WP Email Template

July 13, 2024

WP Email Template Plugin

Add a beautiful HTML Template to all WordPress and plugin generated emails. Send email options - SMTP, Gmail, Mandrill, SparkPost, GoDaddy Hosting sup …

WP Email Template 2 things – beautifully

  1. Applies a responsive, customizable, optimized HTML email template to every email sent from your WordPress site including plugin generated emails.

  2. Gets your beautiful / professional emails delivered. Easily Configure advanced email sending providers with any of these supported providers

  • SMTP via your server
  • Gmail SMTP
  • Mandrill (API or SMTP)
  • SparkPost (HTTP API or SMTP API)


The plugin applies a HTML template to email sent from your WordPress site. The Template is optimized to show your HTML emails perfectly in the10 most popular email browsers.

  • Apple iOS Devices
  • MS Outlook
  • Hotmail
  • Apple Mail
  • Yahoo! Mail
  • Google Gmail
  • Android Devices
  • Windows Live Desktop
  • Mozilla Thunderbird


  • Option to Turn the Template ON | OFF. OFF to just use the plugin use to set up wp email sender without using the template (see below).
  • Dynamic Template Width – admin can edit the 600px default width of the Template.
  • Template Background colour selector
  • Background Pattern ON | OFF setting.
  • Upload and position Email Template Header image
  • Header Image container background, border, and padding settings.
  • Footer – add email template custom footer content via the WordPress editor.
  • Follow us on – add links to social media site where users can follow you.
  • Many more dynamic style options available in the Pro version.


The biggest issue users have are:

  • Email Spammers make successful email delivery a very complicated and specialized function.
  • WordPress by default uses your web hosts local mail server to send all WordPress and plugin generated emails.
  • Emails sent from a web host local mail server have poor delivery rates because they have very little or no reputation.
  • Configuring any type of email delivery provider will improve email delivery rates.

Every different Email Provider requires another plugin to configure. For example here are just a few of the available choices.

At a3rev we want users to be able to

  1. Create a Beautiful / Professional HTML Email template.
  2. Auto apply that template to all emails sent from WordPress and installed plugins.
  3. Easily configure a sending provider to get those emails delivered.
  4. Do it all with one plugin, quickly and easily.

That is why we have added the Email Sending Provider Configuration Options so you can do all of that with just one plugin – WP Email Template.


WP Email Template will not work with any plugin that:

  1. Applies it’s own HTML Email Template (WP Email Template is still applied but the 2 together will look bad).
  2. Send it’s emails via the php() function. WP Email Template is applied to all mail that goes through wp_mail()

Some of the better known plugins of the 1,000’s of plugins that WP Email Template works beautifully with.

  • Gravity Forms – see the screen shots – looks sensational with the default Gravity style.
  • Contact Form 7 – see the screenshots
  • Formidable Forms – both Lite and Pro Versions of that plugin
  • WooCommerce – Version 2.3.9 and backward compatible to version 2.1.0. By default the plugin ignores WooCommerce email output – but you can choose to apply your WordPress Email Template to all Woocomerce emails to give you consistent branding across your entire site.
  • WP e-Commerce – applies the template to every store generated email to customers and admins
  • WP Mail SMPT – WP Email Template does not interfere with the way any WordPress or any plugin handles email output – it just applies the template to any output content.
  • BackupBuddy – I love it when even my admin emails are branded – see the screenshots
  • Wordfence – Branded security emails – nice.


For those who want more advanced features there is a Premium version. View addition features at WP EMAIL TEMPLATE PREMIUM


When you download WP Email Template, you join our the a3rev Software community. Regardless of if you are a WordPress beginner or experienced developer if you are interested in contributing to the future development of this plugin head over to the WP Email Template public GitHub Repository to find out how you can contribute.

Want to add a new language to WP Email Template! You can contribute via translate.wordpress.org


  1. Install and activate the plugin

  2. Go to WP Email menu on your wp-admin dashboard.

  3. Go to the Template sub menu and add your template styling

  4. Go to the Send WP Mail sub menu and configure your preferred email sending provider.

  5. Enjoy.


Minimum Requirements

  • PHP version 7.4 or greater is recommended
  • MySQL version 5.6 or greater is recommended

Automatic installation

Automatic installation is the easiest option as WordPress handles the file transfers itself and you don’t even need to leave your web browser. To do an automatic install of WP Email Template, log in to your WordPress admin panel, navigate to the Plugins menu and click Add New.

In the search field type “WP Email Template” and click Search Plugins. Once you have found our plugin you can install it by simply clicking Install Now. After clicking that link you will be asked if you are sure you want to install the plugin. Click yes and WordPress will automatically complete the installation.

