – 2024-01-26

  • CHANGE – CORE – General UI improvements
  • FIX – CORE – Small bug fixes

V 2.25.8 – 2023-12-13

  • FIX – WC Products – General bug fixes
  • FIX – CORE – General bug fixes

V 2.25.7 – 2023-11-02

  • FIX – CORE – Small bug fixes

V 2.25.6 – 2023-09-13

  • CHANGE – GOOGLE SHEETS – General improvements
  • CHANGE – CORE – General improvements

V 2.25.5 – 2023-07-23

  • CHANGE – CORE – General improvements
  • FIX – CORE – General bug fixes

V 2.25.4 – 2023-07-13

  • CHANGE – CORE – General improvements
  • FIX – CORE – Some sheets initialized with the wrong columns

V 2.25.3 – 2023-07-06

  • CHANGE – CORE – Performance improvements
  • CHANGE – CORE – General improvements
  • CHANGE – Updated Freemius SDK to 2.5.10
  • CHANGE – FIX – Bug fixes

V 2.25.2 – 2023-04-13

  • FIX – CORE – Several bug fixes

V 2.25.1 – 2023-02-03

  • CHANGE – CORE – Several improvements
  • CHANGE – FILTERS – General improvements
  • CHANGE – FORMULAS – General improvements
  • FIX – CORE – Several bug fixes

V 2.25.0 – 2022-12-15

  • NEW – CORE – Allow to change column backgrounds
  • CHANGE – CORE – Performance improvements
  • FIX – CORE – Small bug fixes

V 2.24.21 – 2022-11-11

  • CHANGE – WPML – Improve the integration
  • CHANGE – CORE – Improvements to the columns manager
  • CHANGE – CORE – Improve the usability of some popups
  • FIX – CORE – Small bug fixes
  • FIX – IMPORT – it breaks when zero columns are auto mapped

V 2.24.20 – 2022-09-29

  • CHANGE – CORE – Improve performance
  • CHANGE – CORE – Improve popups navigation
  • CHANGE – CORE – Improve the handling of locked values
  • CHANGE – WC Products – General improvements
  • FIX – CORE – Sanitization issue that was breaking some Gutenberg blocks
  • FIX – WPML – Error when saving media translations and the WPML Media plugin was not installed

V 2.24.19 – 2022-08-19

  • CHANGE – WC Products – Improvements for variations
  • CHANGE – CORE – General improvements
  • CHANGE – CORE – Performance improvements
  • CHANGE – CORE – Improve the sorting of rows

V 2.24.18 – 2022-07-31

  • FIX – CORE – Several bug fixes

V 2.24.17 – 2022-06-23

  • FIX – WC Products – The inventory stats aren’t showing
  • FIX – CORE – Bug fixes

V 2.24.16 – 2022-05-25

  • CHANGE – WC Products – Improve the handling of attributes
  • FIX – IMPORT – It’s importing only the first batch
  • FIX – CORE – Small bug fixes

V 2.24.15 – 2022-04-19

  • CHANGE – CORE – Code refactoring and more sanitizations
  • FIX – WC Products – Variation titles don’t show attributes in the free version sometimes
  • FIX – EXPORT – The export file doesn’t download sometimes

V 2.24.14 – 2022-04-06

  • CHANGE – CORE – Bug fixes
  • CHANGE – CORE – Allow to activate licenses network wide
  • CHANGE – CORE – Improve the saving of taxonomy terms

V 2.24.13 – 2022-03-02

  • CHANGE – CORE – Small improvements
  • CHANGE – CORE – Upgraded Freemius SDK to v2.4.3

V 2.24.12 – 2022-01-26

  • CHANGE – WC Products – Small bug fixes
  • CHANGE – CORE – Added support for PHP 8
  • FIX – CORE – Small bug fixes

