StoreCustomizer – A plugin to Customize all WooCommerce Pages
Kaira By Kaira

May 03, 2024

StoreCustomizer – A plugin to Customize all WooCommerce Pages Plugin

Customize your WooCommerce pages without code... StoreCustomizer, a free WooCommerce customizer plugin, has all the WooCommerce hooks available for yo …

Previously known as “WooCustomizer”

Are you tired of creating child themes or adding multiple plugins to customize your WooCommerce ecommerce store?

WooCommerce offers a lot of action and filter hooks to further customize WooCommerce… the only problem is, you need to add your own custom php code snippets to edit all the different WooCommerce elements.

Introducing StoreCustomizer, a free WooCommerce customizer plugin, and your answer to customizing all WooCommerce store and product pages, cart page, checkout page and also your user account pages.

StoreCustomizer Requires the WooCommerce Plugin to be active on your ecommerce store

StoreCustomizer DOES NOT override WooCommerce templates, the plugin simply adds extra design options, WooCommerce addons and advanced shop functionality to your existing ecommerce pages which are designed by the theme you are using.

If something does not work, Get in contact and we’ll help as best we can.

StoreCustomizer Top Features

Add Login / Logout menu item to a selected WP/theme menu area
Add Product sales statistics for Admin users on the WooCommerce shop page
Customize WooCommerce Shop & Product Pages by editing or removing elements
Edit font size and color for WooCommerce Shop & Product pages & Cart/Checkout elements
Customize the design of all WooCommerce buttons for Shop & Product pages & Cart/Checkout pages
Edit ‘On Sale’ banners text and colors for WooCommerce products
Edit User Account tabs and tab content headings
Edit or Remove Product Page Tabs and edit tab headings
Add a ‘Continue Shopping’ button to your store product pages
Remove basic checkout fields on WooCommerce Checkout page
Add a ‘Back to Shop’ button to your cart page
Add “New Product” badges to products created within a specified number of days
Auto / Ajax Update Cart when amount is changed on cart page
Auto Update WooCommerce Cart when user edits product amounts
Edit Cart & Checkout buttons & add return to shop buttons
✅ Select the login redirect page or logout redirect page and edit the menu item text
‘Add To Cart’ Increments – Set Min & Max values for ‘Add To Cart’ inputs, plus the increment value
🔸 Plus lots more

StoreCustomizer is useful because

🔸 No more creating a child theme to add WooCommerce code snippets
🔸 Offers extra design options and functionlaity for WooCommerce that your theme doesn’t
🔸 All settings built into the WordPress Customizer so you can edit WooCommerce visually in a live environment
🔸 StoreCustomizer is built to be lightweight… adding only the code that is needed, when it’s needed
🔸 We offer dedicated support for those extra elements you need help with, even if StoreCustomizer can’t do it
🔸 Plus lots more

Fast & Intuitive

StoreCustomizer is built to be a fast & lightweight, easy to work with WooCommerce extension for customizing WooCommerce.

With all the settings built into the WordPress Customizer, you can easily customize WooCommerce visually in the live environment of the WP Customizer… See your changes happen as you edit WooCommerce settings.

StoreCustomizer only includes the code that is activated to ensure that StoreCustomizer is lightweight and fast for when you customize WooCommerce pages.


StoreCustomizer does not exclude or offer half premium functionality to try get you to upgrade, all Pro features are standalone to the free version, to enhance WooCommerce even more!

User 5 Star Rating: This is by far in the top 3 of WP plugins, from all points of view: functionality, GUI, reliability, options… you name it. The only reason I don’t put it on the 1st place is because I just don’t know what other great plugins are out there but, on my personal book, this is definetely number one. For sure it’s worth every penny.

See if StoreCustomizer Pro offers what you want:

Try Out The StoreCustomizer Pro Settings

Below are the Premium features you’ll get with StoreCustomizer Pro to enhance WooCommerce even more, to help you increase sales and create a beautiful online eCommerce store.

