WordPress Random Image

November 16, 2016

WordPress Random Image Plugin

Displays a Random Image from the Post Attachment Gallery/ Page Attachement Gallery / Custom Media Library Items. Easy Shortcode available.

Displays a Random Image from the Post Attachment Gallery/ Page Attachement Gallery / Custom Media Library Items. Easy Implementing Shortcode is available.

WordPress Random Image

Customize according to your Need.

This WordPress Random Image Plugin could be implemented even under theme development.

  • Very Easy to implement.
  • Simple Shortcode Available

WordPress Random Image Documentation

WordPress Random Image By Mervin Praison

SEO Manager

Version history

Version 1.0

  • Initial release version.

Version 2.0

  • Added Alt Tag on to Images.


Step 1

  1. Download the zip file
  2. Extract the contents
  3. Upload the folder random-image to your WP plugin folder /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  4. Go to Plugins > Plugins, and activate the plugin

Step 2

  • Use this shortcode ‘[random-image]’ on your page/post content.
  • Use this shortcode ‘[random-image attachmentids=” list of Attachment IDS “]’ on your page/post content.
  • Use this shortcode ‘[random-image postid=” Enter Post ID ” ] on your page/post content.
  • Add Image Alternative Text (Alt tag) on to indivitual media file at the backend (on “Media” tab).
  • Code and detailed installation procedure can been seen on the following link

WordPress Random Image By Mervin Praison


  • Either use Attachment ID’s or Post ID as the attribute.
  • On using both the attributes, Attachment ID’s will be preferred.


  1. Finding Attachment ID

    Finding Attachment ID

  2. Default Wordpress Gallery Option ( Images from this Gallery will get displayed Randomly on using the shortcode [random-image]

    Default Wordpress Gallery Option ( Images from this Gallery will get displayed Randomly on using the shortcode [random-image]


What is its Shortcode?


WordPress Random Image By Mervin Praison


Version 1.0

  • First release.

Version 2.0

  • Added Alt Tag on to Images.= 1.0 =

  • Shortcode was created

  • Shortcode with attachment ID
  • Shortcode with post ID

WordPress Random Image By Mervin Praison


  • Added Alt Tag on to Images.


  • Version: 2.0
  • Active installations: 500
  • WordPress Version: 3.0
  • Tested up to: 3.7.41


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