V 2.24.11 – 2021-12-08

  • CHANGE – CORE – Small bug fixes

V 2.24.10 – 2021-10-20

  • CHANGE – ACF – Improve compatibility
  • FIX – CORE – Small bug fixes

V 2.24.9 – 2021-09-10

  • FIX – WC Products – Small bug fixes

V 2.24.8 – 2021-08-18

  • CHANGE – WC Products – Minor changes
  • CHANGE – CORE – Minor changes

V 2.24.7 – 2021-07-14

  • CHANGE – CORE – Improve the handling of special characters
  • CHANGE – CORE – Improve the wpml workflows
  • CHANGE – CORE – Minor changes

V 2.24.6 – 2021-06-19

  • CHANGE – CORE – Minor bug fixes
  • FIX – WC Products – Improve the handling of custom attributes

V 2.24.5 – 2021-06-03

  • CHANGE – WC Products – Improve the handling of variations
  • CHANGE – FORMULAS – Improve the handling of duplicates
  • FIX – CORE – Improve the restrictions

V 2.24.4 – 2021-05-19

  • CHANGE – WC Products – Improve the handling of attributes
  • CHANGE – CORE – Improve the taxonomies handling
  • CHANGE – CORE – Improve currency handling
  • CHANGE – ACF – Improve the compatibility
  • CHANGE – FILTERS – Improve the “characters length” operators
  • CHANGE – YOAST – Improve the compatibility
  • CHANGE – WC Products – Improve compatibility with Polylang
  • CHANGE – WC Products – Improve compatibility with WPML
  • CHANGE – FORMULAS – Minor improvements

V 2.24.3 – 2021-04-21

  • CHANGE – IMPORT – Improve performance
  • CHANGE – ACF – Improve the ACF compatibility
  • CHANGE – WC Products – Improve the export
  • FIX – SEARCH – Sometimes date searches don’t work
  • FIX – CORE – Fancy taxonomy selector doesn’t work well
  • FIX – FORMULAS – Small bugs
  • FIX – CORE – Sometimes the tinymce editor appears empty

V 2.24.2 – 2021-03-12

  • CHANGE – EXPORT – Improve UI
  • CHANGE – WC Products – Improve the handling of variations
  • CHANGE – CORE – Productivity improvements
  • FIX – WC Products – Small bug fixes
  • FIX – CORE – Small bug fixes

V 2.24.1 – 2021-02-24

  • CHANGE – WC Products – Small automations
  • CHANGE – FORMULAS – Add more dynamic placeholders
  • CHANGE – CORE – Add more advanced options
  • FIX – CORE – Compatibility issue with WP Frontend Admin
  • FIX – ACF – Improve the saving of map columns

V 2.24.0 – 2021-02-10

  • NEW – CORE – Add spanish translations for latinamerica
  • CHANGE – IMPORT – General Improvements
  • CHANGE – WC Products – Allow to import line breaks in custom attribute values
  • CHANGE – CORE – Add more advanced options
  • CHANGE – WC Products – Small automations
  • CHANGE – CORE – Small automations
  • FIX – CORE – Add compatibility with WPSolr Pro
  • FIX – ACF – Improve the saving
  • FIX – CORE – Small bug fixes
  • FIX – WC Products – Small fixes

V 2.23.0 – 2020-12-19

  • NEW – CORE – Improve the advanced settings
  • NEW – COLUMNS MANAGER – General Improvements
  • NEW – FORMULAS – Add more options
  • CHANGE – CORE – Terms search should mention the slug
  • CHANGE – ACF – Add support for more fields
  • CHANGE – CORE – Remove links from usage widget
  • CHANGE – WC Coupons – Prevent WC settings issue
  • CHANGE – WC Products – Improve support for vendors
  • CHANGE – CORE – Improve saving
  • CHANGE – WC Products – Improve variations handling
  • FIX – WC Products – improve support for variable subscriptions
  • FIX – WC Products – Variation images are not saved correctly
  • FIX – CORE – Small fixes
  • FIX – WC Products – Prevent bulk edit errors

