Wholesale Suite – WooCommerce Wholesale Prices, B2B, Catalog Mode, Order Form, Wholesale User Roles, Dynamic Pricing & More

July 15, 2024

Wholesale Suite – WooCommerce Wholesale Prices, B2B, Catalog Mode, Order Form, Wholesale User Roles, Dynamic Pricing & More Plugin

WooCommerce wholesale plugin for serving wholesale & B2B customers. Adds wholesale pricing, user roles, dynamic pricing & more.

🏆 #1 WooCommerce wholesale plugin for adding wholesale prices & managing B2B customers. Trusted by 25k+ store owners with 500+ reviews.

Adding WooCommerce Wholesale Prices gives WooCommerce store owners the ability to supply specific users with wholesale pricing for their products. It’s the perfect wholesale plugin for WooCommerce B2B.

👉 Adding wholesale prices is simple:

  1. Install & activate Wholesale Prices for WooCommerce (it’s free!)
  2. Edit the product you want to enter wholesale pricing for
  3. Enter the wholesale price (handles simple & variable products!)
  4. Change the customer’s user role to “Wholesale Customer” and they’ll see the wholesale price

Check out how easy it is to add wholesale pricing to WooCommerce:

Key Features (Free Plugin):

  • New user role “Wholesale Customer”
  • Set wholesale prices for the new user role (different prices per product) on Simple product or Variable product variations
  • Show/hide the retail price from wholesale customers
  • Private store/WooCommerce catalog mode option (hides price & add to cart until login)
  • Disable WooCommerce coupons for wholesale customers
  • Adjust the wholesale user role name & wholesale price text
  • Works with any theme
  • Works with WooCommerce CSV import/export tool
  • Multi-currency support with Aelia Currency Switcher, WPML Currency & WOOCS
  • Translatable via WPML
  • Multi-site compatible
  • 🚀 Get started quickly with the getting started guide!

Wholesale Suite can handle complex wholesale businesses – see our full range of wholesale WooCommerce extensions:

Learn more about Wholesale Suite: Wholesale Suite for WooCommerce

  1. WooCommerce Wholesale Prices Premium – Premium add-on for this wholesale plugin with advanced product visibility, category & global % based pricing, quantity based pricing, tax controls, shipping & payment gateway restrictions for wholesale, minimum order amounts, multiple wholesale user role tiers, and loads more.
  2. WooCommerce Wholesale Order Form – Wholesale order form plugin for showing your whole catalog on one page, fully AJAX driven with no reloading, fast add to cart, searchable & filterable.
  3. WooCommerce Wholesale Lead Capture – Wholesale registration form, advanced user approvals system, wholesale login, email templates, and more.

Want to do WooCommerce category discounts and WooCommerce tiered pricing with your wholesale customers?

Want to create a WooCommerce private store? Show or hide certain products with visibility controls? How about providing a quick wholesale order form? Wholesale registration with user approvals?

The Wholesale Suite bundle includes all of these features and more.


No complex setups and no confusing WooCommerce dynamic pricing or WooCommerce discount rules to figure out. It’s simply plug and play.

Providing WooCommerce bulk discounts has never been easier for wholesale WooCommerce customer types (it adds a new user role for “Wholesale Customer”).

Wholesale Suite lets you add new wholesale WooCommerce user roles to create additional role levels for your customers. This allows you to show multiple prices per product based on the user role.

After installing the plugin, you’ll have a new user role called “Wholesale Customer”. This acts exactly like the “Customers” user role that WooCommerce adds but lets you distinguish your wholesale customers.

In your Product Edit screen you’ll find a new wholesale pricing box. This lets you enter wholesale prices for the Wholesale Customer user role, effectively giving them a wholesale discount based on their user role for the product.

To activate wholesale capabilities for your customers simply change their WordPress user account to the new wholesale user role and they will receive the wholesale pricing when they login. It’s very simple and the plugin takes care of the rest!

If you want multiple WooCommerce user roles you can add an unlimited number of additional user roles with the WooCommerce Wholesale Prices Premium add-on.


You might not always have a WooCommerce bulk discount for each product, so you don’t have to set wholesale pricing for all of your products, you can just do a sub-set.

