WordPress Galleria

November 19, 2011

WordPress Galleria Plugin

A plugin which generates photo galleries on the fly.

A plugin which generates photo galleries on the fly.
All the user should do is just upload his folders with photos to the server
in your uploads wp-galleria/ folder.

The plugin automatically parses the directories inside and generates the pages and thumbnails.

WP-Galleria uses FancyBox to render photos.

Checkout the live demo.


Version 1.1 is almost a complete rewrite of the plugin.
We needed something simple and working in small time, so was born wp-galleria.


New installation

  1. Upload wp-galleria directory to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Go to Tools menu where you’ll find ‘WordPress Galleria’ settings page

Upgrade from 1.0

  1. Backup your wp-content/plugins/wp-galleria/data folder!!!
  2. Upgrade
  3. Move your old contents into the new wp-galleria pics folder (you can find it in administration panel)


Want to translate?

Get the pot file.

Want to submit your translation?

Send me an email directly.



  • Initial release. Unstable, limited!


  • Almost a complete rewrite. Still as simple as it was.
  • Fully rewrote the content generation part. Removed all previous limits.
  • Now data folder is moved to wp-content/wp-galleria
  • Updated all JavaScript parts. Latest FancyBox!
  • Updated the translation.


  • Forgot a small typo that can allow access to filesystem.


  • Upgraded to be compatible with WordPress MultiSite


  • Fixed the issue with broken rel=””


  • Version: 1.4
  • Active installations: 80
  • WordPress Version: 2.3
  • Tested up to: 3.2.1


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