WP Image Cropper

April 25, 2020

WP Image Cropper Plugin

WP Image Cropper is a smart image cropping plugin that seamlessly integrates with the WordPress image functions.

WP Image Cropper is a smart image cropping plugin that seamlessly integrates with the WordPress image functions. You can specify height, width and crop values, and an image will be generated, you can upload it in WordPress media library.
Simply click on any of the cropping button Crop Image In (PNG), Crop Image In (JPG), Crop Image with (16090), Crop Image with (320180, JPG) next click on “Upload to Media” button, Your image will uploaded in wordpress media library.

There are two options provided with this plugin i.e.
1) Sub menu page -> Dashboard > Image Cropper.
2) Shortcode -> [wp_image_cropper]

Usage from Admin Screen (sub menu “Image Cropper”):
– Go to Admin > Image Cropper and you will see WP image cropper from there you can crop any image and upload it in wordpress media library.

Usage as shortcode:
– Use Shortcode [wp_image_cropper] to set WP image cropper on your WP page or post.




  • Allow to crop image with folowing options “Crop Image In (PNG), Crop Image In (JPG), Crop Image with (16090), Crop Image with (320180, JPG)”
  • Allows you to upload new image from comupter
  • SHows the live preview with diiffrent size
  • You can set folowing options like “autoCrop, dragCrop, modal, dashed, movable, resizable, zoomable, rotatable, multiple”
  • WP Image Cropper has give you following method that helps you to crop the image “Reset, Reset(deep), Enable, Disable, Clear, Destroy, Free Ratio, Set data”
  • Shows crop image live data like “X, Y , Height, Width, Rotate”
  • WP Image Cropper allows you to set zoom fector, Rotate fector and set aspect ratio
  • WP Image Cropper plugin gives crop image data


  1. Upload wp-image-cropper to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
  3. Place [wp_image_cropper] shortcode in your page or post.


  1. Goto dashboard > plugin > Add New > select wp-image-cropper.zip file.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.


  1. wp image cropper backend view

    wp image cropper backend view

  2. wp image cropper frontend view

    wp image cropper frontend view


How to installation Wo Image cropper plugin

  1. Upload wp-image-cropper to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
  3. Place [wp_image_cropper] shortcode in your page or post.


  1. Goto dashboard > plugin > Add New > select wp-image-cropper.zip file.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.

Shortcode for WP image cropper




  • Launch!


  • Version: 1.0.0
  • Active installations: 80
  • Tested up to: 5.4.16


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