Manual installation

The manual installation method involves down loading our plugin and uploading it to your web server via your favorite FTP application.

  1. Download the plugin file to your computer and unzip it
  2. Using an FTP program, or your hosting control panel, upload the unzipped plugin folder to your WordPress installations wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  3. Activate the plugin from the Plugins menu within the WordPress admin.


  1. WordPress blog comment notifications with the WP Email Template

    WordPress blog comment notifications with the WP Email Template

  2. Gravity Form email output with the WP Email Template

    Gravity Form email output with the WP Email Template

  3. Contact Form 7 email output with the WP Email Template

    Contact Form 7 email output with the WP Email Template

  4. WP e-Commerce Purchase Report with WP Email Template

    WP e-Commerce Purchase Report with WP Email Template

  5. WP Email Template applies to all email notifications generated from installed plugins to customers and admins e.g. BackupBuddy

    WP Email Template applies to all email notifications generated from installed plugins to customers and admins e.g. BackupBuddy


2.8.3 – 2024/07/13

  • This release has various tweaks for compatibility with WordPress 6.6 and WooCommerce 8.9.3.
  • Tweak – Tested for compatibility with WordPress 6.6
  • Tweak – Tested for compatibility with WooCommerce 8.9.3

2.8.2 – 2023/11/23

  • This maintenance release has plugin framework updates for compatibility with PHP 8.1 onwards, plus compatibility with WordPress 6.4.1 and WooCommerce 8.2
  • Tweak – Test for compatibility with WooCommerce 8.2.0
  • Tweak – Test for compatibility with WordPress 6.4.1
  • Framework – Set parameter number of preg_match function from null to 0 for compatibility with PHP 8.1 onwards
  • Framework – Validate empty before call trim for option value

2.8.1 – 2023/10/30

  • This maintenance release has a Tweak for compatibility with WordPress 6.4
  • Tweak – Tested for compatibility with WordPress 6.4
  • Tweak – Replace STYLESHEETPATH with get_stylesheet_directory() for work compatibility with WordPress 6.4

2.8.0 – 2023/04/25

  • This release has compatibility with WordPress 6.2.0, WooCommerce 7.6.0 plus declared compatibility with WooCommerce HPOS.
  • Tweak – Test for compatibility with WordPress 6.2
  • Tweak – Test for compatibility with WooCommerce 7.6.0
  • Tweak – Test and declare plugin compatibility with WooCommerce HPOS Custom Tables.

2.7.0 – 2023/01/03

  • This feature release removes the fontawesome lib and replaces icons with SVGs plus adds Default Topography option to font controls and has compatibility with WooCommerce 7.2
  • Feature – Convert icon from font awesome to SVG
  • Feature – Update styling for new SVG icons
  • Tweak – Test for compatibility with WooCommerce 7.2
  • Plugin Framework – Update typography control from plugin framework to add support for Default value
  • Plugin Framework – Default value will get fonts set in the theme.
  • Plugin Framework – Change generate typography style for change on typography control
  • Plugin Framework – Remove fontawesome lib

2.6.4 – 2022/11/21

  • This maintenance release has 1 bug fix and compatibility with WooCommerce 7.1
  • Tweak – Check for compatibility with WooCommerce version 7.1
  • Fix – Show the panel settings page if have combine of premium and free options on same page.

2.6.3 – 2022/11/01

  • This maintenance release has a security vulnerability patch, plus compatibility with WordPress major version 6.1.0 and WooCommerce version 7.0
  • Tweak – Test for compatibility with WordPress 6.1
  • Tweak – Test for compatibility with WooCommerce 7.0
  • Security – This release has a patch for a security vulnerability

2.6.2 – 2022/03/12

This security release follows a full security audit with code refactoring, security hardening including additional escaping and sanitizing and a bug fix from the last update.
* Security – Escape all $-variable
* Security – Sanitize all $_REQUEST, $_GET, $_POST
* Security – Apply wp_unslash before sanitize
* Fix – Show the Test Email Send Now button that was hiddend in version 2.6.1