Similar extensions like WooCommerce dynamic prices extensions are NOT made specifically for wholesale or B2B purposes so they aren’t aware of the challenges of WooCommerce b2b sales and they don’t take into account the special needs of wholesale customers. This often leaves store owners feeling frustrated trying to figure out how all those WooCommerce discount rules hang together.

We have purposefully created Wholesale Suite as a flexible solution specifically for wholesale sales. It’s the perfect solution to WooCommerce tiered pricing using WordPress’s robust user role system.

This free version lets you set prices on Simple products & product variations easily for one wholesale user role and is a great way to get started selling to wholesale customers online.


Display of your wholesale prices is automatic once your wholesale customers login to their account. The plugin takes care of the front end display. It’s like giving a WooCommerce private store just for that customer.

The store admin just needs the add the new user role “Wholesale Customer” to the customer’s user account and they will see the wholesale pricing that you have set on your products.

You can add multiple wholesale user role levels with the WooCommerce Wholesale Prices Premium add-on.

You can also recruit new wholesale customers automatically with a custom WooCommerce user registration for your wholesale customers using the Wholesale Lead Capture plugin.


Want to set up a WooCommerce private store in catalog mode? You can now do it easily with the free wholesale plugin option to hide add to cart and retail pricing.

Turn any store into a catalog only WooCommerce private store by simply enabling the option. Once done, only logged in wholesale users will be able to see pricing on your store.

This makes it easy to run a separate wholesale store if you want, or simply to create an online presence even if you only have a B2B wholesale business and not a retail business.


Wholesale Suite is the most compatible wholesale WooCommerce plugin, hands down. We have worked with loads of other developers in the community to ensure that your wholesale features can work with all your website’s features.

It works seamlessly with complementary plugins such as Advanced Coupons for WooCommerce, hundreds of shipping and payment gateways, WooCommerce Currency Switcher by Aelia (even with our free Wholesale Prices plugin!), WPML language switching plugin, WooCommerce Order Form and WooCommerce user registration (Lead Capture) by Wholesale Suite, plus loads more.


Add multiple wholesale roles, multi-levels of pricing, percentage based dynamic pricing, category based dynamic pricing, wholesale minimum order requirements, product min and step requirements, wholesale reports, WooCommerce product visibility control, WooCommerce order form, wholesale lead capture, wholesale WooCommerce user registration form & login form, and much more.

Click here to ditch the spreadsheets & learn what Wholesale Suite can do for your whoelsale business.


  1. Upload the woocommerce-wholesale-prices/ folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Visit the product you wish to edit and enter the wholesale price
  4. Change the customer’s user role by going to Users->All Users, clicking edit on the user, and changing their User Role to the Wholesale Customer role.
  5. See the getting started guide for this plugin.


We have hundreds of guides and frequently asked questions answered in our online knowledge base.

See the getting started guide for this plugin.

For more details about features please see the product page here.

Click here to learn what else Wholesale Suite can do for your business.



  • Feature: Cart/Checkout Blocks Compatibility
  • Feature: Wholesale Payments product education page
  • Improvement: Cart/Checkout legacy – show crossed-out retail amount if item is added as discounted
  • Improvement: Allow custom roles to view top-level settings page
  • Improvement: Removes unnecessary save() call when adding order items meta
  • Improvement: Add wholesale_price_with_tax to the variation data on the single product page form
  • Improvement: Adds usage tracking for Wholesale Payments plugin
  • Improvement: Removes usage of (get/update/delete)_post_meta for product objects
  • Bug Fix: Broken access control vulnerability
  • Bug Fix: Wholesale settings is not clickable and can’t be saved in Safari browser
  • Bug Fix: Metadata value for wholesale_customer_have_wholesale_price is not updated properly
  • Bug Fix: Script file integrity checks intermittently causing errors
  • Bug Fix: Dashboard fails to check plugin license status properly
  • Bug Fix: Wholesale price is not updating properly after editing product variations discount percentage and regular price
  • Bug Fix: REST API: Product variations missing when using hide products without wholesale and product category discount


