WP-Lister Lite for Amazon
WP Lab By WP Lab

May 30, 2024

WP-Lister Lite for Amazon Plugin

List products from WordPress on Amazon.

WP-Lister for Amazon integrates your WooCommerce product catalog with your inventory on Amazon.


  • list any number of items
  • supports product variations
  • supports all official Amazon category feeds as well as custom feed templates
  • supports Fulfillment By Amazon (FBA)
  • import products from Amazon to WooCommerce
  • view buy box price and competitor prices
  • includes SKU generator tool

More information and Pro version

Visit https://www.wplab.com/plugins/wp-lister-for-amazon/ to read more about WP-Lister and the Pro version – including documentation, installation instructions and user reviews.

WP-Lister Pro for Amazon will not only help you list items, but synchronize sales and orders across platforms and features an automatic repricing tool.


  1. Install WP-Lister for Amazon either via the WordPress.org plugin repository, or by uploading the files to your server.
  2. After activating the plugin, visit the Amazon account settings page and follow our guide on How to set up WP-Lister for Amazon.


What are the requirements to run WP-Lister?

WP-Lister requires a recent version of WordPress (4.2 or newer) and WooCommerce (3.0 or newer) installed. Your server should run on Linux and have PHP 7.0 or better with cURL support.

Does WP-Lister support windows servers?

No, and there are no plans on adding support for IIS.

How can I report security bugs?

You can report security bugs through the Patchstack Vulnerability Disclosure Program. The Patchstack team help validate, triage and handle any security vulnerabilities. Report a security vulnerability.

Are there any more FAQ?

Yes, there are. Please check out our growing knowledgebase at https://www.wplab.com/plugins/wp-lister-for-amazon/faq/


2.6.17 – 2024-05-30

Fix: More compatibility issue with WC_Order::get_stock_reduced()
Fix: Order fulfillment feed status update to prevent missed order updates
Dev: Security fix

2.6.16 – 2024-05-23

Hotfix: Feeds stuck in the Pending status

2.6.15 – 2024-05-23

  • Fix: Deprecated code warnings
  • Fix: Update pending feeds to add affected products after a WC Import run
  • Fix: Backwards compatibility with WC_Order::get_data_store()->get_stock_reduced()
  • Fix: Mark feeds as processing to prevent them from being updated during submission
  • Fix: Error in the WPLA_InventoryCheck when an invalid data type is passed to round()

2.6.14 – 2024-05-01

  • New: Added support for the GET_ORDER_REPORT_DATA_SHIPPING report
  • Fix: Warning trying to decode item details array
  • Fix: Error when the weight value from WooCommerce is not an int or float
  • Dev: View to list the fulfillment order items table
  • Dev: New filter wpla_listing_get_item_quantity

2.6.13 – 2024-04-17

  • Fix: Error in the Feeds page when trying to read from an invalid feed
  • Fix: Warnings trying to access listing data
  • Fix: Deprecated str_replace() warning in the FeedDataBuilder class
  • Fix: Use local WC_Customer class object when getting tax rates
  • Fix: Logs not clearing automatically
  • Tweak: Rearranged the settings page so FBA Stock Sync is above the Fallback to Seller Fulfilled setting
  • Dev: Warning when installing templates without a template_name element
  • Dev: Cleared more deprecated warnings

2.6.12 – 2024-03-22

  • Fix: SQL error in the Edit Product page
  • Fix: Warning when checking if an order is FBA-fulfillable
  • Fix: Backward-compatibility with set_order_stock_reduced and get_order_stock_reduced
  • Fix: Product-level bullet points not getting overwritten by the profile value
  • Fix: Inherit the parent’s profile when matching new variations
  • Dev: Announcements adjustments
  • Dev: Removed deprecated code that’s causing notices
  • Dev: Performance enhancement in the Feeds table
  • Dev: Security fixes
  • Dev: Added missing country marketplaces in the Endpoints.php file

2.6.11 – 2024-02-28

  • New: Added support for the Order Attribution Tracking in WooCommerce
  • Fix: Missing flags of the newly added marketplaces
  • Fix: Variable ASINs not getting pulled after getting listed
  • Tweak: Make announcements hideable

