WP Chosen

March 10, 2021

WP Chosen Plugin

Make long, unwieldy select boxes much more user-friendly.

WP Chosen implements the Chosen jQuery Plugin for WordPress.

Chosen makes long, unwieldy select boxes much more user-friendly.

Also checkout


  • Download and install using the built in WordPress plugin installer.
  • Activate in the “Plugins” area of your admin by clicking the “Activate” link.
  • No further setup or configuration is necessary.


  1. Filters


  2. Time Zones

    Time Zones


What color schemes does this support?


  • Default/Fresh
  • Light
  • Modern
  • Blue
  • Coffee
  • Ectoplasm
  • Midnight
  • Ocean
  • Sunrise


  • Evergreen
  • Mint


  • 80’s Kid
  • Adderley
  • Aubergine
  • High Contrast Blue
  • Cruise
  • Flat
  • Kirk
  • Lawn
  • Primary
  • Seashore
  • Vinyard


  • From Many One
  • NASA 1976
  • NASA
  • Old Glory
  • Open Highway
  • Shenandoah

What elements does this target?

/* Options */
var chosen_options = {
disable_search_threshold: 13,
search_contains: true

/* Targets */ var chosen_selects = ' select:not(#metakeyselect, [name^=acf_], [name^=edd], [name^=_edd], [name^=sc], [name=wc_order_action], [class*=chosen], [class*=select2], [class*=wc-enhanced-select], [class*=wc-product-search], [class*=wc-enhanced-select-nostd], [class*=wc-customer-search], [class*=wc-category-search], [class=learndash-binary-selector-items], [class=sendgrid-settings-select])', chosen_targets = '.wp-pretty-filters' + chosen_selects + ', .wp-filter' + chosen_selects + ', .media-toolbar' + chosen_selects + ', .postbox .inside' + chosen_selects + ', .tablenav' + chosen_selects + ', .form-table' + chosen_selects + ', .form-wrap' + chosen_selects + ', .customize-pane-parent' + chosen_selects; 

Where can I get support?

  • Forums: https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/wp-chosen/

Where can I find documentation?



6.1.1 – 2021/03/10

  • Tweak third-party plugin compatibility

6.1.0 – 2021/03/09

  • Add support for 6 extra color schemes

6.0.0 – 2021/03/09

  • Add support for 11 extra color schemes
  • Tweak WordPress 5.7 support
  • Avoid conflicts with WooCommerce
  • Avoid conflicts with SendGrid
  • Avoid conflicts with LearnDash
  • Avoid conflicts with Advanced Custom Fields

5.2.0 – 2021/03/02

  • WordPress 5.7 support
  • Avoid conflicts with custom fields
  • Avoid conflicts with WooCommerce/selectWoo
  • Avoid conflicts with other third party plugins

5.0.1 – 2020/07/27

  • Tweak WordPress 5.5 support

5.0.0 – 2020/07/23

  • WordPress 5.5 Support
  • Upgrade Chosen to 2.0.0 fork

3.2.0 – 2019/10/15

  • WordPress 5.3 Support

3.1.0 – 2017/06/22

  • Avoid conflicts with Easy Digital Downloads
  • Avoid conflicts with Stream
  • Avoid conflicts with Select2

3.0.0 – 2017/05/09

  • Update Chosen to 1.7.0
  • Handle several special cases for known wp-admin quirks
  • Add target for .postbox .inside select
  • Remove duplicate target for #posts-filter select

2.1.0 – 2016/11/19

  • Target more actions
  • Target wp-filters
  • Add WP Pretty Filters support

2.0.0 – 2016/10/29

  • Target bulk-actions
  • Improve efficiency of element targeting

1.1.0 – 2016/09/10

  • Remove “Open Sans” font styling rules for WordPress 4.6 support

1.0.0 – 2016/09/08

  • First pass outline styling support for improved accessibility

0.7.0 – 2016/04/20

  • Target form-wrap select elements, for taxonomies and such

0.6.0 – 2016/04/06

  • Provide filter to override Chosen enqueue handle

0.5.0 – 2016/04/06

  • Improved compatibility with third party plugins and themes

0.4.0 – 2016/02/23

  • Fix options-reading.php front page incompatibility

0.3.2 – 2016/02/23

  • Override retina sprite support

0.3.1 – 2016/02/23

  • Simplify dependency tree

0.3.0 – 2016/02/23

  • Bump Chosen to 1.5.1
  • Rename enqueue ID to ‘jquery-chosen’

0.2.1 – 2016/02/05

  • Only search when there are more than 10 items

0.2.0 – 2016/01/04

  • Add multiple support

0.1.4 – 2015/11/15

  • Add customizer support

0.1.3 – 2015/10/28

  • Version JS
  • Add support for media

0.1.2 – 2015/10/22

  • Update styling
  • Target media library

0.1.1 – 2015/10/06

  • Fix drop-down search input styling

0.1.0 – 2015/10/01

  • Initial release


  • Version: 6.1.1
  • Active installations: 100
  • WordPress Version: 5.7
  • Tested up to: 5.8.10
  • PHP Version: 7.0


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