With this plugin you can remove sections of the dashboard, add new code, or even add Sidebar Widgets.
This plugin allows you to add whatever you want to the WordPress dashboard through PHP and HTML even Sidebar Widgets. You can also wipe the entire dashboard or individually remove some of the more irritating sections like the Dev news, Planet WordPress and the getting started section.
In WordPress 2.5, the code is cleaner, the plugin is more responsive and you can add both “real” sidebar widgets, or add “fake” ones to match the dashboard.
Basic Installation (If you are new to WordPress you should probably use this.):
To add a sidebar widget to your dashboard (after selecting the option from the Dashboard management page) use the code:
<?php dynamic_sidebar('admin');?>
The Admin sidebar is modified and controlled the exact same way as any other sidebar.
If you use the WP-UserOnline plugin you can use:
If you find that your new content doesn’t align nicely you can add:
<div style="float:left; width:460px;"> // //Add all other content here // </div>
Yes, you can use User Roles (See WordPress Codex). Or just use:
<?php if(current_user_can('edit_users')){ ?> // Content you don't want people to see here <?php } ?>
Any code that can be used in a WordPress Theme can be used in the dashboard.
Unfortunately, the only way to get the plugin to work on 2.0.x is to completely wipe the dashboard.