2.6.1 – 2022/03/07

  • This maintenance release has tweaks for border display in Outlook emails plus various code security hardening tweaks.
  • Performance – Call update_google_map_api_key when settings form is submitted instead of instance of Admin_UI
  • Performance – Call update_google_font_api_key when settings form is submitted instead of instance of Fonts_Face
  • Tweak – Filter on generate_border_style_css for compatibility with border display in Outlook
  • Tweak – Filter on generate_border_corner_css for compatibility with border corner display in Outlook
  • Tweak – Nonce check for when settings form is submitted from plugin framework
  • Tweak – Capabilities manage_options check for when settings form is submitted from plugin framework
  • Security – Patch for SQL injection attack vulnerability
  • Security – Apply wp_kses_post for $-variables that include html before output
  • Security – Validate $is_open variable
  • Security – Move check nonce and capabilities from before to inside functions
  • Security – Define new esc_attribute_array_e function to escape attribute array late for echo
  • Security – Escape $default_color late for echo
  • Security – Put $-variable additional with html include into wp_kses_post
  • Security – Turn off display_errors to prevent malformed JSON from API for when WP_DEBUG is set to off OR WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY is set to off
  • Framework – Allow filters output of CSS are generated from plugin framework
  • Framework – Upgrade Plugin Framework to version 2.6.0

2.6.0 – 2022/01/21

  • This release has a new Google Fonts API Validation feature plus compatibility with WordPress major version 5.9
  • Feature – Add Ajax Validate button for Google Fonts API, for quick and easy Validation of API key.
  • Dev – Add dynamic help text to Google Font API field
  • Tweak – Test for compatibility with WordPress 5.9
  • Framework – Update a3rev Plugin Framework to version 2.5.0

2.5.5 – 2021/11/20

  • This maintenance release has check for compatibility with PHP version 8.x and WooCommerce 5.9
  • Tweak – Test for compatibility with PHP 8.x
  • Tweak – Test for compatibility with WooCommerce 5.9

2.5.4 – 2021/07/22

  • This maintenance release has code tweaks for compatibility with WordPress Major version 5.8, WooCommerce version 5.5.1 and some Security Hardening.
  • Tweak – Test for compatibility with WordPress 5.8
  • Tweak – Test for compatibility with WooCommerce 5.5.1
  • Security – Add more variable, options and html escaping

2.5.3 – 2021/04/13

  • This maintenance release fixes a bug with sending via Mandrill API & SparkPost API
  • Fix – Defined wp_mail function for Mandrill out from namespace for it override default wp_mail function
  • Fix – Defined wp_mail function for SparkPost out from namespace for it override default wp_mail function

2.5.2 – 2021/03/19

  • This maintenance release updates 23 deprecated jQuery functions for compatibility with the latest version of jQuery in WordPress 5.7
  • Tweak – Update JavaScript on plugin framework for compatibility with latest version of jQuery and resolve PHP warning event shorthand is deprecated.
  • Tweak – Replace deprecated .change( handler ) with .on( ‘change’, handler )
  • Tweak – Replace deprecated .change() with .trigger(‘change’)
  • Tweak – Replace deprecated .focus( handler ) with .on( ‘focus’, handler )
  • Tweak – Replace deprecated .focus() with .trigger(‘focus’)
  • Tweak – Replace deprecated .click( handler ) with .on( ‘click’, handler )
  • Tweak – Replace deprecated .click() with .trigger(‘click’)
  • Tweak – Replace deprecated .select( handler ) with .on( ‘select’, handler )
  • Tweak – Replace deprecated .select() with .trigger(‘select’)
  • Tweak – Replace deprecated .blur( handler ) with .on( ‘blur’, handler )
  • Tweak – Replace deprecated .blur() with .trigger(‘blur’)
  • Tweak – Replace deprecated .resize( handler ) with .on( ‘resize’, handler )
  • Tweak – Replace deprecated .submit( handler ) with .on( ‘submit’, handler )
  • Tweak – Replace deprecated .scroll( handler ) with .on( ‘scroll’, handler )
  • Tweak – Replace deprecated .mousedown( handler ) with .on( ‘mousedown’, handler )
  • Tweak – Replace deprecated .mouseover( handler ) with .on( ‘mouseover’, handler )
  • Tweak – Replace deprecated .mouseout( handler ) with .on( ‘mouseout’, handler )
  • Tweak – Replace deprecated .keydown( handler ) with .on( ‘keydown’, handler )
  • Tweak – Replace deprecated .attr(‘disabled’, ‘disabled’) with .prop(‘disabled’, true)
  • Tweak – Replace deprecated .removeAttr(‘disabled’) with .prop(‘disabled’, false)
  • Tweak – Replace deprecated .attr(‘selected’, ‘selected’) with .prop(‘selected’, true)
  • Tweak – Replace deprecated .removeAttr(‘selected’) with .prop(‘selected’, false)
  • Tweak – Replace deprecated .attr(‘checked’, ‘checked’) with .prop(‘checked’, true)
  • Tweak – Replace deprecated .removeAttr(‘checked’) with .prop(‘checked’, false)

