FundEngine – Donation and Crowdfunding Platform
Wpmet By Wpmet

April 17, 2024

FundEngine – Donation and Crowdfunding Platform Plugin

FundEngine - Fundraising Donation plugin and Crowdfunding Platform comes with Single donation and crowdfunding solution. You can use our plugin Either …

FundEngine – Fundraising Donation plugin and Crowdfunding Platform comes with Single donation and crowdfunding solution. This plugin gives the ability to anyone to create a crowdfunding and single donation site with WordPress.

Create Crowdfunding website

Want to create a crowdfunding website? With this plugin, you can easily create a Crowdfunding or fundraising website just a few clicks. Multiple ways to receive fund with our plugin. Our plugins come with Paypal and Stripe payment gateways. Also, you can use woocommerce with our plugin to get payment with woocommerce. also, users send fund manually by the bank or locally. And after receive fund approved the payment from admin panel.

Do you want others also create a campaign on your site? We have a Front end dashboard so user can easily create a campaign from the frontend dashboard.

Single donation

Want to develop a Single donation site? Yes, it’s easy to set up and create a single donation form with our plugin. We have auto-setup features to create single donation site on the fly and receive donations from various source.

FundEngine – Fundraising Donation plugin and Crowdfunding Platform comes with Single donation and crowdfunding solution. You can use our plugin Either single donation or crowdfunding solution. We have two types of the payment system. Standalone and woocommerce payment system. You can get paid with PayPal and stripe without any third-party plugin. And also you can get the payment with woocommerce to get popular payment gateways with our plugin. It’s very user-friendly and convenient to manage. WP Fundraising built from the ground up for all your fundraising needs, WP Fundraising provides you with a powerful donation Donation and Crowdfunding Platform optimized for online Fundraising.


Found issue or new features? Contact our team from here.

Crowdfunding and Donation Features:

  • Frontend User Registration and Login
  • Frontend Campaign Submit Form
  • Funding Goal
  • Start and End date
  • Setting featured image
  • Recommended Price
  • Minimum and Maximum Price
  • Show/Hide Backer Table
  • Mark Backer as Anonymous
  • Campaign End Methods
    • Target Goal
    • Target Date
    • Target Goal and Date
    • Campaign Never End
  • Create Unlimited Rewards
  • Campaign Update Status tab

Frontend Dashboard Features:

  • Log In
  • List of campaigns created by the current user.
  • Advanced campaign reporting
  • Your balance information
  • Show/Update profile and contact information
  • Show/Update billing and shipping information
  • Log Out

FundEngine – Fundraising donation plugin already integrate with Elementor builder.

Shortcodes / Elements:

  • WF Campaigns Listing
  • WF Dashboard
  • WF Donate Button
  • WF Donate Form
  • WF Login Registration Form

Plugin Settings Page:

  • General Options
  • Disable/Enable Minimum Price
  • Disable/Enable Maximum Price
  • Disable/Enable Recommended Price
  • Disable/Enable Target Goal
  • Disable/Enable Target Date
  • Disable/Enable Target Goal and Date
  • Disable/Enable Campaign Never End
  • Donation Option
  • Select featured campaigns for donation
  • Payment Details. Woocommerce or standalone
  • Terms Options

Share Options:

  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Google Plus
  • Pinterest
  • Linkedin


  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/plugin-name directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress
  3. All Settings will be found in Admin sidebar -> Wp fundraising
  4. (Make your instructions match the desired user flow for activating and installing your plugin. Include any steps that might be needed for explanatory purposes)

eg. This plugin require Woocommerce to use all functionality.


How to use WP fundraising?

Install plugin from After approved go to admin, Wp Fundraising -> use quick setup to install plugin quickly.

How to add currency?

add_filter(‘wfp_country_set’, ‘wfp_hook_country’);
add_filter(‘wfp_country_set_data’, ‘wfp_hook_country_data’);

function wfp_hook_country(){
return ‘TST’;

function wfp_hook_country_data(){
return [‘info’ => [‘name’ => ‘Test Country’, ‘phone_code’ => ‘+000’], ‘currency’ => [‘code’ => ‘TST’, ‘symbol’ => ‘$’ ], ‘states’ => [ ‘STA-1’ => ‘State 1’]];

How do I extend this plugin or modify?

We have huge added filter and actions for our plugins.


