Products Quick View for WooCommerce

July 13, 2024

Products Quick View for WooCommerce Plugin

Add Quick View feature to all product cards on shop, category, tag pages. Opens full product page content, add to cart without leaving the page

Products Quick View for WooCommerce gives your customers a true supermarket shopping experience. In a supermarket shoppers browse products on the shelves, picking up the ones they are interested up, reading all the relevant information and either adding the item to their cart or putting it back on the shelf and continuing to browser. You can now give your customer exactly the same experience with WooCommerce Products Quick View.

While browsing products anywhere in your store – shop page / category pages / tag pages they see a product that interests them – instead of clicking ‘More Details’ and going to another page to view all the product information and images they click Quick View and see it all in a pop-up right there on their screen. This is the sequence

  • See something of interest – Pick it up from the shelf (Open the product in the pop-up)
  • View all the products information and make a buying decision
  • Either add the item to the shopping basket (Add to Cart)
  • Or put the item back on the shelf and continue to browse (close the pop-up)

It is quick easy and incredibly convenient for your customers and will create more sales.


  • Works on any theme.
  • 2 choices of Quick pop-ups opens – full page content in pop-up or Custom pop-up.
  • Fully mobile responsive – if your theme is responsive it opens in its true responsive dimensions within the pop-up.
  • Show Quick View as a button or hyperlink text (fully customizable without writing any code)
  • All product page features added by plugins work within the pop-up.
  • Show Quick View on hover over image or show as button or linked text under the image.
  • Mobile device optimized – all tablets and phones


  • Option to show Quick View as a Button or Hyper linked text under the product image.
  • When placed under the image Quick View is visible all of the time.
  • a3rev Button creator, for creating the perfect style without touching the theme code.
  • a3rev Button style transparency setting.
  • a3rev Hyperlink text creator – Simple point click settings to create an eye catching clickable link.
  • Quick View button has 3 Positional settings Top, Center or bottom of the image.


  • Select pop-up open and close transition effect.
  • Set pop-up opening / closing speed.
  • Set pop-up background overlay colour with WYSIWYG colour picker.
  • Fix pop-up or allow it to scroll with the screen content
  • Same day priority Pro License support and auto updates from the a3API.


  • Fancybox pop-up tool – can’t be blocked by browser pop-up settings.
  • Pop-up opens in 0.300 of a second and closes instantly.
  • SEO tracking – Your analytics tracking code e.g. Google records every view.
  • Add to Cart , View Cart all work within the pop-up.


There is a Premium version of this plugin that offers more advanced features if required.


When you download Products Quick View for WooCommerce, you join our the a3rev Software community. Regardless of if you are a WordPress beginner or experienced developer if you are interested in contributing to the future development of this plugin head over to the Products Quick ViewGitHub Repository to find out how you can contribute.

Want to add a new language? You can contribute via


  1. Install and activate the plugin

  2. On wp-admin go to the WooCommerce > Quick View Menu

  3. Go to Quick View sub menu Settings – Turn the Quick View Feature ON.

  4. Make your settings and style the Quick View Button or hypertext link.

  5. Have fun.


Minimum Requirements

  • PHP version 7.4 or greater is recommended
  • MySQL version 5.6 or greater is recommended

Automatic installation

Automatic installation is the easiest option as WordPress handles the file transfers itself and you don’t even need to leave your web browser. To do an automatic install of Products Quick View, log in to your WordPress admin panel, navigate to the Plugins menu and click Add New. Search Products Quick View for WooCommerce and click install. Or download the plugin from and click the upload sub nav item and use the WordPress plugins uploader to upload the plugin from your computer and unpack it and install it for you.

Manual installation

The manual installation method involves downloading our plugin and uploading it to your web server via your favourite FTP application.

  1. Download the plugin file to your computer and unzip it
  2. Using an FTP program, or your hosting control panel, upload the unzipped plugin folder to your WordPress installations wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  3. Activate the plugin from the Plugins menu within the WordPress admin.


  1. Quick view on a product page as it shows on a widescreen.

    Quick view on a product page as it shows on a widescreen.


When can I use this plugin?

On any WordPress install that has the WooCommerce plugin installed and activated.