2.5.1 – 2021/03/09

  • This maintenance release is for compatibility with WordPress 5.7
  • Tweak – Test for compatibility with WordPress 5.7

2.5.0 – 2021/01/13

  • This feature release adds full template compatibility with the Post SMTP plugin, the template will be auto applied to all emails sent via PostSMTP
  • Feature – You can now use the popular POST SMTP plugin as your sending plugin and auto apply WP Email Template to outgoing emails.
  • Feature – Check if PostSMTP is used with SMTP and PostSMTP mailer type then always set Content Type to HTML for email Template
  • Tweak – Test for compatibility with WooCommerce 4.9.0

2.4.9 – 2020/12/30

  • This is an important maintenance release that updates our scripts for compatibility with the latest version of jQuery released in WordPress 5.6
  • Tweak – Update JavaScript on plugin framework for work compatibility with latest version of jQuery
  • Fix – Replace .bind( event, handler ) by .on( event, handler ) for compatibility with latest version of jQuery
  • Fix – Replace :eq() Selector by .eq() for compatibility with latest version of jQuery
  • Fix – Replace .error() by .on( “error” ) for compatibility with latest version of jQuery
  • Fix – Replace :first Selector by .first() for compatibility with latest version of jQuery
  • Fix – Replace :gt(0) Selector by .slice(1) for compatibility with latest version of jQuery
  • Fix – Remove jQuery.browser for compatibility with latest version of jQuery
  • Fix – Replace jQuery.isArray() by Array.isArray() for compatibility with latest version of jQuery
  • Fix – Replace jQuery.isFunction(x) by typeof x === “function” for compatibility with latest version of jQuery
  • Fix – Replace jQuery.isNumeric(x) by typeof x === “number” for compatibility with latest version of jQuery
  • Fix – Replace jQuery.now() by Date.now() for compatibility with latest version of jQuery
  • Fix – Replace jQuery.parseJSON() by JSON.parse() for compatibility with latest version of jQuery
  • Fix – Remove jQuery.support for compatibility with latest version of jQuery
  • Fix – Replace jQuery.trim(x) by x.trim() for compatibility with latest version of jQuery
  • Fix – Replace jQuery.type(x) by typeof x for compatibility with latest version of jQuery
  • Fix – Replace .load( handler ) by .on( “load”, handler ) for compatibility with latest version of jQuery
  • Fix – Replace .size() by .length for compatibility with latest version of jQuery
  • Fix – Replace .unbind( event ) by .off( event ) for compatibility with latest version of jQuery
  • Fix – Replace .unload( handler ) by .on( “unload”, handler ) for compatibility with latest version of jQuery

2.4.8 – 2020/12/10

  • Tweak – Test for compatibility with WooCommerce 4.8.0

2.4.7 – 2020/12/09

  • This maintenance release has tweaks and a fix for compatibility with WordPress major version 5.6, PHP 7.4.8 and Gutenberg 9.4
  • Tweak – Test for compatibility with PHP 7.4.8
  • Tweak – Test for compatibility with WordPress 5.6
  • Tweak – Test for compatibility with Gutenberg 9.4
  • Tweak – Test for compatibility with WooCommerce 4.7.1

2.4.6 – 2020/11/16

  • This maintenance release has compatibility checks with WordPress 5.3.3 and 1 PHPMailer/ Exception bug fix.
  • Tweak – Test for compatibility with WordPress 5.5.3
  • Fix – Include PHPMailer/Exception from WP to test email function for return error if get any issue when use on SMTP connect

2.4.5 – 2020/10/29

  • This maintenance release has a PHP CLI patch plus compatibility with WooCommerce 4.7.0
  • Tweak – Use PHP_URL_HOST instead of $_SERVER for default wp_mail from variable
  • Tweak – Test for compatibility with WooCommerce 4.7.0
  • Fix – Change in default wp_mail from variable tweak fixes Undefined index: SERVER_NAME notice when running PHP CLI

2.4.4 – 2020/09/15

  • This maintenance release adds template compatibility with the Post SMTP plugin when it is used to configure the email sender, plus compatibility with WordPress 5.5.1 and WooCommerce 4.4.1
  • Tweak – Make Template compatibility with Send Test email feature of Post SMTP plugin when it is used to set the email sender
  • Tweak – Make Send Test email feature compatible with Post SMTP plugin when it is used to set the email sender
  • Tweak – Test for compatibility with WordPress 5.5.1
  • Tweak – Test for compatibility with WooCommerce 4.4.1
  • Fix – Update plugin framework script, remove jQuery.browser is deprecated to resolve conflict with jQuery Migrate Helper plugin