**Included with StoreCustomizer Pro:**

🔸 Catalogue Mode for WooCommerce

Easily remove the ‘Add to Cart’ and Purchase functionality from your WooCommerce shop, turning your online store into a beautiful online WooCommerce catalogue.

Set WooCommerce Catalogue Mode for the time being, or leave it on permanently.

Apply Catalogue Mode settings to all WooCommerce products, only selected products, or only for users that are not logged in, prompting users to create an account and log in to purchase your store products.

See Video Overview

🔸 Product Quick View for WooCommerce

Let users browse quicker through your online WooCommerce store with Product Quick View for WooCommerce.

Give your users the option to quickly preview your products and easily ‘Add to Cart’, or browse the image gallery from within a quick view popup on your WooCommerce Shop page, or click through to the Product Single page after they’ve seen it all.

Product Quick View for WooCommerce offers a neat popup on Product and Category Shop pages, and comes with extra settings to configure the popup and make the Product Quick View popup suit your WooCommerce store design.

See Video Overview

🔸 WooCommerce Ajax Product Search

Help users to browse through and find your WooCommerce products quicker with WooCommerce Ajax Search.

Add a simple Ajax Product Search anywhere using a shortcode, and configure the settings to display a prediction of your WooCommerce products when your users start typingin the Ajax Search bar.

Add multiple Ajax Search bars as widgets anywhere on your site, or simply click to add an Ajax Search to the top of your WooCommerce Shop page & configure the settings to fit your WooCommerce store design.

See Video Overview

🔸 Menu Cart for WooCommerce

Your theme doesn’t offer a neat WooCommerce Menu Cart in the main navigation area?

Simply turn on Menu Cart for your WooCommerce store and select which menu you’d like to display a WooCommerce cart in, or add a Cart items anywhere using the Menu Cart shortcode.

Set the cart to display only on WooCommerce Shop pages or to only show if the cart contains products.

Your store shoppers can easily and quickly view their WooCommerce shopping cart with an optional drop down basket/mini cart, they can add or remove WooCommerce Cart products or checkout from the WooCommerce Menu Cart.

See Video Overview

🔸 WooCommerce Custom Thank You Pages

The after purchase Thank You page for WooCommerce is a very powerful place to get your users to sign up to your newsletter, show how to use the products they’ve just bought, or to advertise other products you sell online that they might be interested in… They have just purchased something from you so they do already trust you and want your products.

You can choose to redirect your customer to your new default Custom WooCommerce Thank You page, redirect them to different Custom Thank You pages depending on the products they’ve just bought, or to different Custom Thank You pages depending how they purchased the products and what payment method they used on your WooCommerce store.

Build your own Custom Thank You pages for WooCommerce using the default Gutenberg editor, Elementor, Beaver Builder, SiteOrigin or any other page builder you choose.

See Video Overview

🔸 HandHeld Menu Bar

StoreCustomizer Pro also offers a new, neat handheld (mobile) footer navigation bar to help your users easily navigate your products or website, or proceed to the cart or checkout pages, and aimed to help users convert better when browsing your website on mobile or tablet devices.

Easily include the StoreCustomizer Ajax Search functionality within this new mobile navigation bar, and give your users an even easier way to browse around your WooCommerce store.

Handheld Footer Bar comes with default WooCommerce page links and search bar functionality included, as well as the option to add your own custom links and change the design colors too.

See Video Overview

🔸 Custom Product Badges

Do you want fancy badges for your WooCommerce Products?

The next Pro feature coming with StoreCustomizer is custom Product Badges for WooCommerce.

WooCommerce Product Badges will let you easily add great looking product badges to your WooCommerce shop and product pages, plus extra features to customize the badges to suit your online WooCommerce store.

