WP Applaud

September 02, 2019

WP Applaud Plugin

Hey there! Do you have blogger-brain? We do. We think a lot about our content. We wonder how well it’s doing, what our readers have to say, is it goo …

Hey there!

Do you have blogger-brain? We do. We think a lot about our content. We wonder how well it’s doing, what our readers have to say, is it good enough. But, instead of struggling with analytics, we wanted a simple way of tracking our content’s performance. And what better way to do that then a simple, social-media-like feature to get the job done!

Lo, and behold, – the WordPress Applaud plugin – WP Applaud

Our simple plugin adds a cool “clap” feature on your WordPress blog. (Just like Medium)

For every article, a reader can clap to show their appreciation towards the post. The more the claps, the more they like a post. Think of it as an upvote, a like, or a heart, shown —simply, elegantly, and professionally— as a clap.

Make your blog more interactive, get instant feedback about your posts, with the awesome WP Applaud plugin.


  • The plugin adds an applaud functionality to your website (similar to Medium)
  • The applaud option can be added to a “post”, “page” or archive page
  • A user can applaud multiple times
  • The applaud count is tracked using cookies
  • Data is stored instantly without reload using AJAX
  • You could add a custom title to the applaud action
  • You can use the plugin with custom templates
  • The plugin offers a widget that lists most applauded posts


The WP Applaud plugin installs and activates like any other WordPress plugin

  1. Upload wp-applaud.zip to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress


  1. Backend Settings

    Backend Settings

  2. Frontend not applauded

    Frontend not applauded

  3. Frontend applauded

    Frontend applauded

  4. Backend Statistics

    Backend Statistics


Which theme is it compatible with?

It is compatible with all theme. As it adds applaud icon after content.

Where do I find Statistics?

You can view top 10 applauded posts on meta box in dashboard (/wp-admin/).



  • NEW:
    • Add Applaud statistics to dashboard
  • FIX:
    • Applaud triggering more than single user limit


  • NEW:
    • Add setting at individual posts/page to exclude applaud functionality
    • Added gutenberg support for exclude functionality


  • Initial release


  • Version: 1.5
  • Active installations: 200
  • WordPress Version: 4.0
  • Tested up to: 5.2.21
  • PHP Version: 5.4.4


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