2.3.2 – 2024/07/13

  • This release has various tweaks for compatibility with WordPress 6.6 and WooCommerce 8.9.3.
  • Tweak – Tested for compatibility with WordPress 6.6
  • Tweak – Tested for compatibility with WooCommerce 8.9.3

2.3.1 – 2023/11/23

  • This maintenance release has plugin framework updates for compatibility with PHP 8.1 onwards, plus compatibility with WordPress 6.4.1 and WooCommerce 8.2
  • Tweak – Remove backward compatibility for WooCommerce versions less than 6.0
  • Tweak – Test for compatibility with WooCommerce 8.2.0
  • Tweak – Test for compatibility with WordPress 6.4.1
  • Framework – Set parameter number of preg_match function from null to 0 for compatibility with PHP 8.1 onwards
  • Framework – Validate empty before call trim for option value

2.3.0 – 2023/08/14

  • This release is a security hardening tweak plus compatibility with WordPress 6.3 and WooCommerce 8.0
  • Tweak – Test for compatibility with WooCommerce 8.0
  • Tweak – Test for compatibility with WordPress 6.3
  • Security – check nonce for admin-ajax.php

2.2.0 – 2023/04/25

  • This release has compatibility with WordPress 6.2.0, WooCommerce 7.6.0 plus declared compatibility with WooCommerce HPOS.
  • Tweak – Test for compatibility with WordPress 6.2
  • Tweak – Test for compatibility with WooCommerce 7.6.0
  • Tweak – Test and declare plugin compatibility with WooCommerce HPOS Custom Tables.

2.1.0 – 2023/01/03

  • This feature release removes the fontawesome lib and replaces icons with SVGs plus adds Default Topography option to font controls and has compatibility with WooCommerce 7.2
  • Feature – Convert icon from font awesome to SVG
  • Feature – Update styling for new SVG icons
  • Tweak – Test for compatibility with WooCommerce 7.2
  • Plugin Framework – Update typography control from plugin framework to add support for Default value
  • Plugin Framework – Default value will get fonts set in the theme.
  • Plugin Framework – Change generate typography style for change on typography control
  • Plugin Framework – Remove fontawesome lib

2.0.3 – 2022/11/21

  • This maintenance release has 1 bug fix and compatibility with WooCommerce 7.1
  • Tweak – Check for compatibility with WooCommerce version 7.1
  • Fix – Show the panel settings page if have combine of premium and free options on same page.

2.0.2 – 2022/11/01

  • This maintenance release has a security vulnerability patch, plus compatibility with WordPress major version 6.1.0 and WooCommerce version 7.0
  • Tweak – Test for compatibility with WordPress 6.1
  • Tweak – Test for compatibility with WooCommerce 7.0
  • Security – This release has a patch for a security vulnerability

2.0.1 – 2022/05/25

  • This release fixes a bug with the just released version 2.0.0
  • Fix – Do not call update_google_map_api_key from construct of Admin UI

2.0.0 – 2022/05/24

  • This release is for compatibility with WordPress major version 6.0 and WooCommerce version 6.5.1. It and includes various code tweaks and tweaks to harden security.
  • Tweak – Test for compatibility with WordPress 6.0
  • Tweak – Add filter on generate_border_style_css
  • Tweak – Add filter on generate_border_corner_css
  • Tweak – Test for compatibility with WooCommerce 6.5
  • Framework – Upgrade Plugin Framework to version 2.6.0
  • Security – Various code hardening tweaks.
  • Security – Escape all $-variable
  • Security – Sanitize all $_REQUEST, $_GET, $_POST
  • Security – Apply wp_unslash before sanitize

1.10.0 – 2022/01/22

  • This release has a new Google Fonts API Validation feature plus compatibility with WordPress 5.9 and WooCommerce 6.1.1
  • Feature – Add Ajax Validate button for Google Fonts API, for quick and easy Validation of API key.
  • Dev – Add dynamic help text to Google Font API field
  • Tweak – Test for compatibility with WooCommerce 6.1
  • Tweak – Test for compatibility with WordPress 5.9
  • Framework – Update a3rev Plugin Framework to version 2.5.0

1.9.12 – 2021/11/20

  • This maintenance release has check for compatibility with PHP version 8.x and WooCommerce 5.9
  • Tweak – Test for compatibility with PHP 8.x
  • Tweak – Test for compatibility with WooCommerce 5.9