Version 1.7.0 //2024-04-16
– Fixed: Social share redirect issue
– Fixed: Add campaign is not working for first time activation
– Fixed: Gallery images not displaying on single donation page
– Fixed: Dashboard gallery image select were removing existing images
– Fixed: Translation issue
– Improved: Admin dashboard UI
– Improved: Security

Version 1.6.4 //2023-09-18
– Updated: Plugin name to “FundEngine”
– Fixed: Checkout issue for woocommerce payment
– Fixed: Donation not showing after enabling WooCommerce payment gateway

Version 1.6.2 //2023-07-16
– Fixed: Stripe payment method is not working
– Fixed: Deprecated issue
– Fixed: Session issue

Version 1.6.0 //2022-06-29
– Fix: Some minor PHP notices
– Fix: compatible with WordPress 6.0
– Tweak: Paypal and Stripe compatibility
– Tweak: CSS and JS improved

Version 1.5.0 //2022-06-06
– Fix: Some minor PHP notices
– Tweak: CSS and JS improved
– Tweak: Data escaping and sanitization improved
– Tweak: CSRF, SQL Injection Protection improved

Version 1.4.2
– Fix: A missing file issue

Version 1.4.1 //2021-08-11
– Fix: Some minor PHP notices
– Tweak: CSS and JS improved
– Tweak: icons updated
– Compatibility: compatible with WordPress 5.8
– Compatibility: compatible with PHP 8

Version 1.4.0
– Add: New menu “Donations” to view and work with recent donation
– Fix: Status is not updating issue is resolved
– Tweak: CSS and JS improved
– Compatibility: compatible with WordPress 5.6

Version 1.3.4
– Fix: Multiple pledge on same page conflicts when submit for donation issue is resolved
– Fix: Donation does not add into cart when created with short-code with woocommerce issue is resolved
– Fix: Pledge does not add into cart when created with short-code issue resolved with woocommerce
– Fix: Reward claim count does not work with woocommerce issue is resolved
– Fix: Stripe currency not changing based on settings issue is resolved
– Fix: Some minor notices and bugs
– Tweak: CSS and JS improved

Version 1.3.3
– Fix: Dashboard links are not working issue resolved
– Fix: Empty cart issue for single donation is resolved
– Fix: Currency symbol inconsistency is resolved
– Fix: PayPal currency not changing based on settings issue is resolved
– Fix: Invalid order after PayPal payment issue is resolved
– Tweak: Pledge amount can not be updated by user while donating
– Compatibility: compatible with WordPress 5.5.3

Version 1.3.1
– Fix: Donation is not added into woocommerce cart if already an item is exists in cart issue is fixed
– Fix: Min max amount frontend validation issue for crowd funding is resolved
– Fix: php warning for rest api permission callback issue resolved
– Fix: Once amount validation failed then with correct amount donation is not adding into woocommerce cart issue is resolved
– Tweak: CSS and JS improved
– Compatibility: compatible with 5.5.1

Version 1.3.0
– ADD: Option added for hiding campaign author for crowd campaign
– Fix: Enabling global terms & condition settings issue
– Fix: php error on viewing empty invoice page issue
– Fix: php warning for array count issue
– Fix: System error message on new user registration issue
– Fix: Resetting page options on currency settings update issue
– Fix: Some minor fixes
– Tweak: CSS and JS improved
– Compatibility: compatible with 5.4.2

Version 1.2.1
– Fix: Woocommerce latest update compatibility issue
– Fix: Typo corrected and some other minor fixes
– Tweak: CSS and JS improved

Version 1.2.0
– ADD: View details of invoice from report page
– Fix: Can not change permalink structure issue resolved
– Fix: domain extension length restriction removed
– Fix: Some words made translatable
– Tweak: CSS and JS improved

Instruction: Please make sure after update the plugin to version 1.2.0, you have de-activate the plugin and then re-activate it again. This step will allow the plugin to create some default settings to run properly.