2.6.10 – 2024-02-13

  • New: Added a setting to override the Prices Include Taxes in WooCommerce
  • Fix: Category Template installer not recognizing valid values for the IT marketplace
  • Fix: Check for the required tables using the information_schema table
  • Fix: Added context to the processShortcodeInContent() method to prevent attributes from being run through wpautop()
  • Fix: Uninstall routine does not clear WPLA data from the postmeta table

2.6.9 – 2024-01-25

  • Fix: Escape input data from URL
  • Fix: Allow the installation of Feed Templates for the newly added marketplaces
  • Fix: When uploading invoices to Amazon, send the order number if the invoice number is not set

2.6.8 – 2024-01-17

  • Hotfix – Feed value for standard_price and sale_price not getting set properly

2.6.7 – 2024-01-16

  • New: Added the ability to parse the newer listing templates from Amazon
  • Fix: Javascript issue preventing the Change Profile bulk action tool from working
  • Fix: Convert price value to use a decimal point character if coming from a profile field attribute

2.6.6 – 2024-01-10

  • New: Added new beta support for these marketplaces: Belgium, Egypt, Mexico, Poland, Singapore, South Africa, Sweden, Turkey, Polan
  • Fix: Added the missing MY_VOEC reseller category
  • Fix: List on Amazon and Change Profile window not working
  • Dev: Display local time in the log files

2.6.5 – 2024-01-02

  • Fix: List on Amazon not working when WC Block Editor is enabled
  • Fix: Link to download personalization archive not showing up
  • Fix: Lowest offer details window not showing Lowest Offer Data
  • Dev: The wpla_mcf_enabled_order_statuses filter must have the same values in both places where it is used
  • Dev: Log files not getting created
  • Dev: Display local time in the order details window

2.6.4 – 2023-12-06

  • Tweak: Remove the deduction of the promotional discount from the subtotal to display discount on the edit order page
  • Fix: Invalid argument passed to wpla_delayed_amazon_order_completion
  • Fix: Error accessing get_meta() on null
  • Fix: Uninitialized cart object when accessing from the REST API
  • Fix: Run checks on the GetOrders response to prevent fatal errors
  • Fix: Add the non-prefixed order status when checking for an order’s ability to be submitted to FBA

2.6.3 – 2023-11-16

  • Tweak: Removed the Supported Marketplace text for B2B Price support
  • Fix: Show Problems button in the Feeds page not working
  • Fix: Unclosed tag causing display issues in the product pages
  • Fix: Do not override variation images with custom gallery images
  • Fix: Missing plugin update notification on some sites
  • Fix: License form disabled with empty license details
  • Dev: New filter: wpla_mark_item_as_modified_data
  • Dev: New filter: wpla_delayed_amazon_order_completion

2.6.2 – 2023-10-19

  • Fix: Orders table not showing WPLA columns and meta boxes

2.6.1 – 2023-10-18

  • New: Added views for Locked and Unlocked listings
  • Fix: Unable to parse FBA Manage Inventory reports due to the missing seller-sku column
  • Fix: Make sure the out-of-stock threshold is of int data type
  • Fix: Gather shipment rates from all active accounts
  • Fix: Store the date_paid and ship_dates using the local time
  • Fix: Skip variables (parents) when looking for listings with missing ASINs
  • Fix: Missing dompdf autoloader
  • Dev: Rotate logs on a daily basis
  • Dev: Added back the AWS data directory

2.6.0 – 2023-09-28

  • New: Support for WooCommerce’s High Performance Order Storage feature
  • New: Enhanced searching performance in the Listings table
  • New: Added the ability to lock listings to only update their stock quantity and price (Beta)
  • New: Added the option of using a dedicated DB table when creating fulfillment feeds (Beta)
  • Tweak: Split products list into several rows when running inventory checks
  • Fix: Generating empty order fulfillment feeds
  • Fix: Warnings in the Feeds and Edit Product pages
  • Fix: Error when the filter woocommerce_get_product_from_item is triggered
  • Fix: Prevent query string from being URL-decoded
  • Fix: Variables are left without ASINs after they are published to Amazon
  • Fix: Matching using SKU does not return any results
  • Fix: Using the Parent option for the Variation Title setting should also pull the Listing Title when available
  • Fix: Added support for the item-condition column for InventoryLoader feeds
  • Fix: Size mapping case sensitivity issue
  • Dev: Added the filter wpla_order_builder_update_skip_statuses
  • Dev: Added the action wpla_order_builder_before_create_order
  • Dev: Added the action wpla_item_updated_from_report
  • Dev: Update the Dompdf library to address a vulnerability
  • Dev: Added the ability to limit the results when generating pending feeds to prevent timeouts
  • Dev: Removed the /data directory from the AWS library