1.9.11 – 2021/07/22

  • This maintenance release has code tweaks for compatibility with WordPress Major version 5.8, WooCommerce version 5.5.1 and some Security Hardening.
  • Tweak – Test for compatibility with WordPress 5.8
  • Tweak – Test for compatibility with WooCommerce 5.5.1
  • Tweak – Skip version 1.9.10 to avoid possible PHP version misread
  • Security – Add more variable, options and html escaping

1.9.9 – 2021/03/19

  • This maintenance release updates 23 deprecated jQuery functions for compatibility with the latest version of jQuery in WordPress 5.7
  • Tweak – Update JavaScript on plugin framework for compatibility with latest version of jQuery and resolve PHP warning event shorthand is deprecated.
  • Tweak – Replace deprecated .change( handler ) with .on( ‘change’, handler )
  • Tweak – Replace deprecated .change() with .trigger(‘change’)
  • Tweak – Replace deprecated .focus( handler ) with .on( ‘focus’, handler )
  • Tweak – Replace deprecated .focus() with .trigger(‘focus’)
  • Tweak – Replace deprecated .click( handler ) with .on( ‘click’, handler )
  • Tweak – Replace deprecated .click() with .trigger(‘click’)
  • Tweak – Replace deprecated .select( handler ) with .on( ‘select’, handler )
  • Tweak – Replace deprecated .select() with .trigger(‘select’)
  • Tweak – Replace deprecated .blur( handler ) with .on( ‘blur’, handler )
  • Tweak – Replace deprecated .blur() with .trigger(‘blur’)
  • Tweak – Replace deprecated .resize( handler ) with .on( ‘resize’, handler )
  • Tweak – Replace deprecated .submit( handler ) with .on( ‘submit’, handler )
  • Tweak – Replace deprecated .scroll( handler ) with .on( ‘scroll’, handler )
  • Tweak – Replace deprecated .mousedown( handler ) with .on( ‘mousedown’, handler )
  • Tweak – Replace deprecated .mouseover( handler ) with .on( ‘mouseover’, handler )
  • Tweak – Replace deprecated .mouseout( handler ) with .on( ‘mouseout’, handler )
  • Tweak – Replace deprecated .keydown( handler ) with .on( ‘keydown’, handler )
  • Tweak – Replace deprecated .attr(‘disabled’, ‘disabled’) with .prop(‘disabled’, true)
  • Tweak – Replace deprecated .removeAttr(‘disabled’) with .prop(‘disabled’, false)
  • Tweak – Replace deprecated .attr(‘selected’, ‘selected’) with .prop(‘selected’, true)
  • Tweak – Replace deprecated .removeAttr(‘selected’) with .prop(‘selected’, false)
  • Tweak – Replace deprecated .attr(‘checked’, ‘checked’) with .prop(‘checked’, true)
  • Tweak – Replace deprecated .removeAttr(‘checked’) with .prop(‘checked’, false)

1.9.8 – 2021/03/09

  • This maintenance release is for compatibility with WordPress 5.7 and WooCommerce 5.1
  • Tweak – Test for compatibility with WordPress 5.7
  • Tweak – Test for compatibility with WooCommerce 5.1.0

1.9.7 – 2021/01/13

  • This maintenance release is for compatibility with WooCommerce major version 4.9.0.
  • Tweak – Test for compatibility with WooCommerce 4.9.0

