WP-Database-Optimizer helps you to optimize your database by performing some actions for example optimizing tables, deleting revisions and data that c …
WP-Database-Optimizer helps you to optimize your database by performing some actions for example optimizing tables, deleting revisions and data that can slow that your database. Also
you can perform backups.
WP Database Optimizer Tools es un plugin el cual ayuda a mejorar el rendimiento de nuestra base de datos, esto es de mucha ayuda cuando sabemos que tenemos muchas visitas y necesitamos aligerar el sitio para un mejor funcionamiento.
Con WP Database Optimizer Tools se puede hacer
Limpiar las revisiones de post Limpiar los autodraft Limpiar spam Limpiar comentarios no aprovados Limpiar la trash de wordpress Optimizar las tablas en la base de datos Reparar las tablas en la base de datos Se puede hacer un backup de la base de datos ( mas adelante pondra opcion para enviar por email el backup)
To backup your database select DB Backup, select the tables you want to backup and download the SQL file.
Your database backup contains sensitive information,
and should not be left on the server for any extended
period of time. The “Save to server” delivery method is provided
as a convenience only. I will not accept any responsibility
if other people obtain your backup file.
” is the group your FTP client uses)Briefly, use phpMyAdmin, which is included with most hosting control panels. More details and links to further explanations are here.
Because it’s a fairly safe bet that the core WordPress files will be successfully backed up. Plugins vary wildly in the amount of data that they store. For instance, it’s not uncommon for some statistics plugins to have tens of megabytes worth of visitor statistics. These are not exactly essential items to restore after a catastrophic failure. Most poeple can reasonably live without this data in their backups.
Plugin created
Fixed Bugs