2.5.5 – 2023-07-10

  • New: Added the shipping methods ExpeditedGlobalParcel and ExpeditedLocalParcel to the GLS carrier
  • New: Added the shipping carrier DX Freight
  • Tweak: Increase the timeout value when trying to activate the plugin license
  • Fix: Personalization data from orders not getting recorded
  • Fix: Product-level _amazon_price value must have priority over profile value
  • Fix: Added the missing Reseller Category value JE_VOEC
  • Dev: Handled errors in the Accounts page
  • Dev: Removed MWS fields from the Accounts page
  • Dev: Added the filter wpla_force_amazon_collected_taxes

2.5.4 – 2023-05-17

  • New: Added the option of saving the Amazon Order ID as both a meta value and an order note
  • Tweak: Readability of the status text for tools that run in batches (Step X / Y items processed)
  • Dev: Handle errors from the getReports call
  • Fixed: Warnings from the WPLA_InventoryCheck class
  • Fixed: Warnings in the Listings page
  • Fixed: Added a Primary Key to the amazon_shipping table
  • Fixed: Empty quantity value in the Repricing table
  • Fixed: Importer attempting to create variable products from simple listings

2.5.3 – 2023-04-27

  • New: Added the ability to search the Stocks Logs using the Amazon Product ID
  • New: Added a setting to skip adding line item SKUs to created WooCommerce orders
  • Tweak: Enhanced the search results for the Listings and Repricing tables
  • Tweak: Show the total stocks and FBA stocks in the Repricing table
  • Fixed: Some custom feed templates not showing dropdown options for valid values
  • Fixed: Undefined variable [wpl_repricing_pricing_options] error in WP-Lister for Amazon Lite
  • Fixed: Revert stocks of cancelled orders from the Unshipped order status
  • Dev: New filter added: wpla_orderbuilder_cleanup_session
  • Dev: Better error handling when calling getCatalogItem()
  • Dev: Removed the file gen_stub.php from the AWS library (false-positive malware report)

2.5.2 – 2023-03-09

  • Tweak: Use basedir in storing log files
  • Fixed: Amazon customer data not getting cleared from session after importing orders
  • Fixed: Use the correct UserAgent in the API calls
  • Fixed: Added the missing KZ_VOEC property
  • Fixed: Repricer not setting to the max possible price

2.5.1 – 2023-02-06

  • New: Longer data retention options for Amazon orders
  • New: Import the listing description from the Amazon catalog
  • New: Added a setting to periodically pull Order Reports to be able to import Business Tax IDs for business orders
  • Tweak: Enhanced the frontend checkout by sending the feed updates to a background task
  • Tweak: Lowered the number of ASINs when querying for price updates to prevent getting throttled
  • Tweak: WP capability check – changed edit_others_pages to edit_others_shop_orders and edit_orders_products
  • Tweak: When generating a new feed, exclude all invalid listings (missing SKUs, etc) so they do not get included in the CSV file
  • Tweak: Update price check date on ASINs with error to prevent from staying at the front of the queue
  • Fixed: $SubmittedDate undefined notice
  • Fixed: Added the missing SG_VOEC property
  • Fixed: Error when trying to count attributes from an imported listing
  • Fixed: Handle throttled responses for GetOrderAddress and GetOrderBuyInfo calls
  • Fixed: Warning “foreach() argument must be of type array” when importing some orders
  • Fixed: Fatal error when the parent ASIN could not be loaded
  • Fixed: Dompdf library clash when the Invoice Upload setting is enabled
  • Dev: Log errors from getCompetitivePricing