V 2.22.0 – 2020-11-21

  • NEW – FORMULAS – Improve handling of some columns
  • CHANGE – IMPORT – Improve column mapping
  • CHANGE – CORE – Add more text to the status bar
  • CHANGES – WC Products – Improve the importing of images
  • CHANGES – CORE – Improve handling of non-utf-8 characters
  • CHANGE – FORMULAS – Improve the engine
  • CHANGE – CUSTOM COLUMNS – Improve the formatting
  • CHANGE – CORE – Improve handling of images
  • CHANGE – CORE – Simplify license activation
  • CHANGE – WPML – Improve language switching
  • CHANGE – WC Products – Improve the usability
  • FIX – CORE – Some columns are readonly by mistake
  • FIX – CORE – Compatibility with WP Offload Media
  • FIX – CORE – Edge cases with taxonomy terms
  • FIX – WC Products – Error while saving download files
  • FIX – CORE – Compatibility with WP Smart Import

V 2.21.3 – 2020-10-22

  • CHANGE – IMPORT – Improve column mapping
  • CHANGE – CORE – Add more text to the status bar
  • CHANGES – WC Products – Improve the importing of images
  • CHANGES – CORE – Improve handling of non-utf-8 characters
  • CHANGE – FORMULAS – Improve the engine
  • FIX – CORE – Some columns are readonly by mistake

V 2.21.2 – 2020-10-11

  • CHANGE – CORE – Add support for strange url images
  • CHANGE – IMPORT – Improve the mapping

V 2.21.1 – 2020-10-07

  • Updated to CORE v2.21.1

V 2.21.0 – 2020-10-07

  • NEW – IMPORT – Generate log
  • CHANGE – WC Products – Add support for custom types
  • CHANGE – ACF – Improve compatibility
  • CHANGE – COLUMNS MANAGER – Improve formatting options
  • CHANGE – WC Products – Add columns
  • CHANGE – FORMULAS – Improve dates handling
  • CHANGE – EXPORT – Improve the handling of images
  • CHANGE – CORE – Improve handling of extensions
  • CHANGE – Export – Improve column selection
  • CHANGE – CORE – Add more columns
  • CHANGE – CORE – Don’t use wpautop when saving content
  • CHANGE – IMPORT – Improve the handling of images
  • CHANGE – CORE – Allow to view column keys
  • FIX – CORE – Improve performance on some cells
  • FIX – Import – Sometimes some columns are not mapped correctly

V 2.20.3 – 2020-09-08

  • CHANGE – IMPORT – Make more data formatting checks
  • CHANGE – CORE – Improve the saving process
  • CHANGE – CORE – Improve support for some devices
  • CHANGE – CUSTOM COLUMNS – Improve the handling of weird fields
  • CHANGE – WC Products – Improve the handling of linked products
  • CHANGE – WC Products – Improve bulk edit of some columns
  • CHANGE – FORMULAS – Small improvements
  • CHANGE – CORE – Add support for modern jQuery
  • CHANGE – CORE – Productivity improvements for some contextual menu actions
  • CHANGE – WC Products – Small improvements for some columns
  • CHANGE – IMPORT – Improve productivity
  • CHANGE – CORE – Improve performance
  • FIX – COLUMNS MANAGER – It deletes columns by mistake sometimes
  • FIX – WC Products – Sometimes the formula doesn’t edit all the selected products
  • FIX – WC Products – Sometimes it changes unnecessary fields
  • FIX – CORE – Sometimes sheets are not generated
  • FIX – CORE – Add support for rare wp media settings
  • FIX – CORE – Sometimes the media library modal doesn’t let you select multiple images
  • FIX – CORE – Some cells are saving with wrong encoding
  • FIX – WC Products – Compatibility error with WC Bookings
  • FIX – SEARCH – Post status search doesn’t work sometimes

V 2.20.2 – 2020-07-22

  • FIX – CORE – Save popup gets stuck when the changes are saved in < 350ms
  • FIX – YOAST – Some columns are not saving correctly
  • FIX – FORMULAS – The replace type doesn’t work sometimes
  • FIX – CORE – Sometimes columns dont appear in secondary dropdowns but they appear as visible columns
  • FIX – CORE – Sometimes images aren’t found in the media library when using URLs
  • FIX – WC Products – Timezone issue when saving sale dates.