Version 1.1.19
– Fix: Stripe currency symbol stuck on USD
– Fix: Currency symbol in reflecting the woocommerce payment settings when payment method is woocommerce active

Version 1.1.18
– Fix: Report comes incorrect if woocommerce payment is active
– Fix: Crowd/Single donation does not submit if woocommerce payment is active
– Fix: Pledge donation does not list on donation if woocommerce payment is active
– Fix: On click donation button goes back to post for woocommerce payment is active
– Tweak: CSS and JS improved

Version 1.1.17
– Fix: Decimal values does not work with woocommerce cart
– Fix: Crowed fund type campaign does not preview in single page template
– Fix: Campaign description does not save from front-end submission
– Fix: Featured video does not show on single page view of single donation type campaign
– Tweak: CSS and JS improved

Version 1.1.16
– Fix: Can not create campaign from front-end
– Fix: Two words made translatable
– Fix: Some typo is corrected
– Tweak: Email notification to admin and user on registration
– Tweak: CSS and JS improved

Version 1.1.15
– Fix: Donation does not count as virtual product in woocommerce resolved
– Fix: Redirecting to 404 page on donate button click issue
– Fix: Elementor widget donate now button issues
– Fix: Issue with fixed donation amount in single page
– Fix: Some spelling mistakes
– Fix: Made some words translatable
– Fix: Missing style enqueued for dashboard when short-code used from elementor
– Fix: Login-registration form page does not show logout issue
– Tweak: Improved checking on settings page-option
– Tweak: Option added to hide “custom” button for single donation
– Tweak: Added filtering on listing widget
– Tweak: Modal unique id generation to avoid conflict. Added attribute for passing button text, html style and additional css class.
– Tweak: CSS and JS improved

Version 1.1.14
– Fix: Page redirection issue when donate
– Fix: Page option settings revert issue
– Fix: Settings update checking for already installed
– Fix: Missing style enqueued
– Tweak: CSS and JS improved

Version 1.1.13
– Fix: Invalid email error in registration form
– Fix: Error in single donation from short-code view
– Tweak: CSS and JS improved

Version 1.1.12
– Fix: Campaign Listing page fatal error due to usage of a PHP 7.3 function, now compatible up to PHP 5.6
– Fix: Some other issues from campaign listing page
– Tweak: Donation goal display style updated for “both” type
– Tweak: Login-registration short-code updated from wfp-auth-form to wfp_fundraising_form
– Tweak: Removed country list from pledge/reward
– Tweak: CSS and JS improved

Version 1.1.11
– Fix: Carousel feature added in ‘Campaign list’ Elementor widget
– Fix: ‘Recent’ and ‘Popular’ campaign feature added in ‘Campaign list’ Elementor widget
– ADD: Page width option from settings tab
– Tweak: CSS and JS improved

Version 1.1.10
– Fix: Login registration short-code
– Fix: Remaining reward count error
– Fix: In reports page contributor name does not come for logged-in user
– Fix: All campaign is not showing in filter in report page
– Fix: Bug fix for fixed amount single donation
– Fix: Bug fix for days left count in crowed-funding
– Fix: Some other small issues
– Tweak: Default goal bar color updated
– Tweak: Showing message for author and logged out user in review tab

Version 1.1.9
– Fix: Tested with WordPress 5.4
– Fix: Translation issue with some words
– Fix: Claimed reward not showing
– Fix: Some CSS issue

Version 1.1.8
– Fix: Country currency code and symbol updated
– Fix: Older donation is not showing in list

Version 1.1.7
– Fix: Broken functionality after update 1.1.6
– Fix: Not updating the updates of crowd-fund from page created with short-code
– Fix: updates content not showing in crowd-fund page created with short-code
– Fix: Featured video was not coming when featured image is also set
– Fix: Some CSS issue

Version 1.1.6
– Tweak: More control over global option by admin
– Fix: Some spelling mistake corrected
– Fix: Add multiple reward from dashboard issue
– Fix: Featured video issue over HTTPS connection

Version 1.1.5
– Add: Added custom amount button
– Tweak: Form design tab removed and form button settings moved under general tab
– Tweak: Single donation design updated
– Fix: Modal close button css fixed
– Fix: CSS fixed for rewards include items
– Fix: Spelling mistake corrected
– Fix: Progress bar color issue fixed
– Fix: Some minor php notice fixed
– Fix: Fixed single donation submit issue
– Fix: Fixed on plugin deactivate and delete data loss and settings modal re-appear issue

Version 1.1.4
Translate issue fixed

Fixed payment checkout issue

Update contry list
Updated Stripe payment


Update PAYPAL and Stripe payment module


  • initial release


  • Version: 1.7.0
  • Active installations: 2,000
  • WordPress Version: 5.2
  • Tested up to: 6.5.5
  • PHP Version: 7.4


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