2.5 – 2023-01-02

  • New: Now you can request and download the Pending Order Report from within WP-Lister
  • Tweak: Delay consecutive calls to the getCompetitivePricing API to avoid triggering the rate limit
  • Fixed: WP-Lister will now get notified of changes made via the Admin Columns Pro plugin
  • Fixed: PHP Error: Call to undefined method getFeedId()
  • Fixed: Invoice upload feed should always be sent as UTF-8
  • Fixed: Library clash for FontLib\Autoloader and Dompdf\Autoloader
  • Dev: Added a custom namespace to the Dompdf library to prevent collisions
  • Dev: More verbose debug log allows for more precise bug squashing when processing shipping fees
  • Dev: Allow plugins to control whether feed content should be utf8_decode’d using the new wpla_utf8_decode_feed_content filter
  • Dev: Fully compatible with WooCommerce 7.2

2.4.4 – 2022-12-08

  • Security: Fixed a Reflected Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability reported by Animesh Gaurav
  • Tweak: Make the list of prepared listing issues expandable to save screen space
  • Fixed: Invoice uploaded to amazon could show as blank PDF due to invalid characters
  • Fixed: Issue where “There are no shipping options available” was shown incorrectly
  • Fixed: Shipping method ID not being accessed correctly
  • Fixed: Invalid argument for foreach in ListingsModel.php
  • Fixed: Call to undefined method getFeedId() in AmazonFeed.php
  • Fixed: Check for an existing Dompdf class before including the autoloader (3rd party plugin compatibility)
  • Dev: Force download of log files instead of directly linking to them

2.4.3 – 2022-11-24

  • Tweak: Hide parent container items when filtering listings to only show items without ASINs
  • Fixed: Repricing did not reset to max price if seller has buy box and no competition
  • Fixed: Improved downloading gallery thumbnails when importing items from Amazon
  • Dev: Added definition to be able to access the Contributors property when fetching catalog items
  • Dev: Added parameter ‘product_node’ to the wpla_filter_imported_product_data filter

2.4.2 – 2022-11-08

  • Tweak: Removed old report types which are no longer supported by Amazon’s new SP-API
  • Tweak: Regularly clean the amazon_jobs table
  • Fixed: Uploading Invoices to the SP-API
  • Fixed: Import Book attributes from the API
  • Fixed: Use the ReportDocument::getCompressionAlgorithm() method to determine if the report body needs to be decoded
  • Fixed: Call to a member function get_regular_price() on bool when passed an invalid/nonexistent product
  • Fixed: Attempt to read property “account_id” on array
  • Fixed: Error when trying to access null as object
  • Fixed: Call to function getAttributes() on bool
  • Fixed: GuzzleHttp conflict with other plugins
  • Dev: Added the method getEligibleShipmentServices()

2.4.1 – 2022-10-24

  • New: Importing listings is now using the Catalog API (SP-API)
  • Tweak: Removed the option to import using the old Listings API
  • Fixed: Various minor issues related to the new SP-API
  • Fixed: Database error over large attribute sets

2.4.0 – 2022-10-18

  • New: Use the new SP-API for feeds and catalog requests, including repricing and importing tasks (beta)

2.3.0 – 2022-10-13

  • New: Use the new Catalog API to pull images and bullet points when importing listings
  • New: Added shipping methods for the Australia Post-ArticleID carrier
  • Tweak: Improved performance in SQL query when building large feeds
  • Tweak: Display “Sync sales is disabled” in the order history log for products where syncing has been disabled
  • Fixed: Removed redundant code causing a “Undefined variable awsToken” notice
  • Fixed: Added the missing constant AU_VOEC in the SP-API library
  • Fixed: Undefined offset warnings when saving variable products
  • Dev: Added the filter wpla_run_plugin_update_check to override the frequency of update checks from the license server
  • Dev: Added filter wpla_attribute_shortcode_value

2.2.9 – 2022-09-17

  • New: Added the CTTExpress shipping provider
  • Tweak: Improved Product Bundles support: Update bundle quantity when child components are updated
  • Fixed: Issue where requesting the FBA Shipment report would fail
  • Fixed: Plugin conflict with Advanced Shipping Tracking Pro
  • Fixed: Avoid double-encoding data from the Merchant Listings report
  • Fixed: Invalid value ‘NZ_VOEC’ for ‘deemed_reseller_category’ error
  • Fixed: Use WC_Product_Bundle::get_bundle_stock_quantity() to get stock quantity of bundled products
  • Dev: Added filter wpla_shipment_tracking_instance

