February 17, 2022

WP REST Menus Plugin

Add menus endpoints to WP REST API

This plugin adds new endpoints for WordPress registered menus.
Usefull when building SPAs with Vuejs, React or any front-end framework.
Works with Advacned Custom Fields, WPML, Polylang

The new endpoints available:

Get all menus

GET /menus/v1/menus // Response sample { term_id: 2, name: "Main Menu", slug: "main-menu", term_group: 0, term_taxonomy_id: 2, taxonomy: "nav_menu", description: "", parent: 0, count: 8, filter: "raw" }, ... 

Get a menus items by id (term_id)

GET /menus/v1/menus/<id> // Response sample { ID: 5, post_author: "1", post_date: "2018-07-03 06:42:18", post_date_gmt: "2018-07-03 06:42:18", filter: "raw", db_id:5, menu_item_parent: "0", object_id: "5", object: "custom", type: "custom", type_label: "Custom Link", title: "Home", url: "https:\/\/wp-rest-menu.local\/", target: "", attr_title: "", description: "", classes: [ "" ], xfn: "", meta: null }, ... 

Get all menu locations
All menu locations assigned in /wp-admin/nav-menus.php?action=locations

GET /menus/v1/menus/locations is deprecated and will be removed in newer versions use: GET /menus/v1/locations // Response example { slug: "top", description: "Top Menu" }, { slug: "social", description: "Social Links Menu" } ... 

Get all menu location items
All menu locations assigned in /wp-admin/nav-menus.php?action=locations

GET /menus/v1/menus/locations/<slug> is deprecated and will be removed in newer versions use: GET /menus/v1/locations/<slug> // Response samexampleple { ID: 5, post_author: "1", post_date: "2018-07-03 06:42:18", post_date_gmt: "2018-07-03 06:42:18", filter: "raw", db_id:5, menu_item_parent: "0", object_id: "5", object: "custom", type: "custom", type_label: "Custom Link", title: "Home", url: "https:\/\/wp-rest-menu.local\/", target: "", attr_title: "", description: "", classes: [ "" ], xfn: "", meta: null }, ... 

There are two filters availiable:

Fields Filter

// it will return only the fields specified GET /menus/v1/menus/<id>/?fields=ID,title,meta // Response sample // Response sample { ID: 5, title: "Home", meta: null }, ... 

Nested Items Filter

// it will return menu items parents and nested children in a 'children' field // Currently only one level deep is supported GET /menus/v1/menus/<id>/?nested=1 // Response sample { ID: 1716, menu_item_parent: "0", object_id: "174", object: "page", title: "Level 1", meta: { vue_component: "LevelComponent", menu-item-field-01: "Field 1 value", menu-item-field-02: "Field 2 value" }, children:[ { ID: 1717, menu_item_parent: "1716", object_id: "744", object: "page", title: "Level 2b", meta : { vue_component: null } }, ... ] }, ... 

WP filter hooks

This plugin is quite configurable and provides lots of wp filter hooks from returned data in responses for each endpoint to params validation and endpoint permissions.

add_filter( 'wprm/get_menus/wp_get_nav_menus/args', 'my_wp_get_nav_menus', 10, 1 ); (used in GET /menus/v1/menus) function my_wp_get_nav_menus( $args ) { // do something with wp_get_nav_menus $args array return $args; } add_filter( 'wprm/get_menus', 'my_get_menus', 10, 1 ); (used in GET /menus/v1/menus) function my_get_menus( $menus ) { // do something with $menus array return $menus; // WP_Error|WP_HTTP_Response|WP_REST_Response|mixed } add_filter( 'wprm/get_menu_locations', 'my_get_menu_locations', 10, 1 ); (used in GET /menus/v1/locations) function my_get_menu_locations( $locations ) { // You can modify the $locations array response (get_registered_nav_menus()) return $locations; // WP_Error|WP_HTTP_Response|WP_REST_Response|mixed } add_filter( 'wprm/get_menu_items', 'my_get_menu_items', 10, 1 ); (used in GET /menus/v1/menus/<id>) function my_rest_menu_item_fields( $menu ) { // You can modify the $menu items return $menu; } add_filter( 'wprm/get_location_menu_items', 'my_get_location_menu_items', 10, 1 ); (used in GET /menus/v1/menus/<id>) function my_get_location_menu_items( $menu ) { // You can modify the locations $menu items return $menu; } add_filter( 'wprm/get_item_fields/filter_fields', 'my_filter_fields', 10, 1 ); (used to filter return field -node edges-) function my_filter_fields( $fields ) { // You can modify the $fields array so // you can filter the return fields for all endpoints // without using the url param ?fields $fields = array( 'ID', 'title' ); return $fields; } 

More filters

apply_filters('wprm/get_menus/permissions', '__return_true', $request ); apply_filters('wprm/get_menu_locations/permissions', '__return_true', $request ); apply_filters('wprm/get_menu_items/permissions', '__return_true', $request ); apply_filters('wprm/get_menu_items/validate/args/id', is_numeric( $param ), $param, $request, $key ); apply_filters('wprm/get_menu_items/validate/args/fields', is_string( $param ), $param, $request, $key ); apply_filters('wprm/get_menu_items/validate/args/nested', absint( $param ), $param, $request, $key ); apply_filters('wprm/get_location_menu_items/permissions', '__return_true', $request ); apply_filters('wprm/get_location_menu_items/validate/args/slug', is_string( $param ), $param, $request, $key ); apply_filters('wprm/get_location_menu_items/validate/args/fields', is_string( $param ), $param, $request, $key ); apply_filters('wprm/get_location_menu_items/validate/args/nested', absint( $param ), $param, $request, $key ); apply_filters('wprm/get_location_menu_items/permissions', '__return_true', $request ); apply_filters('wprm/get_location_menu_items/validate/args/slug', is_string( $param ), $param, $request, $key ); apply_filters('wprm/get_location_menu_items/validate/args/fields', is_string( $param ), $param, $request, $key ); apply_filters('wprm/get_location_menu_items/validate/args/nested', absint( $param ), $param, $request, $key ); 

Supports custom fields and Advanced Custom Fields
If ACF is installed the response node edge is acf else meta
In newer version these two edges will co exist and the plugin will separate natively registered custom fields ad acf registered ones.


There are no requirements other than WordPress and one active menu. Installation is simple:

  1. Upload the wp-rest-menus folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress


How do I use this plugin?

It creates endpoints for wp nav menus to use in your front end.

Can I contribute?

Yes, you can fork it on github.


  • Version: 1.0.4
  • Active installations: 100
  • WordPress Version: 5.0
  • Tested up to: 5.9.10
  • PHP Version: 5.6


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