V 2.20.1 – 2020-06-26

  • CHANGE – WC Products – Improve the handling of prices when creating variations
  • CHANGE – ACF – Improve support
  • CHANGED – COLUMNS VISIBILITY – Improve the removal process
  • CHANGE – WC Products – Import – Improve the process
  • CHANGE – EXPORT – Improve the handling of ghost columns
  • CHANGE – CORE – Improve performance when loading +800,000 cells at once
  • CHANGE – FORMULAS – Improve the builder for taxonomy terms
  • CHANGE – CORE – Improve the handling of advanced settings
  • CHANGE – WC Products – Improve the bulk edit of some fields
  • CHANGE – WC Coupons – Improve the search
  • CHANGE – ACF – Improve the handling of some fields
  • CHANGE – CORE – Add shortcuts to menu
  • CHANGE – CORE – Improve the handling of new fields
  • FIX – WC Products – Sometimes the variation attributes aren’t copied correctly
  • FIX – CORE – Export doesn’t complete when the current user is not administrator
  • FIX – FORMULAS – The encoding was wrong sometimes making the replace not match
  • FIX – ADVANCED FILTERS – Search data columns by empty value returns wrong results
  • FIX – CORE – Avoided memory leaks
  • FIX – FORMULAS – Bad value on checkbox
  • FIX – FORMULAS – Sometimes the edit is not applied to the full list
  • FIX – WPML – Sometimes changes aren’t synced
  • FIX – WC Products – Sometimes columns can’t be enabled

V 2.20.0 – 2020-05-20

  • NEW – CORE – Improve the handling of external images
  • NEW – FORMULAS – Improved the types of edit
  • NEW – FILTERS – Improve the search
  • Products el enlace de metabox variaciones que use id para búsqueda en lugar de title
  • in the autocomplete dialog for tags, when we use keyboard arrows to move down the list of matching tags, there is no visual indication of which menu item is selected. This means we can’t use keyboard navigation to select items – the arrow keys do work, it’s just we can’t see what is selected. I’m sure a simple CSS tweak would fix this. If/when you release an update to fix this, please let me know at [email protected]
  • CHANGE – CORE – Improve the freezing of columns
  • CHANGE – CORE – Improve the productivity while sorting columns
  • CHANGE – WC Coupons – Remove duplicate columns
  • CHANGE – WC Products – Improve performance of the default attributes column
  • CHANGE – FORMULAS – Improve productivity for executing some edits
  • CHANGE – COLUMNS MANAGER – Improve the toolbar item
  • CHANGE – EXPORT – Improve the toolbar item
  • FIX – WC Products – Sometimes the post type and parent columns aren’t saved
  • FIX – WC Products – Import – new images are not saved when using the option “skip broken images”
  • FIX – WC Products – Error when copying more than 100 variations
  • FIX – FORMULAS – Sometimes columns can’t be copied
  • FIX – COLUMNS MANAGER – If we specify column formatting manually, don’t overwrite it during automatic detection
  • FIX – CORE – Sometimes deleted columns also deleted similar columns by mistake
  • FIX – CORE – Sometimes the save popup gets stuck
  • FIX – WC Products – When converting a product into variation, the attributes are not migrated sometimes