1.9.6 – 2020/12/30

  • This is an important maintenance release that updates our scripts for compatibility with the latest version of jQuery released in WordPress 5.6
  • Tweak – Update JavaScript on plugin framework for work compatibility with latest version of jQuery
  • Fix – Replace .bind( event, handler ) by .on( event, handler ) for compatibility with latest version of jQuery
  • Fix – Replace :eq() Selector by .eq() for compatibility with latest version of jQuery
  • Fix – Replace .error() by .on( “error” ) for compatibility with latest version of jQuery
  • Fix – Replace :first Selector by .first() for compatibility with latest version of jQuery
  • Fix – Replace :gt(0) Selector by .slice(1) for compatibility with latest version of jQuery
  • Fix – Remove jQuery.browser for compatibility with latest version of jQuery
  • Fix – Replace jQuery.isArray() by Array.isArray() for compatibility with latest version of jQuery
  • Fix – Replace jQuery.isFunction(x) by typeof x === “function” for compatibility with latest version of jQuery
  • Fix – Replace jQuery.isNumeric(x) by typeof x === “number” for compatibility with latest version of jQuery
  • Fix – Replace by for compatibility with latest version of jQuery
  • Fix – Replace jQuery.parseJSON() by JSON.parse() for compatibility with latest version of jQuery
  • Fix – Remove for compatibility with latest version of jQuery
  • Fix – Replace jQuery.trim(x) by x.trim() for compatibility with latest version of jQuery
  • Fix – Replace jQuery.type(x) by typeof x for compatibility with latest version of jQuery
  • Fix – Replace .load( handler ) by .on( “load”, handler ) for compatibility with latest version of jQuery
  • Fix – Replace .size() by .length for compatibility with latest version of jQuery
  • Fix – Replace .unbind( event ) by .off( event ) for compatibility with latest version of jQuery
  • Fix – Replace .unload( handler ) by .on( “unload”, handler ) for compatibility with latest version of jQuery

1.9.5 – 2020/12/10

  • Tweak – Test for compatibility with WooCommerce 4.8.0

1.9.4 – 2020/12/08

  • This maintenance release has tweaks and a fix for compatibility with WordPress major version 5.6, WooCommerce 4.7.1 and PHP 7.4.8
  • Tweak – Test for compatibility with PHP 7.4.8
  • Tweak – Test for compatibility with WooCommerce 4.7.1
  • Tweak – Test for compatibility with WordPress 5.6
  • Fix – Add \ before WC() inside namespace file for it to call to correct WC() of WooCommerce

1.9.3 – 2020/08/08

  • This maintenance release is for compatibility with WordPress major version 5.5 and WooCommerce 4.3.1.
  • Tweak – Test for compatibility with WordPress 5.5
  • Tweak – Test for compatibility with WooCommerce 4.3.1

1.9.2 – 2020/07/14

  • This maintenance release has a fix for Fatal Error when product variations do not have a price entered, plus compatibility with WooCommerce 4.3 and WordPress 5.4.2
  • Tweak – Test for compatibility with WooCommerce v 4.3.0 and add tested tag
  • Tweak – Test for compatibility with WordPress 5.4.2
  • Fix – Validate product is correct object before called member functions

1.9.1 – 2020/04/01

  • This maintenance release is for compatibility with WordPress 5.4, WooCommerce 4.0.1, Travis CI build unit test for compliance with WordPress PHP coding standards and PHP tweaks for compatibility with PHP v 7.0 to 7.4
  • Tweak – Test for compatibility with WordPress 5.4
  • Tweak – Test for compatibility with WooCommerce 4.0.1
  • Tweak – Plugin Framework fully refactored to Composer for cleaner code and faster PHP code on admin panels
  • Tweak – Update plugin for compatibility with new version of plugin Framework
  • Fix – Update global ${$this- to $GLOBALS[$this to resolve 7.0+ PHP warnings
  • Fix – Update global ${$option to $GLOBALS[$option to resolve 7.0+ PHP warnings
  • Fix – Update less PHP lib that use square brackets [] instead of curly braces {} for Array, depreciated in PHP 7.4
  • Fix – Validate to not use get_magic_quotes_gpc function that are depreciated in PHP 7.4

1.9.0 – 2019/12/20

  • This feature release upgrades the plugins PHP to Composer Dependency Manager, a full security review plus compatibility with WordPress 5.3.0 and WooCommerce 3.8.1
  • Feature – Plugin fully refactored to Composer for cleaner and faster PHP code
  • Tweak – Remove the hard coded PHP error_reporting display errors false from compile sass to css
  • Tweak – Test for compatibility with WordPress 5.3.0
  • Tweak – Test for compatibility with WooCommerce 3.8.1
  • Dev – Replace file_get_contents with HTTP API wp_remote_get
  • Dev – Ensure that all inputs are sanitized and all outputs are escaped

