
August 09, 2023

WP-InstantArticles Plugin

WP-InstantArticles generates a RSS feed of your WordPress posts as Instant Articles for Facebook to consume.

Facebook Instant Articles is a new way for publishers to distribute stories on Facebook. Instant Articles load up to 10 times faster than the mobile web.

You can access your Instant Articles RSS feed at http://yoursite.com/instant-articles.

For more information checkout Facebook’s Instant Articles Developer Guide.

Build Status




I spent most of my free time creating, updating, maintaining and supporting these plugins, if you really love my plugins and could spare me a couple of bucks, I will really appreciate it. If not feel free to use it without any obligations.


  1. Upload wp-instantarticles folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the WP-InstantArticles plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. There are no options for the plugin. You can access the Instant Articles RSS feed at http://yoursite.com/instant-articles.


404 when accessing `http://yoursite.com/instant-articles`.

  • You might need to re-generate permalink (WP-Admin -> Settings -> Permalinks -> Save Changes)

Support for Custom Post Types?

  • You can access your Custom Post Type Instant Articles feed via http://yoursite.com/instant-articles/?post_type=CPT.

What are the filters available?

  • wp_instantarticles_namespace
    • Default: instant-articles
  • wp_instantarticles_template_rss2
    • Default: instantarticles-rss2.php
  • wp_instantarticles_template_rss2_items
    • Default: instantarticles-rss2-items.php
  • wp_instantarticles_article_style
    • Default: wp_get_theme() which returns your theme folder name.
  • wp_instantarticles_post_credits
    • Default: This post POST_TITLE appeared first on SITE_NAME.
  • wp_instantarticles_post_copyright
    • Default: Copyright © YEAR SITE_NAME. All rights reserved.
  • wp_instantarticles_post_image
    • Default: Featured image URL or first image URL in post.
  • wp_instantarticles_post_image_alt
    • Default: Featured image alt, excerpt or title.
  • wp_instantarticles_post_content
    • Default: Post content.

What are the hooks available?

  • wp_instantarticles_rss2_head
    • Fires: Within <channel></channel>, before first <item>.
  • wp_instantarticles_rss2_item
    • Fires: After </content:encoded>, before </item>.
  • wp_instantarticles_post_header
    • Fires: Before </header>.
  • wp_instantarticles_post_content
    • Fires: After post content, before </footer>.
  • wp_instantarticles_post_footer
    • Fires: Immediately after <footer>.



  • Initial release


  • Version: 1.0.0
  • Active installations: 200
  • WordPress Version: 4.4
  • Tested up to: 6.3.5


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