V 2.19.0 – 2020-04-20

  • NEW – COLUMNS MANAGER – Improve the handling of columns between users
  • NEW – WC Products – Improve the handling of custom attributes
  • CHANGE – Small tweak to the display of advanced settings toolbar
  • CHANGE – WC Products – Keyword search by sku should allow partial matches
  • CHANGE – CORE – Prevent data errors during imports
  • CHANGE – WC Products – Import – Prevent attribute data errors
  • CHANGE – CORE – Prevent memory issues
  • CHANGE – UNIVERSAL SHEET – IMPORT – Remove the wp fields that can’t be used for searching
  • CHANGE – FORMULAS – Make the “duplicates” option more flexible
  • CHANGE – WC Products – Create variations – Improve the context menu performance
  • CHANGE – IMPORT – Prevent column name errors
  • CHANGE – CORE – Prevent confusion when the loading of rows is disabled
  • CHANGE – WC Products – Prevent errors when using tools with missing data
  • CHANGE – COLUMNS MANAGER – Improve the productivity when managing columns
  • CHANGE – CORE – Optimized performance when we have thousands of columns
  • CHANGE – WC COUPONS – Facilitate the selection of coupon prefix while duplicating
  • CHANGE – WC Products – Improve the selection of products for creating variations
  • CHANGE – CORE – Facilitate the removal of many columns
  • CHANGE – WC COUPONS – Don’t duplicate some fields
  • CHANGE – IMPORT – Prevent unnecessary stops
  • CHANGE – WC COUPONS – Make the edition of product restrictions more flexible
  • CHANGE – WC Coupons – Improve the display of usage limit columns
  • FIX – WC Products – The attributes column appear as text column
  • FIX – EXPORT – Fatal error when using the “decode quotes” option
  • FIX – Ajax Loops – Avoid sending too many fields in a request
  • FIX – WC Products – The “display variations” switch doesn’t work sometimes
  • FIX – FORMULAS – Fatal error when applying bulk edit on an infinitely serialized column
  • FIX – CORE – Advanced settings modal doesn’t save some options
  • FIX – CORE – The pagination options don’t appear when we are in the middle of the spreadsheet and we reach the bottom
  • FIX – CORE – Bulk Edit – Empty checkboxes are ignored
  • FIX – CORE – Search – Empty checkboxes are ignored
  • FIX – CORE – TinyMCE popup sometimes skips rows when using the navigation
  • FIX – WC Products – Sometimes the bulk edit of “product attributes” settings fails
  • FIX – COLUMNS MANAGER – Sometimes some columns don’t appear in the list
  • FIX – COLUMNS MANAGER – Sometimes text cell have date formatting
  • FIX – CORE – Non-hierarchical taxonomy terms should not have hierarchy
  • FIX – CORE -Parent name is wrongly encoded sometimes
  • FIX – WC Products – WPML – Sometimes variations are created and they’re invisible
  • FIX – CUSTOM COLUMNS – Prevent data compatibility errors
  • FIX – WC Products – Searching by variation attributes is not working
  • FIX – CORE – Sometimes columns can’t be enabled
  • FIX – WC Coupons – Expiration date wasn’t saved sometimes
  • FIX – WC Products – Sometimes some columns are saved but new values don’t appear in the frontend
  • FIX – CORE – Sometimes the columns manager can’t save changes

V 2.18.1 – 2020-03-17

  • CHANGE – Small tweak to the display of advanced settings toolbar
  • CHANGE – WC Products – Keyword search by sku should allow partial matches