1.8.8 – 2019/09/03

  • This upgrade is for compatibility with Responsi Framework 7.6.0 and WooCommerce 3.7.0
  • Refactor – Rewrite frontend HTML, CSS, JS and Variables Class and ID names to the new framework 7.6.0 namespaces
  • Refactor – Rewrite customizer HTML, CSS, JS and Variables Class and ID names to the new framework 7.6.0 namespaces
  • Refactor – HTML, CSS, JS and Variables Class and ID names called from the framework making plugin file sizes smaller and faster to load
  • Tweak – Test for compatibility with WooCommerce 3.7.0

1.8.7 – 2019/06/29

  • This is a maintenance upgrade to fix a potentially fatal error conflict with sites running PHP 7.3 plus compatibility with WordPress v 5.2.2 and WooCommerce 3.6.4
  • Tweak – Test for compatibility with WooCommerce 3.6.4
  • Tweak – Test for compatibility with WordPress 5.2.2
  • Fix – PHP warning continue targeting switch is equivalent to break for compatibility on PHP 7.3

1.8.6 – 2019/04/26

  • This maintenance update has tweaks for compatibility with WordPress 5.2.0 and WooCommerce 3.6.0 major new versions whilst maintaining backward compatibility
  • Tweak – Test for compatibility with WordPress 5.2.0
  • Tweak – Test for compatibility with WooCommerce 3.6.2
  • Tweak – Support for backward compatibility with WooCommerce v 3.5

1.8.5 – 2018/12/27

  • This maintenance update is for compatibility with WordPress 5.0.2, WooCommerce 3.5.3 and PHP 7.3. It also includes performance updates to the plugin framework.
  • Tweak – Test for compatibility with WordPress 5.0.2 and WordPress 4.9.9
  • Tweak – Test for compatibility with WooCommerce 3.5.3
  • Tweak – Create new structure for future development of Gutenberg Blocks
  • Framework – Performance improvement. Replace wp_remote_fopen with file_get_contents for get web fonts
  • Framework – Performance improvement. Define new variable is_load_google_fonts if admin does not require to load google fonts
  • Credit – Props to Derek for alerting us to the framework google fonts performance issue
  • Framework – Register style name for dynamic style of plugin for use with Gutenberg block
  • Framework – Update Modal script and style to version 4.1.1
  • Framework – Update a3rev Plugin Framework to version 2.1.0
  • Framework – Test and update for compatibility with PHP 7.3

1.8.4 – 2018/05/26

  • This maintenance update is for compatibility with WordPress 4.9.6 and WooCommerce 3.4.0 and the new GDPR compliance requirements for users in the EU
  • Tweak – Test for compatibility with WooCommerce 3.4.0
  • Tweak – Test for compatibility with WordPress 4.9.6
  • Tweak – Check for any issues with GDPR compliance. None Found
  • Framework – Update a3rev Plugin Framework to version 2.0.3

1.8.3 – 2018/02/13

  • Maintenance Update. Under the bonnet tweaks to keep your plugin running smoothly and is the foundation for new features to be developed this year
  • Framework – Update a3rev Plugin Framework to version 2.0.2
  • Framework – Add Framework version for all style and script files
  • Tweak – Update for full compatibility with a3rev Dashboard plugin
  • Tweak – Test for compatibility with WordPress 4.9.4
  • Tweak – Test for compatibility with WooCommerce 3.3.1

1.8.2 – 2018/01/24

  • Maintenance Update. 1 bug fix for conflict with 3rd party plugin pop ups.
  • Tweak – Tested for compatibility with WordPress 4.9.2
  • Fix – Check if pp_overlay is appended to document before allow 3rd party plugin call to trigger quick_view_close_popup

1.8.1 – 2018/01/15

  • Maintenance Update. This version has 1 major code tweak and 1 bug fix with the prettyPhoto pop up script.
  • Tweak – Load prettyPhoto script from plugin. Was previously loaded from the WooCommerce plugin but it was depreciated from their gallery – now use Zoom lib which is not a pop up.
  • Fix – Load script with correct order to resolve the JavaScript prettyPhoto is not defined error
  • Credit – Thanks to Ignacio Cano for reporting the bug.