  • Improvement: shows admin notice to store owners for the new settings page location
  • Improvement: shows spinner and disable the save button for Save Custom Field
  • Bug Fix: inline edit not rendering whitelisted HTML tags properly
  • Bug Fix: wholesale role and payment gateway mapping issue
  • Bug Fix: PHP fatal error when wp_kses_allowed_html() returns non-array value

  • Bug Fix: settings display correctly in different langauages

  • Bug Fix: group mapping issue on the new settings UI


  • Improvement: new settings UI
  • Bug Fix: remove the Lead Capture menu when WWLC is already activated
  • Bug Fix: WWPP and WWLC settings UI issues
  • Bug Fix: PHP fatal error on Wholesale dashboard when WWOF is activated
  • Bug Fix: license settings page URL param typo
  • Bug Fix: save() function called twice when creating checkout order line item
  • Bug Fix: WordPress admin collapse menu text size overridden by upsell css on license page
  • Bug Fix: missing user name for non-existent user on wholesale dashboard recent orders


  • Improvement: Declare incompatible with WC Cart/Checkout blocks (compatibility work-in-progress)
  • Improvement: Make the new Cart/Checkout blocks incompability notice only shows in WC 8.3+
  • Improvement: Remove Order Form Link from Wholesale > Settings
  • Fix: New Settings UI: Back to the license page gets “You are redirecting to a page. Please wait…”
  • Fix: New Settings UI: External tab link
  • Fix: New Settings UI: Show Wholesale Price to non-wholesale users – some features should be enabled when having WWOF and WWLC activated
  • Fix: New Settings UI: The admin notices are not showing
  • Fix: New Settings UI: The dropdown options of the Wholesale Stock Display Format are getting cut off
  • Fix: PHP 8.2 compatibility
  • Fix: Wholesale percentage discount not following Woocommerce decimal points settings
  • Fix: wholesale percetage discount calculation not following WC number of decimals


  • Feature: new settings UI via USE_WWP_NEW_SETTINGS constant
  • Feature: settings REST API
  • Improvement: integration with Variation Price Display Range for WooCommerce – Pro
  • Bug Fix: dashboard license status data not being cached properly causing slow loading


  • Improvement: Add new stats to check whether the site HPOS & Cart/Checkout page is using block-based template or not
  • Improvement: HPOS compatibility
  • Bug Fix: Coloring disappeared on Upgrade To Premium menu item
  • Bug Fix: Fatal error when opening wholesale help page
  • Bug Fix: The regular customer’s orders are populated into the wholesale dashboard when enabling the HPOS
  • Bug Fix: WWOF V2: Wholesale price html doesn’t show up on the order form
  • Bug Fix: Incorrect upsell link of Wholesale Suite on General page (400 Bad Request)
  • Bug Fix: Upsell – Missing the “Add additional wholesale price levels” link or not working properly


  • Improvement: API: Allow to add null or “” in the wholesale price data to remove it when updating via API
  • Improvement: Add total wholesale revenue and leads data to usage tracking
  • Improvement: Add wholesale price parameter to wwp_filter_wholesale_price_html & wwp_filter_wholesale_price_html_before_return_wholesale_price_only filter
  • Improvement: Change upgrade to pro on menu to go straight to the site rather than an upgrade page
  • Improvement: Declare plugin incompatibility with WooCommerce HPOS
  • Improvement: PHP 8.1 compatibility
  • Improvement: Remove html tags from all translatable strings
  • Improvement: Restore WWP metadata properties in REST response
  • Improvement: WWP Dashboard – Add Custom Date to Review The Data
  • Bug Fix: API: Error when updating variation without wholesale price
  • Bug Fix: API: Wholesale price html doesn’t get altered from when called with REST API
  • Bug Fix: Aelia Currency Switcher: Gets PHP notices when updating the Variable product
  • Bug Fix: Angell Eye Paypal: The “See wholesale prices” tooltip doesn’t show when on the single product page when Angell Eye plugin enabled
  • Bug Fix: CRITICAL Uncaught Error: Call to undefined method in WooCommerce marketing page
  • Bug Fix: Error thrown when duplicating a product
  • Bug Fix: Grouped product: The product name column gets shrinks on the Single product page
  • Bug Fix: See wholesale price modal is empty when having a general discount setting
  • Bug Fix: The crossed regular price also display the wholesale price and it’s min and increment details
  • Bug Fix: Wholesale Sale Price: The price displays improper on the show wholesale price to non-wholesale customer

  • Bug Fix: Might encounter a fatal error when visiting coupons page.