See Video Overview

Extra Pro Features include

🔸 Add new WooCommerce user Account tabs – Build a new page with the WP editor and add it as the Account Dashboard page.
🔸 WooCommerce Direct Checkout – Remove your store cart page and send customers straight to checkout, plus the option to include the cart on the checkout page.
🔸 WooCommerce Sticky ‘Add to Cart’ – An ‘Add to Cart’ banner that slides into view once the standard add-to-cart button has scrolled out of view.
🔸 Add Plus & Minus increment buttons to the Product Single page ‘Add To Cart’ input

View StoreCustomizer Pro features & see videos on what each premium feature offers.


Translations currently available for StoreCustomizer:
– Dutch – (nl_NL)
– Italian – (it_IT)
– French – (fr_FR)
– Spanish – (es_ES)
– Swedish – (sv_SE)

We’re always needing new translations, so please contact us here if you are willing to help translate StoreCustomizer into a language that we don’t have yet.



StoreCustomizer requires the WooCommerce plugin to be installed and active.


Installing StoreCustomizer can be done either by searching for “StoreCustomizer” via the Plugins > Add New screen in your WordPress dashboard, or by using the following steps:

  1. Download the plugin via
  2. Upload the ZIP file through the Plugins > Add New > Upload screen in your WordPress dashboard
  3. Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress

Configuration – Free & Pro

Navigate to WooCommerce -> StoreCustomizer in your WordPress Dashboard.

The settings are self explanatory in the free version.

In the premium version, each tab has a setting to turn on the relevant Pro feature, once you turn the settings on, you will then be able to go further edit the settings in Customize -> StoreCustomizer.


  1. <strong>StoreCustomizer Settings Page</strong> - Placed neatly in the Dashboard under WooCommerce -> StoreCustomizer.

    StoreCustomizer Settings Page - Placed neatly in the Dashboard under WooCommerce -> StoreCustomizer.

  2. <strong>StoreCustomizer Free Settings</strong> - Edit all WooCommerce pages + many more useful features.

    StoreCustomizer Free Settings - Edit all WooCommerce pages + many more useful features.

  3. <strong>StoreCustomizer Settings</strong> - Add extra useful features to your WooCommerce store pages.

    StoreCustomizer Settings - Add extra useful features to your WooCommerce store pages.

  4. <strong>WooCommerce Shop Page Settings</strong> - Edit many settings on the WooCommerce Shop and Archive Product Pages.

    WooCommerce Shop Page Settings - Edit many settings on the WooCommerce Shop and Archive Product Pages.

  5. <strong>WooCommerce Product Page Settings</strong> - Edit many settings on your WooCommerce Product Signle Pages.

    WooCommerce Product Page Settings - Edit many settings on your WooCommerce Product Signle Pages.

  6. <strong>WooCommerce User Account Page</strong> - Edit user account page design & tab text or headings for each Account page.

    WooCommerce User Account Page - Edit user account page design & tab text or headings for each Account page.

  7. <strong>WooCommerce Cart Page</strong> - Edit your WooCommerce store Cart page & add extra useful functionality.

    WooCommerce Cart Page - Edit your WooCommerce store Cart page & add extra useful functionality.

  8. <strong>WooCommerce Checkout Page</strong> - Edit your WooCommerce store Checkout page & add extra useful functionality.

    WooCommerce Checkout Page - Edit your WooCommerce store Checkout page & add extra useful functionality.


Will StoreCustomizer work with my theme?

It should ! But as themes can add their own CSS or templates which might affect StoreCustomizer from working perfectly… We’re here to help… Let us know if something doesn’t work and we’ll help you fix it.

Where are the StoreCustomizer settings?

All the settings for StoreCustomizer are built into the WordPress Customizer. Simply go to Appearance -> Customize -> StoreCustomizer and start editing.

Does StoreCustomizer change my WooCommerce pages?

StoreCustomizer DOES NOT override or change the layout of your WooCommerce pages, your store pages are designed by the theme that you are using, StoreCustomizer only adds extra styling on top of the theme and only to the elements you choose to design.

