wp-mpdf Plugin

Print Wordpress posts as PDF. Optional with Geshi highlighting.

Print WordPress posts as PDF. Optional with Geshi highlighting. It also has support for password protected posts and only logged in users can print post as pdf support.

Note: You can find the development repository at Github: https://github.com/fkrauthan/wp-mpdf


This file is part of wp-mpdf.

wp-mpdf is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

wp-mpdf is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with wp-mpdf. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.


  1. Upload the whole plugin folder to your /wp-content/plugins/ folder.
  2. Set write permission (777) to the plugin dir folder => /wp-content/plugins/wp-mpdf/cache
  3. Go to the plugins page and activate the plugin.
  4. Add to your template
    if( function_exists( 'mpdf_pdfbutton' ) ) {

    or as a small button
    if( function_exists( 'mpdf_pdfbutton' ) ) {
    mpdf_pdfbutton( false, 'my link', 'my login text' );

    The second text specifies the text which should displayed if you have checked “needs login” and a user isn’t logged in. (if you wish to open the pdf print in a new tab you may pass “true” for the first parameter)
  5. You can adjust some options: in your admin interface, click on plugins and then on wp-mpdf. For allowing or disabling pdf export you can use the checkbox when creating/editing a post or a page.
  6. Place your templates into /wp-content/wp-mpdf-themes

The mpdf_pdfbutton function signature:
function mpdf_pdfbutton( $opennewtab = false, $buttontext = '', $logintext = 'Login!', $print_button = true, $nofollow = false, $options = array() )

The options array supports
'pdf_lock_image' => '/my/image/path/relative/to/wordpress/route'

'pdf_image' => '/my/image/path/relative/to/wordpress/route'

to overwrite which icon should be used.



  • Added mpdfbutton shortcode to print the PDF button
  • Fixed a php warning


  • Fixed deployment of 3.8.2


  • Downgraded psr/log to hopefully fix some runtime errors


  • Fixed deployment of 3.8


  • Updated mpdf version
  • Removed a file from geshi that could be abused


  • Added missing files to plugin


  • Updated mpdf to version 8
  • Added mpdf_adjust_settings filter to allow overwriting any mpdf settings


  • Fixed release tag to prevent install issues


  • Removed manual cron job and used wp-cron instead for cache population (as per wordpress guidelines)
  • Removed PHP 4 support (don’t think anyone is running that anymore)


  • Added some small security improvements for the admin page
  • Fixed a PHP notice when “allow to print all pages” is disabled (thanks to grandeljay)


  • Added some small security fixes to the admin page


  • Added support to change page format inside template (thanks to conlaccento)


  • Made codebase PHP 7.3 compatible (thanks to nopticon)
  • Fixed issues with newer wordpress versions (thanks to nopticon)


  • Fixed some small bugs
  • Updated mpdf to version 6
  • Updated geshi to latest version
  • Made plugin compatible with PHP 7

Earlier versions

For the changelog of earlier versions, please refer to the separate changelog.txt file.


  • Version: 3.9
  • Active installations: 1,000
  • WordPress Version: 2.9
  • Tested up to: 6.5.5


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