WP Mail Gateway

March 24, 2021

WP Mail Gateway Plugin

Send email from your Wordpress site via SMTP and other 3rd party mail gateway provider. Current it supports Amazon SES, Mailgun, Mandrill, Mailjet, Po …

Currently there are lots of plugins available to integrate 3rd party email gateway provider in your WordPress site. It seems that for every provider you need to install
different plugin. From that use case scenario, this WP Mail Gateway plugin can be your All in One email solutions for WordPress.

With this one plugin, you can integrate tons of third party email service provider.

WP Mail Gateway can be your complete email solution plugin for your WordPress website. Send mail via multiple email gateway provider from your WordPress.
Supports various mail provider. i.e: Amazon SE, Mailgun, Mandrill, Mailjet, Postmark, Sendgrid, SendinBlue, SMTP etc.

Currently we support the following email gateway provider. We are regularly updating the list.

Supported Email Gateway Provider:

  • Amazon SES
  • Mailgun
  • Mandrill
  • Mailjet
  • Postmark
  • Sendgrid
  • SendinBlue
  • SMTP


Installation of this plugin is so simple.

  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/wp-mail-gateway directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress
  3. After installing from the left side navigation “WP Mail Gateway”, update your credentials from preferred email gateway provider


  1. <p>Configuration Page</p>

    Configuration Page

  2. <p>SMTP Configuration</p>

    SMTP Configuration

  3. <p>Amazon SES Configuration</p>

    Amazon SES Configuration

  4. <p>Mailgun Configuration</p>

    Mailgun Configuration

  5. <p>Mailjet Configuration</p>

    Mailjet Configuration

  6. <p>Mandrill Configuration</p>

    Mandrill Configuration

  7. <p>Postmark Configuration</p>

    Postmark Configuration

  8. <p>Sendgrid Configuration</p>

    Sendgrid Configuration

  9. <p>SendinBlue Configuration</p>

    SendinBlue Configuration

  10. <p>Test Configuration</p>

    Test Configuration

  11. <p>Settings page</p>

    Settings page


How can I test that my integration is working?

In the plugin settings page, go to the bottom section where you can run a test to send email. So if your configuration is OK, then your email should be delivered. Otherwise it will fail.

What is the list of currently supported email provider?

  • Amazon SES
  • Mailgun
  • Mandrill
  • Mailjet
  • Postmark
  • Sendgrid
  • SendinBlue
  • SMTP



  • Compatibility fix with latest WordPress


  • More regions added for Amazon SES
  • Text changes in the plugin settings page
  • Bumped compatibility with latest WordPress


  • Version: 1.8
  • Active installations: 100
  • WordPress Version: 4.0
  • Tested up to: 5.7.12
  • PHP Version: 5.6


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