Free vs Premium… How does StoreCustomizer work?

All of the core features offered in StoreCustomizer are completely free… These free features help you to customize and further design your WooCommerce store pages, this is the core focus of the StoreCustomizer plugin… To offer a great free product.

The StoreCustomizer Pro version offers only EXTRA store enhancing features such as turning the store into Catalogue Mode, adding a Menu Cart, building custom WooCommerce thank you pages, adding Ajax Search and more. WooCustomizer DOES NOT offer half of these features and then try to get you to upgrade, it simply advertises what is available in the Pro version to enhance your store, and we offer it all at a great price for all extra features.

Please contact us if something does not work on your site so that we can try and help.

I found a bug… What do I do?

Please contact us so we can post a fix and get it working for you.

Something doesn’t look right or is slightly out in the design?

This could be from the theme you’re using. Again, please contact us so we can post a fix or give you the CSS to fix it.

Does StoreCustomizer work well with other plugins?

Yes, it should! There might be a conflict with other WooCommerce customizer plugins such as Booster for WooCommerce, CoDesigner, Customizer for WooCommerce, WooHero or similar plugins as they are also using the same hooks and might override some settings, but we can help so try fix these too.

Why the name change?

We’ve found out we’re not really allowed to use the “Woo” prefix, so we’ve changed the name from “WooCustomizer” to the new name… “StoreCustomizer”… and that still describes exactly what the plugin does!



  • Styling tweaks/fixes
  • PHP version 8.2 fix
  • Added missing translations
  • Version compatibility for WP 6.5 & WC 8.8
  • Updated Freemius SDK


  • Styling tweaks/fixes
  • Version compatibility for WP 6.4 & WC 8.5
  • Updated Freemius SDK
  • Updated the language .pot file
  • PREMIUM: Fix HPOS shortcodes bug on Custom Thank You pages


  • Styling tweaks/fixes
  • Updated Freemius SDK
  • Fix display stock on shop bug for variable products


  • Styling tweaks/fixes
  • Added compatibility & declaration for WC HPOS feature
  • Version compatibility for WP 6.3 & WC 8.0
  • Updated the language .pot file
  • PREMIUM: Added Handheld Footer Bar option to replace search with shortcode search


  • Styling tweaks/fixes
  • Updated plugin tags
  • Minor security & bug fixes
  • Update Freemius SDK 2.5.10


  • Styling tweaks/fixes
  • Version compatibility for WC 7.7
  • Update Freemius SDK 2.5.8
  • Updated the language .pot file


  • Version compatibility for WC 7.5 & WP 6.2
  • Updated the language .pot file


  • Styling tweaks/fixes
  • Updated broken .org help links
  • Updated the language .pot file
  • Update Freemius SDK 2.5.4
  • PREMIUM: Fix quantity suffix order bug with Product Plus/Minus feature


  • Styling tweaks/fixes
  • Added missing image for dashboard settings
  • Added new setting to add a quantity suffix on WC product page
  • Updated the language .pot file


  • Fixed bug editing product loop text with certain themes
  • Update Sale Banner override – Remove text to use default theme banner
  • Added minimum required PHP to readme.txt
  • Updated Freemius SDK 2.5.3
  • Updated the language .pot file


  • Styling tweaks/fixes
  • Version compability for WP 6.1
  • Added setting to edit Cart page coupon input placeholder text
  • Added setting to edit Cart page coupon button text
  • Added setting to remove coupons on Checkout page
  • Updated the language .pot file


  • Styling tweaks/fixes
  • Version bump – WC 7.0
  • Edited help notes for the Customizer settings
  • Updated the language .pot file
  • PREMIUM: Ajax Search & Product Quick View CSS fixes for certain themes


  • Styling tweaks/fixes
  • Version compatibility for WC 6.8
  • Updated files to fix placeholder issues in PHP 8


