WordPress Moodle Plugin

Plugin used to Synchronize Moodle Courses into wordpress and Register wordpress users into moodle.

Synchronize Moodle Courses into wordpress as custom post. Shortcode to show moodle courses.
Wordpress Moodle plugin used to resgiter wordpress users into moodle. When you resgister wordpres user, it will automatically register into moodle if proper token and moodle url used.

Plugin features:-

  • Synchronize Moodle Courses
  • Shortcode to list moodle courses
  • Used to resgiter wordpress users into moodle

Check pro version:
Wp Moodle Pro

Need More Features:-
Contact us


  • Moodle Webservice token
  • Moodle url

If you unable to setup webservices in moodle. Goto to link
Check Our Tutorial

Otherwise you can hire us to setup webservices in moodle.


Download the plugin .zip file

Login in to admin Click Plugins -> Add New -> Upload

Find wp-moodle WordPress Plugin in plugin list and activate it.

Now goto Wp_Moodle under Settings in admin menu

Setup moodle url and token


  1. Synchronized Moodle Courses

    Synchronized Moodle Courses

  2. Option Panel

    Option Panel


Installation Instructions

Download the plugin .zip file

Login in to admin Click Plugins -> Add New -> Upload

Find wp-moodle WordPress Plugin in plugin list and activate it.

Now goto Wp_Moodle under Settings in admin menu

Setup moodle url and token



  • Synchronize moodle courses into wordpress
  • shortcode to show moodle courses


  • Initial Release 1.0


  • Version: 2
  • Active installations: 100
  • WordPress Version: 3.6
  • Tested up to: 4.9.26


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