V 2.18.0 – 2020-03-16

  • NEW – CORE – Integrate with Elementor
  • NEW – ADVANCED FILTERS – Allow OR operators
  • NEW – FILTERS – Allow to save searches
  • NEW – COLUMNS – Improve the columns formatting
  • NEW – COLUMNS VISIBILITY – Allow to save groups
  • NEW – CORE – Improve the pagination
  • NEW – Add support for wpml
  • CHANGE – COLUMNS LOCATOR – Include field key in the search
  • CHANGE – ACF – Improve the support for repeater fields
  • CHANGE – ACF – Improve the detection of field group location parameters
  • CHANGE – ACF – Allow to rename fields
  • CHANGE – CORE – Improve the handling of full screen mode
  • CHANGE – CORE – Don’t delete the manually created columns when the plugin is uninstalled
  • CHANGE – CORE – Improve the saving UI
  • CHANGE – WC Products – Improve the experience for editing downloadable files
  • CHANGE – FILTERS – Taxonomies field: If there are too many product attributes, don’t show all the names
  • CHANGE – CORE – Improve the support for columns with autocomplete type in the search and bulk edit tools
  • CHANGE – WC Products – Improve the support for creating large numbers of variations
  • CHANGE – EXPORT – Improve the support for MS Excel
  • CHANGE – CORE – Allow to search by ID in all the dropdowns
  • CHANGE – COLUMNS – Improve the automatic format detection
  • CHANGE – CORE – Improve the advanced settings interface
  • CHANGE – WC Products – Notify when rare SKU errors happen
  • FIX – CUSTOM COLUMNS – Edit meta key – don’t send ajax call unnecessarily
  • FIX – CORE – When we open the tinymce editor and the cell has a value with line breaks, the visual editor removes the line breaks
  • FIX – Posts table – The quick access button is duplicated when using multiple wpse plugins
  • FIX – EXPORT – The download URL breaks when the site uses https for backend and http for frontend
  • FIX – IMPORT – Columns with numbers in the names are not mapped automatically
  • FIX – COLUMNS VISIBILITY – Improve the deactivation of columns to avoid edge cases where some columns were not deactivated
  • FIX – WC Products – Improve the bulk edit support of the “variations enabled” column
  • FIX – Columns created manually sometimes don’t appear
  • FIX – WC Products – Improve the process of copying variations
  • FIX – FILTERS – Column locator doesn’t work sometimes.
  • FIX – ACF – The code for the dates columns interferes with date columns not coming from ACF
  • FIX – ADVANCED FILTERS – Sometimes the searches with empty values don’t work

V 2.17.0 – 2020-02-19

  • NEW – FORMULAS – Allow to apply same bulk edit to multiple fields at once
  • NEW – FORMULAS – Allow to select individual rows with a checkbox and apply the bulk edit to those rows
  • NEW – CORE – Add support for custom post statuses
  • NEW – WC Products – Free – Allow to edit variation rows
  • NEW – GIVEWP – Added spreadsheet for editing/viewing donations
  • CHANGE – WC Coupons – FILTERS – When using the expiration date field, show a calendar to select dates easily without having to worry about the format
  • CHANGE – WC Coupons – Allow to save “allow products” as IDs separated by commas
  • CHANGE – WC Coupons – Allow to save “excluded products” as IDs separated by commas
  • CHANGE – WC Coupons – FORMULAS – When using the expiration date field, show a calendar to select dates easily without having to worry about the format
  • CHANGE – CORE – Allow to disable the cell comments
  • CHANGE – CORE – Allow to save taxonomy columns using a term slug
  • CHANGE – CORE – Load author cells with ajax
  • CHANGE – CORE – Reduce the memory usage when loading the spreadsheet page by reducing all the unnecessary output
  • CHANGE – FORMULAS – Show one text progress instead of one per batch to avoid crashing the browser when executing bulk edits with thousands of batches
  • CHANGE – UNIVERSAL SHEET – Export – Prevent errors if they are using a high batch size
  • CHANGE – UNIVERSAL SHEET – Export – Allow to control the export speed in the advanced settings
  • CHANGE – WC Products – Lock the price columns for parent product rows to prevent confusion because the prices are stored in the variations
  • CHANGE – CORE – Add cell comment to hierarchical taxonomy columns to indicate the format for child categories
  • CHANGE – CORE – When we save images on any field while editing a post type, automatically attach the image to the post if the image is unattached
  • CHANGE – FORMULAS – Don’t show the tip about increasing speed if the bulk edit is applied on one batch
  • CHANGE – CORE – Allow to save a file name in the image columns and automatically save the first image from the media library matching the name
  • CHANGE – CORE – External button cells – Don’t show a button when the value is empty
  • CHANGE – CORE – FREE – Allow to edit custom post types with limited fields
  • CHANGE – CORE – FREE – Remove formulas teaser from the toolbar and just link to it from the paragraph teaser
  • CHANGE – CORE – FREE – Disable the post types teaser from the toolbar because the post types can be edited in the free version now
  • CHANGE – CORE – FREE – Add a global teaser as paragraph in the header to better indicate the limitations and what’s premium
  • CHANGE – YOAST FREE – Add a welcome page
  • CHANGE – CORE – Sort the list of spreadsheets in the form to display the available first, free extension second, and paid extensions finally
  • FIX – WC Products – When we edit global attributes in separate columns, it removes the attribute position
  • FIX – CUSTOM POST TYPES – Some post types added by other plugins appear locked
  • FIX – CORE – When changing the post type of a post, from page to another, clear the page template meta key to prevent the “invalid page template” error thrown by wp core
  • FIX – WC Products – Import – The auto mapping of csv columns is mapping only the first 9 download files and the rest are not being imported
  • FIX – WC Products – Import – The auto mapping of csv columns is mapping only the first 9 attributes and the rest are not being imported
  • FIX – CORE – When using multiple free plugins, sometimes the upgrade links get mixed up and one plugin shows the upgrade url of the other causing incorrect purchases
  • FIX – FILTERS – The “clear all filters” option removes the display variations filter, but the button in the toolbar appears as activated
  • FIX – FILTERS – When we make a search with an advanced filter, remove the filter, and make a search using the same input field, it doesn’t apply the new search
  • FIX – POSTS TEMPLATES – When we duplicate a serialized field, it is saved as a literal string incorrectly
  • FIX – WC Products – Sometimes the “search on variations” filter wasn’t added or removed when it should
  • FIX – FILTERS – When we unchecked a checkbox and submit the form, it didn’t remove the filter
  • FIX – ACF – Repeater fields are saved correctly but the values are ignored by ACF