  • Improvement: Improved compatibility with 3rd party plugins & themes for show wholesale to non-wholesale feature


  • Feature: Display the wholesale sale price on the admin Products page
  • Improvement: Add a action hook on wholesale price field to add the Wholesale Sale Price feature to be implemented in WWPP
  • Improvement: Add hook on aelia currency switcher wholesale price field section and tidy up css
  • Improvement: Remove ‘class-wwp-cache.php’ file as it is not being used
  • Improvement: Remove API key creation and retrieval from WWP API and in code base
  • Improvement: Remove API usage on Show Wholesale Prices to Non Wholesale Users feature
  • Improvement: Shop Managers Should Have Access to Wholesale Dashboard
  • Bug Fix: Backend CSS for percentage based pricing on product edit screen is not scoped properly
  • Bug Fix: Fix typo on usage tracking notice
  • Bug Fix: Show Wholesale Price to non-wholesale users feature not showing on product category page
  • Bug Fix: The schedule of sale price is not working when WWP is enabled
  • Bug Fix: The See wholesale prices text to non-wholesale users still show up on the shop and product pages when only the location in wholesale order form is selected

  • Bug Fix: Important security fixes


  • Bug Fix: API: Add additional condition or filter that will check if general discount is set for the current wholesale user
  • Bug Fix: Wholesale Price Suffix {price_including_tax} not displaying correct price
  • Bug Fix: Product Widget shows Prices when “Hide Prices and Add to cart button ” feature is enabled
  • Bug Fix: Changing product type from variable to simple won’t show Wholesale Prices fields
  • Bug Fix: JavaScript Error in the Variation tab when YITH Pre Order for WooCommerce plugin is active
  • Improvement: Legacy Code Cleanup: Remove old codes in class-wwp-helper-functions.php
  • Improvement: Legacy Code Cleanup: Remove old code in class-wwp-order.php


  • Bug Fix: PHP notices shown when updating to version 2.1.3
  • Bug Fix: Divi Page Builder compatibility


  • Improvement: Wholesale Prices Premium minimum version requirement notice adjustments
  • Improvement: Update Wholesale Suite logos to the latest version
  • Bug Fix: When “Show Wholesale Price to non-wholesale users” is toggled off, text is still displayed in WWOF v2


  • Improvement: Add email capture box for PDF download to the Wholesale Prices->General settings
  • Improvement: Convert Wholesale Menu Logo to Gray
  • Improvement: Add a “lite” bar notice at the top of dedicated WooCommerce Wholesale Prices page
  • Improvement: Add a links to the new WooCommerce Home screen as per WC core recommendations
  • Bug Fix: Regular price range on variable product is cached but not cleared when changing the “Prices entered with tax” setting


  • Feature: About & Help pages under new menu
  • Improvement: Improve plugin education notices on dashboard page & menu
  • Improvement: Standardize UTM links back to Wholesale Suite website
  • Improvement: Some text not translatable
  • Improvement: Make the wholesale percentage discount field to have maximum value of 100
  • Bug Fix: No link on the recommended plugin notice on Show Wholesale Prices to Non-Wholesale Customers settings area
  • Bug Fix: PHP Warning: unserialize() expects parameter 1 to be string
  • Bug Fix: Changing regular price on a simple product that has fixed wholesale price will empty the wholesale price
  • Bug Fix: Per-product percentage discount: The price is always calculated with . as the decimal separator even though the site uses another separator


  • Feature: Allow users to set wholesale prices on products via fixed prices or a percentage discount from retail price.