  • Styling tweaks/fixes
  • Fix uninstall script to remove all plugin data
  • Version compatibility for WC 6.6
  • Removed old deprecated code
  • Updated the language .pot file
  • PREMIUM: Fixed Product Sticky Add to Cart button to take on button text changes
  • PREMIUM: Added option to change product page ‘Add to Cart’ redirect to go straight to checkout


  • Styling tweaks/fixes
  • Version compatibility for WP 6.0
  • Updated .org banners to remove logos
  • Settings layout fixes
  • Updated the language .pot file
  • PREMIUM: Added setting to display Handheld Footer Bar only on WooCommerce pages


  • Styling tweaks/fixes
  • Version compatibility for WC 6.4
  • Fixed php error in style builder if WC is not active
  • PREMIUM: Fixed Quick View popup bug on certain products
  • PREMIUM: Ajax Search mobile styling tweaks


  • Styling tweaks/fixes
  • Version compatibility bump for WC 6.3
  • Edited & reduced plugin admin notice
  • Updated the language .pot file


  • Styling tweaks/fixes
  • Version compatibility bump for WC 6.2
  • Security Improvements
  • PREMIUM: Fixed CSS loading bug on Sticky Add To Cart feature on product page


  • Frontend & backend styling tweaks/fixes
  • Version compatibility bump for WC 6.1
  • Updated code to edit the empty cart ‘Return to Shop’ button text
  • Updated Spanish es_ES language .mo & .po files
  • Updated the language .pot file


  • Styling tweaks/fixes
  • Admin page copy & help link edits
  • Updated the language .pot file
  • PREMIUM: Fix bug with Handheld Footer Bar cart count display if null
  • PREMIUM: Fix Handheld Footer Bar bug displaying in new admin widgets area


  • Version compatibility bump for WC 5.9
  • Another fix for ‘Out of Stock’ banner on variable products from last update
  • Updated the language .pot file


  • Styling tweaks/fixes
  • Version compatibility for WC 5.8
  • Added fix for ‘Out of Stock’ banner not displaying correctly on variable products
  • Fixed WPML not translating on page for New Account Page setting
  • Fixed little bug for default account text not removing after clicking Logout on Account page
  • Updated the language .pot file
  • PREMIUM: Fix Ajax Search setting to search in Categories and Tags
  • PREMIUM: Added 2 extra options for Custom Thank You Pages – customer detail shortcode
  • PREMIUM: Ajax Search now displays Sold Out on product search, plus has the option to remove it


  • Styling tweaks/fixes
  • Added the option to select Login/Logout feature to take a custom link
  • Added the option to set custom ‘Continue Shopping’ button text per product
  • Added compatibilty tweaks for PeachPay WooCommerce plugin
  • Updated the language .pot file
  • PREMIUM: Fix: WooCommerce filter woocommerce_is_order_received_page returns true on new Custom Thank You page
  • PREMIUM: Fix: Hide scripts added to WooCommerce mini Menu Cart


  • Styling tweaks/fixes
  • Added new Customizer settings help notes
  • Version compatibility for WC 5.5 & WP 5.8
  • Updated the language .pot file
  • PREMIUM: Improved on new sticky Add to Cart feature
  • PREMIUM: Improved site loading issue with Custom Product Bagdes
  • PREMIUM: Added the option to add custom & external links for the Handheld Footer Bar
  • PREMIUM: Added missing class to Product Quick View when using on blocks


  • Styling tweaks/fixes
  • Fixed url bug with Cart Page ‘back to shop’ button
  • Added to Login/Logout settings, option to set the menu item to use WP login or WC login
  • Added allowed tags/elements for settings inputs & textareas
  • Updated the language .pot file
  • PREMIUM: Fixed script loading issue for sticky add to cart & handheld menu Bar