2.2.8 – 2022-08-30

  • Fixed: Record the correct Gift Wrap amount from Amazon
  • Fixed: Undefined function get_stock_managed_by_id() (since 2.2.7)
  • Fixed: Undefined variable wpl_is_reg_brand
  • Fixed: Warnings on the Advanced Settings page

2.2.7 – 2022-08-26

  • Tweak: Exclude product meta when cloning products
  • Fixed: Issue where scheduled reports not getting requested
  • Fixed: Amazon Business flag was not shown on the Orders page
  • Fixed: Improved support for variations with parent-level stock management (from Yatin @ multidots)

2.2.6 – 2022-08-09

  • Fixed: Download customized order item data
  • Fixed: Reports not being downloaded and displayed properly
  • Fixed: Create Customers action failing due to missing order email address
  • Fixed: Skip automatically generating feeds when running imports
  • Fixed: Support for Price Based on Country plugin
  • Fixed: Automatically process supported reports
  • Fixed: Still show the search form when trying to match products and the initial search returned no results
  • Dev: Removed unnecessary use of GuzzleHttp\json_encode()

2.2.5 – 2022-08-02

  • Fixed: Missing buyer details from orders
  • Fixed: Compatibility with PHP 7.4 restored
  • Fixed: Improved compatibility with Amazon’s new SP-API
  • Fixed: Matching a WooCommerce product to Amazon would return no results
  • Tweak: Do not fetch address and buyer info on pending and cancelled orders
  • Tweak: Improved handling of throttling when importing orders and order addresses
  • Dev: Result from GetOrders call was too large to be stored in log

2.2.4 – 2022-08-01

  • New: WP-Lister now uses Amazon’s new SP-API to fetch orders and request reports
  • Tweak: Updated the Accounts pages to allow users to login and fetch token from existing accounts
  • Fixed: Fix French character encoding when importing from Amazon
  • Fixed: Feed Error Emails still sending despite the setting being off
  • Fixed: Include the SKU and error message in the feed submission error email
  • Fixed: Prevent fatal errors if the data being accessed was not provided by Amazon
  • Dev: Compatible with WooCommerce 6.7
  • Dev: Added the ability to toggle calls between sandbox and production APIs
  • Dev: Added wpla_update_feeds action to force WPLA to generate feeds for changed listings

2.2.3 – 2022-07-11

  • New: Added option to send an email to site admin in case of any feed submission error
  • Tweak: Apply the wpla_orderbuilder_prices_include_tax filter every time the woocommerce_prices_include_tax option is pulled
  • Fixed: Check All button on the Import page was not working
  • Fixed: Variation main image fallback must first be set prior to attempting to load from the product gallery
  • Fixed: Undefined array key “leadtime-to-ship” warning
  • Fixed: Uncaught TypeError: round(): Argument #1 must be of type int|float, string given
  • Fixed: Warning Undefined index: listing_title
  • Dev: Added filter wpla_override_variation_attribute_with_profile to allow WPLA to use variation attribute value from the profile
  • Dev: Use WC_Product methods to get and set product price in Woo_ProductWrapper.php
  • Dev: Lock table for reading when using the wpla_lock_feeds_table filter

2.2.2 – 2022-05-26

  • Tweak: Adjusted the shipping methods for the GLS courier
  • Tweak: Store the Amazon account title with each order when creating orders in WooCommerce
  • Tweak: Increased the timeout limit when fetching converted template from conversion server
  • Fixed: Error message “Trying to access offset of null in WPLA_AjaxHandler.php”
  • Fixed: Fallback to accessing post data from $_REQUEST for sites that cannot read from php://input
  • Fixed: Possible issue processing special characters (introduced in 2.2.1)
  • Dev: Include Amazon account name and Merchant ID in the WC REST API response for GetOrder calls
  • Dev: Store the IOSS in the order metadata