2.4.3 – 2020/08/08

  • This maintenance release is for compatibility with WordPress major version 5.5 and WooCommerce 4.3.1.
  • Tweak – Test for compatibility with WordPress 5.5
  • Tweak – Test for compatibility with WooCommerce 4.3.1
  • Tweak – Call phpmailer via namespace PHPMailer\PHPMailer\PHPMailer for compatibility with PHPMailer version 6.x in WordPress 5.5

2.4.2 – 2020/04/01

  • This maintenance release is for compatibility with WordPress 5.4, WooCommerce 4.0.1 and PHP 7.4
  • Tweak – Test for compatibility with WordPress 5.4
  • Tweak – Test for compatibility with WooCommerce 4.0.1
  • Fix – Update global ${$this- to $GLOBALS[$this to resolve 7.0+ PHP warnings
  • Fix – Update global ${$option to $GLOBALS[$option to resolve 7.0+ PHP warnings
  • Fix – Update less PHP lib that use square brackets [] instead of curly braces {} for Array, depreciated in PHP 7.4
  • Fix – Validate to not use get_magic_quotes_gpc function that are depreciated in PHP 7.4

2.4.1 – 2020/02/15

  • This maintenance release includes the completion of conversion to PHP composer, a fix for smpt api custom header, a security upgrade for a dependency script and compatibility with WordPress 5.3.2 and WooCommerce 3.9.2
  • Tweak – Plugin Framework fully refactored to Composer for cleaner code and faster PHP code on admin panels
  • Tweak – Update plugin for compatibility with new version of plugin Framework
  • Tweak – Test for compatibility with WordPress 5.3.2
  • Tweak – Test for compatibility with WooCommerce 3.9.2
  • Fix – Check and don’t override From Email and From Name if custom from headers information is passed via smtp api
  • Credit – Thanks to @akkon for advice about the custom reader over ride in smtp api issue
  • Security – Update symfony/phpunit-bridge script to 3.4.26 to resolve a vulnerability in the script

2.4.0 – 2019/12/16

  • This feature release is a major refactor of the plugins PHP to Composer PHP Dependency Manager, a Sparkpost bug fix and compatibility with WordPress 5.3.1 and WooCommerce 3.8.1
  • Feature – Plugin fully refactored to Composer for cleaner and faster PHP code
  • Tweak – Test for compatibility with WordPress 5.3.1
  • Tweak – Test for compatibility with WooCommerce 3.8.1
  • Fix – Validate fields for Sparkpost API

2.3.3 – 2019/10/29

  • This maintenance update has a tweak for Gravity Forms table display in emails and a fix for template header image alignment
  • Tweak – Add a container for Gravity Forms all_fields table to apply font styles to the table.
  • Fix – Template header image horizontal alignment option

2.3.2 – 2019/10/28

  • This maintenance update fixes Cloudflare minify blocking header and footer content from being loaded in emails.
  • Fix – Header and Footer content being blocked by Cloudflare minification. Replace wp_remote_get to add header and footer content in Preview and email with include part template to resolve the issue.

2.3.1 – 2019/10/21

  • This maintenance update is further tweaks in security hardening of the plugins code.
  • Tweak – Check CURL is enabled on server to use API connection type for Mandrill or SparkPost as site email sender.
  • Tweak – Show text warning to webmaster on Mandrill and SparkPost admin panels to advise that CURL is not on their server and that they will have to use SMTP connect type for those.
  • Tweak – Update Simple HTML Dom lib to latest version 1.9.1
  • Tweak – Remove the hard coded PHP error_reporting display errors false from compile sass to css

2.3.0 – 2019/10/19

  • This upgrade follows a full security review of the plugins code. Harden code in line with industry best practices, plus a fix for a HTML bug in release version 2.2.11.
  • Dev – Replace file_get_contents with HTTP API wp_remote_get
  • Dev – Ensure that all inputs are sanitized and all outputs are escaped.
  • Dev – Replace CURL with HTTP API wp_remote_get on get email footer and email header files
  • Fix – Use case-insensitive to check text/plain content type. Resolves HTML on email content bug that appeared on version 2.4.9

2.2.11 – 2019/10/17

  • This is a security upgrade – please run it now as it closes a possible HTML injection vulnerability
  • Security – Check if original email is text/plain content type then sanitised the message before put into email template and convert to HTML. This fixed for security issue on HTML injection
  • Tweak – Test for compatibility with WordPress 5.2.3
  • Tweak – Test for compatibility with WooCommerce 3.7.1