  • Improvement: Code improvements
  • Bug Fix: The wholesale price of a grouped product aren’t displayed
  • Bug Fix: Remove wholesale price fields on un-supported product types
  • Bug Fix: PHP notice shown when creating wc store order manually in the backend


  • Improvement: Italian text translation
  • Improvement: Add a class or ID to “Hide Price and Add to cart Feature”
  • Improvement: Dashboard code improvements
  • Improvement: Add extra parameter to wwp_filter_wholesale_price_display_suffix filter
  • Bug Fix: Error when a wholesale customer login
  • Bug Fix: Pressing Enter to submit changes on the Price setting tab will force regenerate WC API key
  • Bug Fix: JS Error on Wholesale Dashboard Page


  • Feature: New dedicated wholesale menu
  • Feature: New wholesale dashboard
  • Improvement: Code improvements
  • Bug Fix: Add “wholesale price with tax” property value when fetching wholesale prices data


  • Improvement: Add a filter to the return value of base price in the “get_wholesale_price_suffix” function in class-wwp-wholesale-prices.php
  • Improvement: Show Wholesale Price to non-wholesale users: Add WooCommerce API authentication to access wholesale API endpoint
  • Improvement: French translation
  • Bug Fix: Show Wholesale Price to non-wholesale users: The “Click to see wholesale prices” displays twice on variable product
  • Bug Fix: Theme Compatibility with Electro
  • Bug Fix: Hide price and add to cart button feature doesn’t work as intended on Avada theme and other themes


Note: If Wholesale Prices Premium is present and active, minimum requirement is version 1.27

  • Feature: API: Ability to do batch updates (Create, Update, Delete)
  • Bug Fix: API: Able to get a specific variation with wholesale_role set to a regular customer or a wrong role
  • Bug Fix: API: Updating product and variation with wrong wholesale price format won’t show any error
  • Bug Fix: API: When getting a whoelsale product or variation with return_wholesale_products set to true it will say it’s not a wholesale product


  • Bug Fix: Theme conflicts with css introduced with version 1.15
  • Bug Fix: JS console errors in the admin introduced with version 1.15


  • Bug Fix: Only load the styles that is used for the popover for showing wholesale prices to avoid clashing with theme styles


  • Improvement: Increase the speed of the popup when clicking “Click to see wholesale prices”
  • Bug Fix: Issue related to register button/links styling in Wholesale Lead Capture when WWP 1.15 is activated


  • Big Feature: Show Wholesale Price to Non-Wholesale Users
  • Feature: Order type filtering
  • Improvement: Code improvements


  • Bug Fix: PHP 8 Compatibility
  • Bug Fix: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function wp_get_current_user()
  • Bug Fix: Comma as decimal separator is being changed when you export a file (CSV)


  • Bug Fix: Get double Restrict To Wholesale Roles option on product editor


  • Improvement: Major code improvements
  • Bug Fix: API: When fetching a variation it displays the variable regular price range instead of the regular price of the variation


  • Improvement: WWP API Improvement


  • Bug Fix: WC 4.9 API: PHP warning and notice when running wholesale API


  • Improvement: Security fixes
  • Improvement: French Translation


  • Feature: Hide Price and Add to Cart Button for Non-Logged In User
  • Improvement: Translation enhancement
  • Improvement: WC 4.8 compatibility
  • Bug Fix: WC 4.8: Fix deprecated error with WooCommerce set_status function
  • Bug Fix: Broken image under “Recommended coupon extensions”
  • Bug Fix: PHP Warning: fopen show up when only WWP is installled
  • Bug Fix: WPML Translation Management: When this plugin is active when an Admin updates the Order shipping fee for Wholesale Order, it’ll revert the price back to the retail price


  • Bug Fix: Aelia Currency Switcher for WooCommerce have some issues after WWP 1.12 release


  • Feature: Add support for WooCommerce Currency Switcher plugin
  • Feature: WWP API: Add new feature to manipulate wholesale products and wholesale roles via REST namespace wholesale/v1/products and wholesale/v1/roles
  • Improvement: Update to new product boxes on upgrade page
  • Improvement: Improve product education near wholesale pricing fields
  • Improvement: Code improvements


  • Improvement: WC 4.4 compatibility
  • Improvement: WP 5.5 compatibility
  • Improvement: Code improvements


  • Bug Fix: Minor error on WC 4.3 and our PDFs don’t show up on WC 4.2 in WC Marketing Knowledge Base page