2.2.1 – 2022-05-09

  • New: Added invoice uploading for the WooCommerce Print Invoices plugin by SkyVerge
  • Tweak: Convert merchant-shipping-group field value to UTF-8 prior to importing
  • Tweak: Handle new AFN quantity fields (afn-fulfillable-quantity-local and afn-fulfillable-quantity-remote)
  • Fixed: PDF Invoice missing images and fonts
  • Fixed: French characters not displaying correctly
  • Fixed: Rare issue where a product’s stock level could be set to 0 when updating the product in WooCommerce
  • Fixed: Removed shirt_size fields from the parent_var_columns array
  • Dev: Added logging for checking FBA autosubmit orders
  • Dev: Added the filter wpla_update_woo_stock_skip_status_array
  • Dev: Added filter wpla_filter_skip_listing_feed_item to skip certain listings from being added to feeds

2.2.0 – 2022-04-06

  • New: Added “Couriers Please” to the list of available shipping providers
  • New: Retry failed requests due to temporary network issues automatically (HTTP code 502)
  • New: Added more parent variation columns (age_range_description, fabric_type, shirt_size, shirt_size_class, shirt_size_system)
  • Tweak: Delay creating orders without order items to circumvent temporary network issues (502 bad gateway)
  • Tweak: Check ignore_orders_before against PurchaseDate instead of LastUpdateDate
  • Tweak: Convert listing titles to UTF8 before importing
  • Fixed: Skip listing parent variables if variations mode is flat
  • Fixed: When Background Inventory Check is off, also unschedule the wpla_bg_inventory_check_run jobs
  • Fixed: Prevent creating orders without any items
  • Fixed: Undefined property stdClass::ShippingTax
  • Fixed: Selected value in the Feed Attributes list showing up as Custom Values
  • Dev: Added the function wpla_is_json()
  • Dev: Added logging to the handle_woocommerce_order_status_update_completed checks
  • Dev: Added the filters wpla_import_update_product_price and wpla_import_update_amazon_price
  • Dev: Increased cURL timeout limit from 15 to 30 seconds
  • Dev: Store the Earliest and Latest Ship Dates in the order postmeta
  • Dev: Commented out the code block with ATUM plugin support which now is causing a fatal error
  • Dev: Passed post_id parameter is in JSON format when using the REST API. Decode and extract the correct post_id if necessary
  • Dev: Check for a valid order_id before adding a history entry that the order was created
  • Dev: Compatible with WooCommerce 6.3.1

2.1.0 – 2022-02-18

  • New: Added support for custom templates with multi-marketplace fields
  • New: Added AU shipping carriers Australia Post and StarTrack
  • Tweak: Skip checking for stock sync issue if the quantity property is empty to avoid checking against FBA listings
  • Tweak: Include the time when filtering the stocks log by date
  • Fixed: Convert units to a dot decimal character for the length, width and height properties
  • Fixed: Check for the ups_shipment_ids index to prevent getting an Undefined Index warning
  • Fixed: Load thickbox library on the Products table to make sure product matching works
  • Fixed: Load thickbox library on the Import page
  • Dev: Added $order to the wpla_shipping_service_id_map and wpla_shipping_service_title_map filters
  • Dev: Compatible with WooCommerce 6.2

2.0.8 – 2022-01-28

  • New: Added DE colors to the color map list and switch to using text input with autocomplete because Amazon now requires localised color names
  • Fixed: Improved script loading to make sure plugin scripts are only loaded within WP-Lister pages
  • Fixed: Assigning the main_image_url for each variation was using the primary image of the parent product instead
  • Dev: Added filter wpla_duplicate_product_excluded_meta to modify or remove the excluded product meta when duplicating WooCommerce products

2.0.7 – 2021-12-30

  • New: Added support for dismissible notices, including warnings about outdated PHP versions
  • New: Display important announcements like important new features or critical fixes as dismissible notices
  • Fixed: Updated support for WooThumb’s new way of storing the variation images