2.2.10 – 2019/06/29

  • This is a maintenance upgrade to fix a potentially fatal error conflict with sites running PHP 7.3 plus compatibility with WordPress v 5.2.2 and a security tweak.
  • Tweak – Third Party Sender authorization credentials encryption
  • Fix – PHP warning continue targeting switch is equivalent to break for compatibility on PHP 7.3

2.2.9 – 2019/05/20

  • This maintenance update fixes an issue with email notifications not showing email contents on servers that run PHP 7.3.0.
  • Fix – Email Content not showing in email notifications. Update Simple Html Dom lib to version 1.8 for compatibility with PHP 7.3

2.2.8 – 2019/04/26

  • This maintenance update has tweaks for compatibility with WordPress 5.2.0 and WooCommerce 3.6.0 major new versions whilst maintaining backward compatibility
  • Tweak – Test for compatibility with WordPress 5.2.0
  • Tweak – Test for compatibility with WooCommerce 3.6.2
  • Tweak – Support for backward compatibility with WooCommerce v 3.5

2.2.7 – 2018/12/31

  • This maintenance update is for compatibility with WordPress 5.0.2, WooCommerce 3.5.3 and PHP 7.3. It also includes performance updates to the plugin framework.
  • Tweak – Test for compatibility with WordPress 5.0.2 and WordPress 4.9.9
  • Tweak – Test for compatibility with WooCommerce 3.5.3
  • Tweak – Create new structure for future development of Gutenberg Blocks
  • Framework – Performance improvement. Replace wp_remote_fopen with file_get_contents for get web fonts
  • Framework – Performance improvement. Define new variable is_load_google_fonts if admin does not require to load google fonts
  • Credit – Props to Derek for alerting us to the framework google fonts performance issue
  • Framework – Register style name for dynamic style of plugin for use with Gutenberg block
  • Framework – Update Modal script and style to version 4.1.1
  • Framework – Update a3rev Plugin Framework to version 2.1.0
  • Framework – Test and update for compatibility with PHP 7.3

2.2.6 – 2018/06/22

  • This Maintenance update fixes a validation bug, a plugin framework issue, increases max file size limit and compatibility with WooCommerce 3.4.3
  • Tweak – Increase value of MAX_FILE_SIZE from 600KB to 2MB so that it supports email content to that size.
  • Credit – Thanks to Parkour3 for reporting the MAX_FILE_SIZE issue
  • Tweak – Test for compatibility with WooCommerce 3.4.3
  • Tweak – Update plugin admin page sidebar Place card links for support and more plugins
  • Framework – Framework Global Box open and close settings options
  • Framework – Update a3rev Plugin Framework to version 2.0.5
  • Fix – Validate if result of get HTML DOM is false then return

2.2.5 – 2018/05/26

  • This maintenance update is for compatibility with WordPress 4.9.6 and WooCommerce 3.4.0 and the new GDPR compliance requirements for users in the EU
  • Tweak – Test for compatibility with WooCommerce 3.4.0
  • Tweak – Test for compatibility with WordPress 4.9.6
  • Tweak – Check for any issues with GDPR compliance. None Found

2.2.4 – 2018/05/10

  • This Maintenance update fixes a bug on Multisite Network activation issue plus compatibility with WordPress 4.9.5 and WooCommerce 3.3.5
  • Fix – hook require_once( ABSPATH . wp-includes/pluggable.php ) to ‘muplugins_loaded’ tag from fix conflict with Mandrill 4 years ago. Resolves issue that cannot access plugin settings menu if plugin is Network Activated
  • Tweak – Test for compatibility with WordPress 4.9.5
  • Tweak – Test for compatibility with WooCommerce 3.3.5

2.2.3 – 2018/03/27

  • Maintenance Update. 2 code tweaks to rectify email alignment and text decoration in some browsers.
  • Tweak – Remove min-width of body of email template and set max-width for table content from 96% to 100% so that it does not have space on left when view email content on mobile
  • Tweak – Support default style for some html tag on email content, for example b, i, center, … tags
  • Framework – Update plugin framework to new version 2.0.3

2.2.2 – 2018/02/13

  • Maintenance Update. Under the bonnet tweaks to keep your plugin running smoothly and is the foundation for new features to be developed this year
  • Framework – Update a3rev Plugin Framework to version 2.0.2
  • Framework – Add Framework version for all style and script files
  • Tweak – Update for full compatibility with a3rev Dashboard plugin
  • Tweak – Test for compatibility with WordPress 4.9.4

