Woo Remove Qty selectors
Marirs By Marirs

June 19, 2012

Woo Remove Qty selectors Plugin

This plugin for wordpress will remove the woo commerce quantity selectors from the Product page and the Cart Page.

For those of you who sell virtual/downloadable goods and who don’t want to show the quantity selectors in the product page and cart page, this the plugin for you. This plugin will remove the Quantity selectors from the Product and the Cart page.

Hope this plugin will be of some use to others too.


  1. Upload ‘woo-remove-qty.php to the /wp-content/plugins directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Done

Requirements for the plugin is of course woocommerce


0.1 Initial version


  • Version: 0.1
  • Active installations: 200
  • WordPress Version: 2.0.2
  • Tested up to: 3.4.2


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