2.0.6 – 2021-12-07

  • New: Added a setting to skip checking for invalid EAN and UPC
  • New: Show warning when a PHP version older than 7.4 is detected
  • Tweak: Use SQL transactions when building shipment feeds to prevent overwriting existing shipments
  • Fixed: Possible fatal error during feed generation (Uncaught TypeError: number_format(): Argument #1 must be of type float)
  • Fixed: Use the wpla_orderbuilder_prices_include_tax filter to fix the shipping total of created orders
  • Dev: Added wpla_process_fba_report_row action hook
  • Dev: Added wpla_add_attribute_name and wpla_add_attribute_label filter hooks
  • Dev: Updated the translation files and the strings.php index

2.0.5 – 2021-11-22

  • New: Allow custom values to feed attribute drop downs
  • New: Import Proxy setting for those sites whose IP are banned from importing from Amazon
  • Fixed: Filter wpla_orderbuilder_prices_include_tax not working properly
  • Fixed: Added feed_product_type and country_of_origin to the parent feed columns
  • Fixed: Removed the parent columns that according to Amazon should not be submitted in the parent listings
  • Fixed: Make sure get_data_rows() always returns an array
  • Fixed: Fatal error when parsing personalized data
  • Fixed: Parse French Valid Values templates

2.0.4 – 2021-11-02

  • Tweak: Record the Tax Registration ID / VAT ID when creating order in WooCommerce
  • Fixed: Issue where the FBA shipping option was not available during checkout
  • Dev: Set the ATUM Multi-Inventory hooks to the highest priority as suggested by their support staff
  • Dev: Added filter wpla_listen_for_sku_changes to disable popup when the change action is triggered by the SKU field

2.0.3 – 2021-10-17

  • New: Store the FulfillmentChannel in the order postmeta
  • Tweak: Round the imported dimension values down to 2 decimal places
  • Fixed: Possible fatal error parsing shipping fee values when generating feeds
  • Fixed: Reformat the price value to ensure that it can be parsed properly by PHP
  • Fixed: Check for the REQUEST_METHOD key which is not available in a CLI environment
  • Fixed: Check for wpla_permissions to prevent warnings. This isn’t available in multisite installs
  • Dev: Added action hook wpla_buy_box_pricing_updated
  • Dev: Added filter hook wpla_update_custom_order_status

2.0.2 – 2021-09-21

  • Fixed: Removed invalid parameter in process_ship_from_address() method
  • Fixed: Prevent WP-Lister from setting order status back to Processing if it is already marked as Completed

2.0.1 – 2021-09-16

  • New: Added a setting to choose whether to match order items using ASIN or SKU
  • Tweak: If there is no tracking number found, try pulling it from the tracking_code post meta key
  • Fixed: Bulk editing in WooCommerce was not marking listings as Changed
  • Fixed: Display the correct submit box actions for variable-product-part products
  • Fixed: Decode keyword values into ISO-8859-1 charset to fix feed errors when using umlauts
  • Fixed: Warning “Invalid argument supplied in foreach” when saving custom size map settings
  • Fixed: Issue where ship-from address was not getting pulled correctly
  • Fixed: Issue where the disable_sale_price setting was ignored in some cases
  • Fixed: Issue whee feeds could fail due to strtolower conversion (since 2.0)
  • Dev: Added the filter hook wpla_find_matching_tracking_provider
  • Dev: Cleaned up the call_complete_order() method and added the wpla_processed_third_party_tracking action

2.0 – 2021-08-28

  • New: Create separate size maps for different size fields using the new “Custom Size Mapping” option
  • New: Added a “Default Ship From Address” option on the Advanced Settings page
  • New: Added support for the Variable Product Part product type
  • New: Variable Product Part support for ATUM Product Levels plugin
  • New: Shipping tracking support for YITH WooCommerce Order Tracking plugin
  • New: Added the Hermes UK shipping provider
  • New: Store the IOSS number as order line item meta when creating orders in WooCommerce
  • Tweak: Changed the size map select boxes into autocomplete input boxes to allow custom values to be used
  • Tweak: Size column mapping: attribute shortcodes are executed first and all custom sizes are transformed to lowercase
  • Fixed: FBA tracking was not getting processed if background inventory checking was enabled
  • Fixed: Sync product bundle products after increasing and decreasing stocks (WooCommerce Product Bundles)
  • Fixed: Fixed the shipped date and carrier-code for DHL (YITH Order Tracking)
  • Fixed: Disable transactional emails (WooCommerce Germanized)
  • Fixed: Added missing description for the Gift Wrap Options setting
  • Fixed: Make sure to leave carrier-name field empty if carrier-code is not “Other”
  • Fixed: Perform some additional checks to prevent rare issues with 3rd party plugins
  • Fixed: Warning “Required parameter follows optional parameter” on PHP8
  • Fixed: Possible fatal error when product price returned is not a number
  • Fixed: Newly matched variations were not inheriting the parent’s profile
  • Fixed: MSRP in the Repricer was not displaying the correct price
  • Dev: Added filter wpla_shipping_total
  • Dev: Added parameter to the wpla_order_builder_line_item filter
  • Dev: Database upgrade to version 53 – added indices to feeds and orders tables