  • Styling tweaks/fixes
  • Added & edited help notes for the Customizer settings
  • Slight edit to Shop Products Per Page & Product Columns (Please check it still displays correctly)
  • Updated the language .pot file
  • PREMIUM: NEW FEATURE: Added Sticky ‘Add to Cart’ banner for Product Page


  • Styling tweaks/fixes
  • Added setting to edit ‘Create an account?’ text on checkout page
  • Added setting to adjust amount of cart Cross Sells that are displayed
  • Fixed: price prefix & suffix not displaying on categories & tags
  • Updated the language .pot file
  • PREMIUM: Working on new Pro feature – Product Page – Sticky Add to Cart
  • PREMIUM: Added options to add Product Quick View to WC Blocks & Shortcodes


  • Styling tweaks/fixes
  • Fixed error caused by stock availablility setting on cart page
  • Updated the language .pot file
  • PREMIUM: Added WooCommerce Direct Checkout feature,
  • PREMIUM: Includes redirecting customers straight to checkout & add cart to checkput page


  • Styling tweaks/fixes
  • Version bump for WC 5.1 & WP 5.7
  • Edited the readme.txt file
  • Updated the plugin description
  • Improved method fetching ID for functions
  • Removed old/unused code getting loaded
  • Added Product Page color settings to override store button colors
  • Added script fix to delete all StoreCustomizer data from database when plugin is deleted
  • Updated the language .pot file


  • Styling tweaks/fixes
  • Updated information on readme.txt file
  • Fixed button styling not working on some themes
  • Fixed product elements not working when displaying tab info outside of tabs
  • Added setting to display Product Categories, Stock and Selected variations on Cart Page
  • Set Product Reviews button to inherit StoreCustomizer button color customizations
  • Updated the language .pot file
  • PREMIUM: Added setting to select a Menu Cart icon color
  • PREMIUM: Ajax Search shop page position fix, moved to hook just after store page title
  • PREMIUM: Fixed Ajax Search search results disappearing too quickly when clicking on search results


  • Styling tweaks/fixes
  • Version bump for WC 4.9
  • Added options to set Products Per Page for Related & Recommended product sections
  • Added settings to display Product Reviews & Product Info out of (below) the tabs & customization options
  • Added settings to show the discount amount on Cart & Checkout if customer purchases products On Sale
  • Fixed bug and improved functionality on Login / Logout settings
  • Updated the language .pot file


  • Styling tweaks/fixes
  • Updated the Readme.txt file
  • Added new setting to edit Cart page ‘Proceed to checkout’ button text
  • Added new setting to edit Checkout page ‘Place Order’ button text
  • Added new settings to edit Checkout page headings text, font size and color
  • Added settings to change Cart Page return to shop button to back (to last url) button
  • Improved and added more colors controls for store & checkout buttons
  • Added the shortcodes to display prices incl or excl tax in product prefix and/or suffix
  • Added the option to turn off StoreCustomizer settings for Product Per Page & Row on shop page
  • Set admin product statistics to only display on hover
  • Added new Dutch language translation files
  • Added missing escape & translation functions
  • Updated the language .pot file
  • PREMIUM: NEW FEATURE: WooCommerce Custom Product Badges
  • PREMIUM: Working on NEW Custom Product Badges feature (* final testing & writing documentation)
  • PREMIUM: Improve Ajax Search when has multiple searches on one page
  • PREMIUM: Fix Handheld Footer Menu Bar not loading after jQuery
  • PREMIUM: New Menu Cart options to disable mini cart product links & view cart link
  • PREMIUM: Remove Storefront theme handheld menu bar if StoreCustomizer Menu bar is active


  • Styling tweaks/fixes
  • Updates plugin tags for
  • Checked compatibility with WC 4.7.0
  • Login / Logout setting now lets you select from all menu areas, not just theme menus
  • Added 3 new language translation files for Italian, Spanish & French
  • Updated the language .pot file
  • PREMIUM: Working on NEW Custom Product Badges feature
  • PREMIUM: Menu Cart now lets you select from all menu areas, not just theme menus
  • PREMIUM: Performance improvement: only load scripts on Catalogue Mode needed pages
  • PREMIUM: Performance improvement: only load scripts on Product Quick View needed pages
  • PREMIUM: Added new [wcz_payment_method] shortcode for Custom Thank You Pages