  • Improvement: Compatibility with WC 4.3
  • Improvement: WC 4.3: Remove the set_icon function for admin notes since it’s deprecated
  • Bug Fix: WC 4.3: Fatal error when updating WC 4.2 to WC 4.3 when WWP enabled
  • Bug Fix: Wholesale Price Suffix calculated incorrectly when setting Price display suffix as “{price_including_tax} TAX”
  • Bug Fix: WC Admin Note: Unable to install ACFWF after re-log in as admin
  • Bug Fix: WC 4.3: Our PDFs doesn’t show up in WC Marketing page’s Knowledge Base


  • Bug Fix: When the WooCommerce Admin is inactive, Fix the potential issue produced upon plugin activation


  • Bug Fix: Add checks for WC Admin package inclusion


  • Bug Fix: Patch legacy conflict with WC 3.9.x versions


  • Improvement: Compatibility check with WooCommerce 4.2
  • Bug Fix: Unable to import decimals when importing wholesale price using a comma
  • Bug Fix: Price display suffix is not working for wholesale customers


  • Improvement: Compatibility check with WooCommerce 4.1.0


  • Improvement: Integration of the new WooCommerce navigation bar
  • Improvement: Minor code improvements


  • Improvement: Compatibility check with WooCommerce 4


  • Improvement: Better manage when and where the getting started notice appears


  • Improvement: Show a getting started guide on activation
  • New Feature: Add ability to change wholesale price text in settings
  • New Feature: Allow changing of built-in “Wholesale Customer” role display name
  • New Feature: Allow disabling coupons for wholesale customers
  • New Feature: Allow hiding of original price for wholesale customers


  • Improvement: WooCommerce 3.7 compatibility
  • Improvement: Code improvements


  • Improvement: Code improvements


  • Bug Fix: Wholesale secondary currency from Aelia Currency Switcher doesn’t display after importing
  • Improvement: Minor code improvements


  • Bug Fix: The {price_excluding_tax} and {price_including_tax} uses regular price instead of wholesale price when added in Price display suffix
  • Bug Fix: Deleting the variation with wholesale price will not remove the “*variations_with_wholesale_price” set in the variable


  • Improvement: Updating WooCommerce 3.4.0 compatibility notice


  • Improvement: Aelia Currency Switcher for WooCommerce plugin reintegration
  • Improvement: Minor code improvements


  • Improvement: Add min width for wholesale price column on product’s backend
  • Improvement: Add a filter at the end of get_product_wholesale_price_on_shop_v2() function for user to hook
  • Bug Fix: Error notices shown with site having Aelia Currency Switcher installed


  • Improvement: Minor code improvements


  • Improvement: Minor code improvements


  • Improvement: Dramatically enhance performance
  • Improvement: Major code improvements
  • Improvement: Remove some deprecated functions
  • Bug Fix: WPML broken integration with the wwp_formatted_price function


  • Improvement: Minor code improvements


  • Bug Fix: Add support for outdated (5.4) php versions


  • Improvement: Considerably improve plugin speed and performance
  • Improvement: Improve codebase


  • Bug Fix: Support for old php versions


  • Improvement: Improve support for WC duplicate product feature
  • Improvement: Minor code improvements


  • Bug Fix: Issues with multisite install


  • Improvement: Minor code improvements


  • Bug Fix: Errors thrown when wwpp less than 1.14.0 is active thus preventing wwpp update


  • Feature: Add WPML support
  • Improvement: Add compatibility with upcoming WooCommerce version 3.0.0
  • Improvement: Major code refactor for effeciency , speed and maintanability


  • Bug Fix: Wholesale prices not showing properly on variable products with huge number of variations


  • Improvement: Add compatibility with upcoming WooCommerce version 2.7.0
  • Improvement: Refactor codebase for effeciency and maintanability


  • Feature: Multi Site Compatibility
  • Improvement: Apply a wrapping css class name to the wholesale options on product edit screens
  • Improvement: Embed new data on cart/orders for more accurate reporting in the future
  • Improvement: Major code refactor for effeciency , speed and maintanability
  • Bug Fix: Fatal error: Class ‘WWP_Helper_Functions’ not found
  • Bug Fix: Fix typo in filter ‘wwof_settings_section_content’, should be wwp not wwof
  • Bug Fix: When changing product categories on variable product and dont open variations tab, have_wholesale_price meta on parent variable product is not set properly
  • Bug Fix: Deactivate function callback is not firing