V 2.16.0 – 2020-01-13

  • NEW – CORE – Add option to “settings” menu to reset all settings
  • NEW – FORMULAS – Add variable $current_value_capitalize_each_word$ and option “Capitalize each word” to the “type of edit” list
  • NEW – FORMULAS – Added variable tags: $uuid$, $uniqid$, $current_value_lowercase$
  • NEW – FILTERS – Add “Remove all” option to remove all active filters
  • NEW – UNIVERSAL SHEET – EXPORT – Allow to save the export with a name and show as dropdown in the toolbar to execute with one click in the future
  • NEW – CUSTOM COLUMNS – Add context menu option to rename meta key of meta columns
  • NEW – CUSTOM COLUMNS – Add option to delete custom field from database (full field, including key and values)
  • NEW – CORE – Allow to delete rows using the context menu and delete the selected items
  • NEW – CORE – Add option to scan DB to the settings dropdown to make it easier to find
  • CHANGE – WC Products – When we convert a product into a variation and the product has a status not supported by variations, automatically change it to “enabled variation”
  • CHANGE – CORE – Indicate in import modal that changes are saved directly
  • CHANGE – SEARCH – When we click to open the search tool and there are modified cells, notify that they should save first
  • CHANGE – FORMULAS – Modify the progress text to indicate that the numbers reflect updates per batch
  • CHANGE – CORE – Allow to select in the advanced settings which fields use the new serialization handler
  • CHANGE – WC Products – Added support for Subscription products
  • CHANGE – CORE – Performance optimizations: The “post parent” column should not load all the titles, it should be a dropdown with ajax search
  • CHANGE – CORE – Performance optimizations: Limit the usage of meta keys to 2500 columns, no one needs to search/edit more than 2500 keys and sites with +10000 meta keys are super slow
  • CHANGE – ADVANCED SEARCH – Performance optimizations: Limit the meta keys to 1000 options in the search dropdowns.
  • CHANGE – WC Products – Performance optimizations: Limit the variation meta keys to 1000 columns
  • CHANGE – CORE – Performance optimizations: When we rescan DB to find new columns, only scan once per page load
  • CHANGE – CORE – Return the full SQL query as meta data of the ajax call when loading rows to help during …


  • Version: 2.25.13
  • Active installations: 6,000
  • WordPress Version: 3.6
  • Tested up to: 6.5.5


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