1.9.7 – 2021-06-07

  • New: Added a search box in the List on Amazon popup to filter profiles
  • New: Added an excluded markets setting for the Size Map feature
  • New: Setting option to assign a default profile for all matched listings
  • New: Setting option to complete WooCommerce orders after successful FBA submission
  • Tweak: Added more parent variation columns (recommended_browse_nodes, material_composition, color_map, lifestyle1)
  • Fixed: Exclude WP-Lister meta when duplicating products
  • Fixed: Ship Method and Ship From values not getting displayed in the Order Metabox
  • Fixed: Product Bundles: Check for errors when adding bundle to order
  • Fixed: Profiles per page not being saved
  • Fixed: Missing screen option label
  • Fixed: Listings from inactive accounts showing up in the getStatusSummary method
  • Fixed: Uncaught exception when cancelling feed submission
  • Fixed: Warnings from required parameters preceded by an optional parameter
  • Fixed: Move the removeASINFromProducts() call to before trashing the listings
  • Fixed: Load the child listings when removing listings from Amazon using a parent product
  • Dev: Added the wpla_orderbuilder_prices_include_tax

1.9.6 – 2021-04-27

  • New: Set a custom WooCommerce order status for cancelled Amazon orders
  • Fixed: Add product bundle information when creating WooCommerce orders
  • Fixed: Possible issue switching profiles for a product from the edit product page
  • Dev: Added filter wpla_fallback_stock_quantity

1.9.5 – 2021-04-14

  • New: Added the Default Shipping Method setting option to set the default shipping provider
  • New: Added a configure link on the new Ship From field to make it easier to manage Ship From addresses
  • Tweak: Updated the list of shipping carrier codes
  • Tweak: Skip feed generation when importing/updating listings using WP All-Import
  • Tweak: Adjusted the ValidValues parser to handle the new format from Amazon
  • Fixed: Show the stock log and feed submitted date in local time
  • Fixed: Only combine the keywords if keyword_fields_type is set to separate
  • Fixed: Fetch the bullets into an array so they could be stored separately in _amazon_bullet_pointN postmeta fields
  • Dev: Added filters wpla_fetch_overwrite_description and wpla_fetch_overwrite_bullets

1.9.4 – 2021-03-25

  • New: Allow the individual profile switching of products linked to multiple listings
  • New: Added the option of pulling specific order numbers from Amazon in the Orders page
  • New: Added more size options in the size map options to include apparel_size values
  • New: Added a warning for partially published variable listings
  • New: Added date range filter to the Stocks Log page
  • Tweak: Improved quantity calculation in the Listings table
  • Fixed: Rare issue where calling set_include_path() multiple times could cause timeout and memory errors
  • Fixed: Call to a member function get_customer_id() on null in WooCommerce Payments plugin
  • Fixed: Ensure that the second parameter in the wpla_get_stock filter is an integer
  • Fixed: Use wc_get_product() instead of get_product()
  • Dev: Switched all jQuery .success() calls to .done()
  • Dev: Added filter wpla_after_processing_inventory_report

1.9.3 – 2021-03-03

  • New: Added support for additional image fields in Handmade feed templates
  • New: Added a setting to turn off gift line item processing on new orders
  • New: Use the stock status (in stock/out of stock) to list products which have stock management disabled
  • New: Record the …


  • Version: 2.6.17
  • Active installations: 1,000
  • WordPress Version: 4.2
  • Tested up to: 6.5.5


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