WP Online Users Stats

April 25, 2020

WP Online Users Stats Plugin

This plugin enables you to display how many users are online, offline and away to main administrator of on your WordPress site.

This plugin enables you to display how many users are online, offline and away to main administrator of on your WordPress site. You can know user login status without page refresh instantly via AJAX. There are two options provided with this plugin i.e.
1) Sub menu page -> Dashboard > Online Users.
2) Shortcode -> [wp_online_user]

Usage from Admin Screen (sub menu “Online Users”):
– Go to Admin > Online Users and you will see full datatables view with user stats like online, offline and away.
– Tables fields will be Username, E-mail and Status with icon (Green for online, Yellow for away and Red for offline).
– Table has search functionality too, enter user Name or Email and you will be able to see its status.

Usage as shortcode:
– Use Shortcode [wp_online_user] to show datatables with online, offline and away list view on your WP page.




  1. Display online, offline and away users.
  2. Online user with green dot.
  3. Away user with yello dot.
  4. Offline user with red dot.

A brief Markdown Example

Ordered list:

  1. Display online user with green dot
  2. Display offline user with red dot
  3. Display away user with yellow dot

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  1. Upload ‘wp-online-users-stats’ to the ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress


  1. <p>Upload plugin</p>

    Upload plugin

  2. <p>Activate plugin</p>

    Activate plugin



  • Launch!


  • Version: 1.0.0
  • Active installations: 100
  • WordPress Version: 3.0.1
  • Tested up to: 5.4.16


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