Performance & Security

July 05, 2023

Performance & Security Plugin

This plugin provides settings to modify WordPress and improve performance and security.

This plugin provides settings to modify WordPress and improve performance and security.

General settings

  • Modify excerpt length, the “More” text, and allow excerpts on Pages
  • Change the “Read more” settings, so that the anchors to articles don’t jump
  • Modify custom post types so that they appear in search results and RSS feeds
  • Allow tags on pages and ensure all tags appear in search queries
  • Remove relational links
  • Remove the Windows Live Writer manifest link (wlwmanifest)
  • Remove the RSD link
  • Remove the shortlink
  • Enable HTML5 support for forms, comment lists, images and captions.
  • Enable or disable the Links Manager
  • Disable auto-formatting of content and/or excerpts


  • Enable GZIP on Apache
  • Disable WordPress pings from internal links
  • Remove the version query string on styles and scripts
  • Remove the JetPack plugin devicepx script
  • Disable emoji support and remove emoji styles and scripts
  • Disable jQuery Migrate dependency
  • Disable the Block Editor Library CSS
  • Disable oEmbed support


  • Remove the WordPress version string
  • Modify XMLRPC features – disable entirely and/or disable XMLRPC SSL testing
  • Comment modifications:
    • Disable comments
    • Disable comments on media files
    • Disable links in comments
    • Remove the ‘URL’ field from the comments form
    • Hide existing comments


  • Show statistics in the Admin section
  • Change the WordPress greeting, even for non US English installs
  • Remove dashboard widgets
  • Remove menu items
  • Include the “All Settings” menu item


  • Change the login page logo
  • Change the login page logo URL
  • Change the login page logo URL title
  • Disable detailed login errors

If you have further suggestions, please contact us via the plugin support page.

If this plugin is useful for managing your WordPress settings, please review the plugin.

Developed by James Robinson.


  1. Unzip the plugin and copy the wp-performance-security folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress



  • Removed Google Analytics section now that Universal Analytics are no longer supported


  • Fixed a bug on the login screen


  • Fixed a bug with comments being disabled by default
  • Remove oEmbed support option
  • Remove jQuery migrate option
  • Improved emoji removal to include dns-prefetch of image sources


  • Tested against WP 5.0.1
  • Open Sans was dropped from WP 4.6 in favour of system fonts – so this option will only show for older versions of WP
  • Updated Google Analytics to support Google Tag Manager (gtag.js)
  • Added the ability to hide existing comments
  • Jetpack devicepx option only shown if Jetpack is active
  • Improved handling of custom post type options
  • Added support for enabling (and disabling) the Links Manager
  • Removed SVG support due to changes in WP since 4.7
  • Minor code improvements


  • Added new feature to remove the styles and scripts that make up emoji support, which was added in WP 4.2


  • Fixed a range of alerts that appear in debug mode


  • Fixed issue where plugin might conflict with WP Super Cache


  • Minor changes to plugin settings in WP


Minor code changes

  • JS only loaded on plugin page
  • Changed default settings, all plugin options set to the WordPress defaults


  • Updated plugin to allow for internationalization
  • Added icon


  • Added support for adding Google Analytics tracking code
  • Added a toggle to remove the admin bar from front-facing pages
  • Added a setting to enforce and set the minimum number of characters required in a comment


  • Initial launch


  • Version: 0.9.2
  • Active installations: 70
  • WordPress Version: 3.0.1
  • Tested up to: 6.2.6


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