  • Bug Fix: Rebase keys on array returned on getUserWholesaleRole
  • Bug Fix: Error notice relating to array_intersect on getUserWholesaleRole function


  • Improvement : Rename “plugin settings” to just “settings” on the plugin listing
  • Bug Fix: Properly check for dependencies and properly trigger activation code base
  • Bug Fix: If you modify an attribute then attempt to bulk set wholesale pricing it doesn’t show the input alert box
  • Bug Fix: Tidy up code base, remove unnecessary codes


  • Improvement: If no price set for a product, don’t bother to construct wholesale price html
  • Bug Fix: Doesn’t seem to properly change the price html


  • Bug Fix: Duplicate wholesale price shows when all variations have the same regular and wholesale price


  • Bug Fix: Pricing accordion for Aelia currency switcher broken on simple products


  • Bug Fix: WC2.6.0: Display bug with crossed out regular prices when wholesale price is being displayed
  • Bug Fix: When regular prices are left blank on variations, notices are shown (For none wholesale users)
  • Improvement: Add filters for wholesale prices suffix


  • Bug Fix: Add support for custom product types ( composite, bundle, etc.. ) on calculation of cart on cart widget


  • Feature: Allow setting of wholesale prices per wholesale role on all variable product variations via custom bulk action
  • Improvement: Tidy up internationalization
  • Improvement: Tidy up code base for extensibility


  • Improvement: Add additional hooks to settings code base for better extensibility.


  • Bug Fix: When aelia currency switcher plugin is not present, variations of a variable product has some issues on displaying wholesale price on the backend


  • Feature: Integrate to Aelia Currency Switcher Plugin
  • Bug Fix: When variable product has same regular price, wholesale price don’t get displayed on the front end.
  • Bug Fix: Properly mark products with wholesale price if its category is later updated with a wholesale discount ( WWPP )
  • Bug Fix: UI fixes required for WC 2.5 & WP 4.4
  • Improvement: Update upgrade notice screenshot on settings page


  • Improvement: Code enhancements


  • Bug Fix: Fix “Only Show Wholesale Products To Wholesale Users” option behaviour when variations of a variable product is paginated


  • Bug Fix: Bug fixes and code enhancements


  • Bug Fix: Fix duplicate failure to meet wholesale price notice
  • Improvement: Tidy up internationalization code base


  • Improvement: Improve integration to WooCommerce 2.4.x series new “Save Changes” button on the variations section of a variable product


  • Improvement: Refactor activation code making the plugin more efficient
  • Improvement: Integrate to WooCommerce 2.4.x series new “Save Changes” button on the variations section of a variable product
  • Feature: Add current user wholesale role on the class of the body tag


  • Bug Fix: Fix price suffix doubling up on variable products


  • Improvement: Add additional helper functions
  • Improvement: Enhance cleaning up procedures on deactivation
  • Improvement: Translation ready


  • Bug Fix: Properly display wholesale pricing when changing product types
  • Bug Fix: Properly display product price range for variable products


  • Bug Fix: Improve European style prices support


  • Bug Fix: Refactor logic on implementation of minimum price requirements


  • Bug Fix: Properly mark wholesale products if wholesale price is set
  • Minor Feature: Add additional filter and action hooks


  • Bug Fix: Allow saving of European style prices ( comma used as decimal separator )


  • Bug Fix: Add additional meta flags to be used within the loop to determine if products have wholesale prices defined


  • Bug Fix: Refactor logic of applying wholesale price to variable product variation


  • Bug Fix: Add some meta flags to be used within the loop to determine if products have wholesale prices defined
  • Bug Fix: Tidy up data displayed on the custom wholesale prices column on the product listing page on the backend


  • Feature: Added wholesale price columns to Product listing page on backend
  • Feature: Added preview of settings available in Premium
  • Feature: Added link to settings page from installed plugins screen


  • Initial version


  • Version: 2.2.0
  • Active installations: 20,000
  • WordPress Version: 5.2
  • Tested up to: 6.5.5


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