WordPress Publication Repository
Joan Junyent By Joan Junyent

October 03, 2010

WordPress Publication Repository Plugin

It allows to manage a publication repository and exposes metadata in order to be indexed by Google Scholar

It allows to manage a publication repository and exposes metadata in order to be indexed by Google Scholar


Start adding new publications. In the single pages the needed metadata is shown in order to get the publication indexed by Google Schaolar.

Configuration parameters

None yet

Customize display

None yet


This plugin is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GPL License. See license.txt for details<h3>Credits and Acknowledgments</h3> 

I want to thank and give credit to all those who wrote about how to use and extend custom post types and custom taxonomies.
I’ve also taken some code from:
– Tags to meta plugin
– Dublin Core for WordPress plugin
– The WordPress Codex


  • Add templates for the custom post types created.
  • Make metadata fields customizable ande extendable.


  1. Once downloaded the file, uncopress it and upload it through FTP to the server where your WordPress blog is hosted.
  2. Copy it to the folder /wp-content/plugins/ (you can also copy it to /wp-content/plugins/widgets/ in order to have all the widegts together) .
  3. Activate it through the plugin management screen.
  4. Start using it!


None yet



  • First release.


  • Version: 0.0.1
  • Active installations: 100
  • WordPress Version: 3.0
  • Tested up to: 3.0.5


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