November 09, 2022

WP-REST-API V2 Menus Plugin

Adding menus endpoints on WP REST API v2

This plugin extends the WordPress REST API (Version 2) with new routes for WordPress registered menus.

The new routes available will be:

  • /menus/v1/menus list of every registered menu.
  • /menus/v1/menus/<slug> data for a specific menu.
  • /menus/v1/locations list of every registered menu location in your theme.
  • /menus/v1/locations/<slug> data for a specific menu location.

Compatible with ACF menu’s custom attributes and menu item’s custom attributes.

Compatible with Menu Image, Icons made easy.


  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/wp-rest-api-v2-menus directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress


Is this an official extension of WP API?

There’s no such thing.

Can I contribute to the project?

Of course! This is the GitHub Repository https://github.com/thebatclaudio/wp-rest-api-v2-menus


0.12.1 – Bug fix: Fatal error when get_term() fails

0.12 – Some bug fixes

0.10 – Fix possible name colision caused by ACF field with existing name (example: if we have an ACF field named “title” it will overwrite the original post’s title). Now ACF fields are grouped in a “acf” object.

0.9.1 – Wrong release

0.9 – Wrong release

0.8.1 – Use post_name instead of basename (Bug fix for static home page)

0.8 – Added support for apply_filters + Bug fix permision_callback (WP 5.5.0) + Bug fix infinite loop

0.7.7 – Added support for thumbnail_src and thumbnail_hover_src

0.7.6 – Added contributors and changed description in readme.txt

0.7.5 – Compatibility with Menu Image, Icons made easy; Bug fix: use get_term instead of get_category for taxonomies

0.7.3 – Added slug to category item object

0.7.2 – Added slug to menu item object

0.7.1 – Bug fix: menu items were returned as an object instead of array

0.7 – New way to check menu item’s relatives, now it works with infinite child levels + various bug fixes

0.6.1 – Bug fix

0.6 – Added menu locations features

0.5 – Added support for ACF custom fields

0.4 – Added nested menus support and pages slugs

0.3.2 – Bug fix: allowing underscore values in menu slug regexp

0.3.1 – Bug fix: allowing numeric values in menu slug regexp

0.3 – Bug fix

0.2 – Updated compatibility

0.1.1 – Bug fix


  • Version: 0.12.1
  • Active installations: 4,000
  • WordPress Version: 4.4
  • Tested up to: 6.0.9


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