2.2.1 – 2017/10/14

  • Tweak – Tested for compatibility with WooCommerce 3.2.1
  • Tweak – Tested for compatibility with WordPress 4.8.2
  • Tweak – Added support for the new WC ‘tested up to’ feature to show this plugin has been tested compatible with WC updates

2.2.0 – 2017/06/08

  • Feature – Launched WP Email Template public Repository
  • Tweak – Tested for compatibility with WordPress major version 4.8.0
  • Tweak – Tested for full compatibility with WooCommerce version 3.0.8
  • Tweak – Include bootstrap modal script into plugin framework
  • Tweak – Update a3rev plugin framework to latest version

2.1.4 – 2017/05/03

  • Tweak – Update email_header.html template file for compatibility with WooCommerce version 3.0.5
  • Tweak – Update email_footer.html template file for compatibility with WooCommerce version 3.0.5
  • Tweak – Full compatibility with WooCommerce version 3.0.5
  • Tweak – Tested for full compatibility with WordPress version 4.7.4

2.1.3 – 2017/04/19

  • Tweak – Change class name of Simple Html Dom lib to avoid conflict with any other lib with same class name
  • Fix – Check if Simple Html Dom lib exists from another plugin, if so use the lib from there to resolve redeclare file_get_html()fatal Error
  • Credit – Thanks to Premium customers Greg Cole, Todd Wilson and Free users @rnzo and @manish9034 for reporting the Simple HTML Lib conflict on their sites

2.1.2 – 2017/04/14

  • Tweak – Include new Simple Html Dom lib
  • Tweak – Just get content inside body tag of message if message contain html, body tags.
  • Tweak – Full compatibility with WooCommerce version 3.0.3 with backward compatibility to WC version 2.6.0
  • Tweak – Tested for full compatibility with WordPress version 4.7.3
  • Credit – Thanks to Per Söderman for reporting the issue with content that contains html and body tags

2.1.1 – 2017/03/16

  • Tweak – Update Mandrill lib for compatibility with PHP 7.0
  • Tweak – Change global $$variable to global ${$variable} for compatibility with PHP 7.0
  • Tweak – Update a3 Revolution to a3rev Software on plugins description
  • Tweak – Added Settings link to plugins description on plugins menu
  • Tweak – Tested for full compatibility with WordPress version 4.7.3
  • Tweak – Tested for full compatibility with WooCommerce version 2.6.14
  • Credit – Thanks to Henry Walker, @krishaamer and others for reporting the PHP 7.0 compatibility issues

2.1.0 – 2016/10/25

  • Feature – Added upload custom social media icons options
  • Feature – Added ON | OFF switch for Email Title option
  • Tweak – Add new Port option for ‘Gmail SMTP’ sender option
  • Tweak – Add new Port option for ‘Mandrill SMTP’ sender option
  • Tweak – Define new ‘Ajax Multi Submit’ control type with Progress Bar showing and Statistic for plugin framework
  • Tweak – Define new ‘Ajax Submit’ control type with Progress Bar showing for plugin framework
  • Tweak – Update plugin framework styles and scripts support for new ‘Ajax Submit’ and ‘Ajax Multi Submit’ control type
  • Tweak – Removed Premium Options Green boxes and replaced with Email Template super hero images
  • Tweak – Removed the ‘Advanced Features Settings Box’ option from the Global Framework options box
  • Tweak – Updated the Mandrill sender option box text to reflect the change from Free service to MailChimp paid account service
  • Tweak – Added G Suite (Google Apps) Premium feature option box to Send WP Emails menu
  • Tweak – Tested for full compatibility with WooCommerce version 2.6.6
  • Fix – Check and show correct status of port connect
  • Fix – Show error when test email can’t sent

2.0.6 – 2016/09/28

  • Fix – Preview email template showing blank page after domain text tweak on version 2.2.1
  • Fix – Headers already sent warning. Delete trailing spaces at bottom of php file
  • Credit – Thanks to Premium version user Paul diCecco for the blank email preview bug report
  • Credit – Thanks to Free version user Bloke for the for the Headers already sent bug report

2.0.5 – 2016/09/26

  • Tweak – Update text domain for full support of translation with new name for translate file is ‘wp-email-template.po’
  • Tweak – Tested for full compatibility with WordPress version 4.6.1
  • Tweak – Tested for full compatibility with WooCommerce version 2.6.4
  • Fix – Sparkpost sender support for attachments. Was throwing an error when email with attachment was sent

2.0.4 – 2016/07/09

  • Tweak – Update select type of plugin framework for support group options
  • Tweak – Tested for full compatibility with WooCommerce version 2.6.2