  • Styling tweaks/fixes
  • Checked compatibility with WC 4.6.0
  • Fixed Admin Notice white screen when dismissing the notice
  • Fixed “Remove Shop Title” setting also removing shop description
  • Increased the Products Per Page setting to allow up to 100 products
  • Added the option to add a new ‘Back to Shop’ button to the cart page
  • Added customizations settings for the new ‘Back to Shop’ button
  • Updated the Freemius WP SDK in StoreCustomizer
  • Updated the language .pot file
  • PREMIUM: Busy working on NEW FEATURE: Product Badges
  • PREMIUM: AJAX SEARCH: Added option to include Product Categories in Ajax Search
  • PREMIUM: AJAX SEARCH: Added option to include Product Tags in Ajax Search
  • PREMIUM: AJAX SEARCH: Added option to change Ajax Search button to use an icon
  • PREMIUM: AJAX SEARCH: Added option to select the icon used for Ajax Search button
  • PREMIUM: AJAX SEARCH: Added option to select how the search results are ordered
  • PREMIUM: HANDHELD FOOTER BAR: Added option to add 2 more custom links
  • PREMIUM: NEW FEATURE: Working on WooCommerce Custom Product Badges


  • Name Change to StoreCustomizer *
  • Added compatibility for WC & WP latest updates
  • Edited readme.txt file
  • Updated the language .pot file


  • Styling tweaks/fixes
  • Added help notes for some Customizer settings
  • Fixed & Improved Product price Prefix & suffix
  • Add/Edit Product Prefix & Suffix on a per product level & option to add to the Shop page
  • Added setting to remove Cart Page product links
  • Added setting to set custom url for ‘Continue Shopping’ button
  • Edited readme.txt file
  • Updated the language .pot file
  • PREMIUM: Added loader to Product Quick View popup while product loads
  • PREMIUM: Fixed Product Quick View popup to be responsive


  • Styling tweaks/fixes
  • Added FAQ’s to the page
  • Added settings to add a page notice/banner to selected pages and within selected hooks
  • Added settings to further customize the design of the page notice/banner
  • Added the option to change the product price suffix on a per product level
  • Added a setting to edit the Variable Products dropdown default label
  • Added settings to add and edit Product price prefix | Set default and on a per product level
  • Updated the language .pot file
  • PREMIUM: Added missing translation function for WooCommerce Custom Thank You Page(s)


  • Styling tweaks/fixes
  • Fixed Account tabs custom heading changing some other titles
  • Fixed button text change not working on Cart page
  • Added setting to edit Return to Shop button text & URL link on empty cart page
  • Added customzation settings for Product Page ‘Continue Shopping’ button
  • Updated the language .pot file
  • PREMIUM: Added the option to include page title in Handheld Footer Menu Bar links
  • PREMIUM: Added customization settings for Handheld Footer Menu Bar titles
  • PREMIUM: Added the option to display cart amount in Handheld Footer Menu Bar cart link
  • PREMIUM: Added the option to replace the Product Quick View short description with the product long description
  • PREMIUM: Added fallback method for retrieving the order ID on WC Custom Thank You Pages


  • Styling tweaks/fixes
  • Fixed missing text translations
  • Set admin notice to show only for Administrator users
  • Added extra design settings for Shop Page Product Title & Pricing
  • Added extra design settings for Product Page Product Title & Pricing
  • Added setting to customize the Cart page “Proceed To Checkout” button
  • Added setting to customize the Checkout page “Place Order” button
  • Added setting to edit Product Image thumbnails per row
  • Added setting to edit Recommended Products per row on Product Page
  • Added setting to edit Related Products per row on Product Page
  • Added the ability to apply Shop design settings to WooCommerce Gutenberg blocks
  • Updated the language .pot file
  • PREMIUM: Added design setting to set Ajax Search sale banner color


  • Styling tweaks/fixes
  • PREMIUM: Edits to Catalogue Mode & Product Quick View


  • Styling tweaks/fixes
  • Added compatibility for WooCommerce version check
  • Updated the language .pot file
  • PREMIUM: Implemented Catalogue Mode settings into Product Quick View


  • WooCustomizer Admin styling tweaks
  • Removed the Admin Menu Upgrade link, user didn’t like it
  • Updated the language .pot file
  • NEW PREMIUM FEATURE: Added NEW Handheld Navigation Footer bar & customization settings


  • Added better styling compatibility for OceanWP theme
  • Adjusted admin notice & made it responsive
  • Added fix for disappearing ‘Continue Shopping’ button
  • Updated the readme.txt file
  • Updated the language .pot file


  • Styling tweaks/fixes
  • Added setting to edit Checkout page Coupon instruction text
  • Added Setting to set Min & Max values for product Add To Cart inputs & an increment value
  • Updated the readme.txt file
  • Updated the language .pot file
  • PREMIUM: Added a new setting to add Plus & Minus buttons to the Product Add To Cart inputs
  • PREMIUM: Added setting to show Menu Cart ONLY on WooCommerce pages
  • PREMIUM: Added setting to show Menu Cart ONLY if the cart contains products
  • PREMIUM: Add a Cart Item anywhere using the new Menu Cart shortcode


  • Styling tweaks/fixes
  • Added setting to move Cart Cross Sells below Cart Totals
  • Added setting to edit/remove Cart Cross Sells heading
  • Added setting to edit/remove Cart Page Totals heading
  • Added the Order ID to admin product statistics
  • Updated readme.txt file
  • Updated plugin tags
  • Updated the language .pot file


  • Added missing translations
  • Added responsive styling for Admin settings
  • Updated readme.txt file
  • Updated the language .pot file
  • NEW PREMIUM FEATURE: Added WooCommerce Custom Thank You Pages
  • PREMIUM: Fixed search in Ajax Search when including product SKU.
  • PREMIUM: Edited New Account tabs to use Page Selector insead of manual number input
  • PREMIUM: Added Page State for selected Pages used in Account New Tabs


  • Added the option to add a Login / Logout menu item to any menu area
  • Fixed JS bug not hiding Customizer settings in certain themes
  • Added On/Off setting for Editing Shop & Product button texts
  • Changed WooCustomizer Settings styling to allow for more tabs coming soon
  • Added option to turn on Auto Update for cart page
  • Updated Readme.txt file
  • Updated the language .pot file


  • Styling tweaks/fixes
  • Added settings to remove WooCommerce Checkout Page fields – Customize -> WooCustomizer -> Checkout Page
  • Added setting to Edit Checkout page Order Notes text
  • Added New Product Badge & settings to configure the “New Product” display & color
  • Updated Readme.txt file
  • PREMIUM: Fixed Menu Cart dropdown cart showing on Checkout Page


  • Updated WooCustomizer plugin directory page details
  • Added order date to Administrator frontend product statistics
  • JS fix for Customizer internal links
  • Fixed Catalogue Mode notice icon not working on certain pages
  • Fixed related products section not taking on background color with Overlay theme
  • Updated plugin search tags


  • fixed CSS hiding some url fields in other panels
  • Updated Readme.txt file


  • fixed php missing description error
  • fixed php notice – error not calling wc variables correctly


  • CSS updates for Menu Cart & Ajax Search


  • Initial release


  • Version: 2.5.6
  • Active installations: 30,000
  • WordPress Version: 5.0
  • Tested up to: 6.5.5
  • PHP Version: 5.6


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