2.0.3 – 2016/06/30

  • Tweak – Tested for full compatibility with WooCommerce major version 2.6.0
  • Tweak – Tested for full compatibility with WooCommerce version 2.6.1
  • Tweak – Tested for full compatibility with WordPress version 4.5.3

2.0.2 – 2016/06/10

  • Tweak – Tested for full compatibility with WordPress version 4.5.2
  • Fix – Remove all credit URL’s from changelog

2.0.1 – 2016/06/08

  • Tweak – Update ’email_header.html’ template file.
  • Tweak – Update ’email_footer.html’ template file
  • Tweak – Tested for full compatibility with WordPress version 4.5.2
  • Fix – Dynamic font style applying to email content on Outlook
  • Fix – Dynamic font style applying to email footer on Outlook
  • Fix – Check if attachments is empty then remove it from argument before send via SparkPort API so don’t show bad response error message about invalid data format/type
  • Credit – Thanks to Thanks to Alejandro Bernuy for reporting the Outlook font issue

2.0.0 – 2016/05/17

  • Feature – Added ‘Line Height’ option into Typography control of plugin framework
  • Feature – Change all Background color to Background control with ON | OFF on plugin settings
  • Tweak – Update plugin framework style for support ‘Line Height’ option of Typography control
  • Tweak – Update Typography Preview script for apply ‘Line Height’ value to Preview box
  • Tweak – Update the generate_font_css() function with new ‘Line Height’ option
  • Tweak – Replace all hard code for line-height inside custom style of email template by new dynamic ‘Line Height’ value
  • Tweak – Update ’email_header.html’ template file.
  • Tweak – Update ’email_footer.html’ template file.
  • Dev – If you have customized the email_header or email_footer file you will need to get the updated templates and add customization
  • Credit – Thanks to Christophe, Martin Weiss for the Font Line Height feature suggestion a3rev.com/forums/topic/line-height/

1.9.2 – 2016/05/05

  • Fix – Configure correct SparkPost HTTP API format for when email is sent with an attachment

1.9.1 – 2016/05/03

  • Tweak – Make separate warning for check port is blocked from server or connect to SMTP host is failure. Apply for SMTP, Google SMTP, Mandrill SMTP, SparkPost SMTP
  • Tweak – Tested for full compatibility with Gravity Forms version 1.9.18
  • Fix – change encoding character from ‘iso-8859-1’ to ‘UTF-8’ for fix SparkPost HTTP API can send

1.9.0 – 2016/04/27

  • Feature – Added new email sending provider – SparkPost
  • Feature – SparkPost HTTP API connection option
  • Feature – SparkPost SMTP API connection option
  • Feature – Option to use SparkPost email template instead of the WP HTML email template
  • Feature – If a SparkPost HTML email template is set then the WP Email HTML template is auto disabled
  • Feature – Option to turn ON | OFF tracking email opens. Results show on the SparkPost account admin dashboard
  • Feature – Option to switch ON | OFF tracking clicks on links in emails. Results show on the SparkPost account admin dashboard

1.8.3 – 2016/04/07

  • Tweak – Parse new ’email_body_width’ parameter to email template to apply Body width to parent table inside the content to solve the issue of Gravity Forms Table not showing right box margin in Outlook 2013 and 2016.
  • Tweak – Parse new ’email_footer_width’ parameter to email template to apply Footer width to parent table inside the footer.
  • Tweak – Update ’email_header.html’ template file. Note! if you have custom template for this file from your theme, please get new template and custom it so that this template has the fix for Table inside the content will show correct on Outlook 2013 and 2016
  • Tweak – Update ’email_footer.html’ template file. Note! if you have custom template for this file from your theme, please get new template and custom it so that this template has the fix for Table inside the content will show correct on Outlook 2013 and 2016
  • Credit – Thanks to Greg Cole and Felicity Heinrich for reporting this Gravity Forms / Outlook 2013, 2016 issue reported here a3rev.com/forums/topic/outlook-content-padding/

1.8.2 – 2016/04/06

  • Tweak – Register fontawesome in plugin framework with style name is ‘font-awesome-styles’
  • Tweak – Update plugin framework to latest version
  • Tweak – Tested for full compatibility with WordPress major version 4.5
  • Tweak – Tested for full compatibility with WooCommerce version 2.5.5

1.8.1 – 2016/02/23

  • Tweak – Parse Email From Name into wp_specialchars_decode() to decode all HTML entities
  • Tweak – Add filter to ‘wp_mail_from’ …


  • Version: 2.8.3
  • Active installations: 3,000
  • WordPress Version: 6.0
  • Tested up to: 6.6.1


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