1.8.0 – 2017/12/19

  • Feature upgrade. Added full support for WooCommerce default product gallery including zoom feature and variation images
  • Tweak – Remove Dynamic Gallery script
  • Tweak – Remove Dynamic Gallery Tab and setting options
  • Tweak – Remove depreciated Fancybox option for popup tool. Automatically set to PrettyPhoto if site was using the Fancybox pop up
  • Tweak – Tested for compatibility with WooCommerce 3.2.6
  • Tweak – Tested for compatibility with WordPress 4.9.1

1.7.2 – 2017/10/13

  • Tweak – Tested for compatibility with WooCommerce 3.2.0
  • Tweak – Tested for compatibility with WordPress 4.8.2
  • Tweak – Added support for the new WC ‘tested up to’ feature to show this plugin has been tested compatible with WC updates

1.7.1 – 2017/07/01

  • Tweak – Tested for full compatibility with WooCommerce version 3.1.0
  • Tweak – Show warning for variation is unavailable on popup
  • Tweak – Set add to cart button to disabled if variation is unavailable on popup
  • Fix – Show the Reset link on popup if Variable Product has default attributes

1.7.0 – 2017/06/07

  • Feature – Launched WooCommerce Products Quick View public Github Repository
  • Tweak – Tested for compatibility with WordPress major version 4.8.0
  • Tweak – tested for compatibility with WooCommerce version 3.0.7
  • Tweak – WordPress Translation activation. Add text domain declaration in file header
  • Tweak – Include bootstrap modal script into plugin framework
  • Tweak – Update a3rev plugin framework to latest version

1.6.1 – 2017/04/25

  • Tweak – Tested for full compatibility with WooCommerce version 3.0.4
  • Tweak – Tested for full compatibility with WordPress version 4.7.4
  • Tweak – Change call direct to Product properties with new function that are defined on WC v3.0
  • Tweak – Use new wc_get_product_category_list() function instead of product-get_categories() for compatibility with WC 3.0
  • Tweak – Use new wc_get_product_tag_list() function instead of product-get_tags() for compatibility with WC 3.0
  • Tweak – Use new get_gallery_image_ids() function instead get_gallery_attachment_ids() for compatibility with WC 3.0
  • Tweak – Set better height for PrettyPhoto popup
  • Fix – PrettyPhoto pop up can load full content on popup

1.6.0 – 2017/02/14

  • Feature – Add PrettyPhoto Pop up Tool option for Quick View
  • Tweak – Update Quick View script to support PrettyPhoto popup tool
  • Tweak – Increase maximum Pop up maximum width option to 1000px and change default value to 800px
  • Tweak – Added full compatibility with X theme.
  • Tweak – Added full compatibility with WooCommerce Carousel & Slider plugin.
  • Tweak – Depreciated FancyBox pop up tool
  • Tweak – Added notice not to use FancBox pop up as it will be removed in future version
  • Tweak – Change global $$variable to global ${$variable} for compatibility with PHP 7.0
  • Tweak – Update a3 Revolution to a3rev Software on plugins description
  • Tweak – Added Settings link to plugins description on plugins menu
  • Tweak – Tested for full compatibility with WordPress version 4.7.2
  • Tweak – Tested for full compatibility with WooCommerce version 2.6.14

1.5.1 – 2016/10/22

  • Tweak – Tested for full compatibility with WooCommerce version 2.6.6
  • Fix – Update add-to-cart-variation.js script for variation product when add to cart

1.5.0 – 2016/09/03

  • Feature – Plugin Framework Mobile First focus upgrade
  • Feature – Massive improvement in admin UI and UX in PC, tablet and mobile browsers
  • Feature – Introducing opening and closing Options Boxes on admin panels
  • Feature – Added Font editor ‘Line Height’ option
  • Feature – Support select Default Gallery of WC or Dynamic Gallery show on Quick View Pop-up
  • Feature – Upgrade all Gallery and thumbnail slider images to fontawesome icons
  • Feature – Add colorbox pop up tool option
  • Feature – Add customization options for fancybox and colorbox pop up tools
  • Tweak – Change Pop-up Controls to font awesome icon
  • Tweak – Move Plugin menu to as submenu of WooCommerce menu
  • Tweak – Update select type of plugin framework for support group options
  • Tweak – Update Typography Preview script for apply ‘Line Height’ value to Preview box
  • Tweak – Update the generate_font_css() function with new ‘Line Height’ option
  • Tweak – Replace all hard code for line-height inside custom style by new dynamic ‘Line Height’ value
  • Tweak – Register fontawesome in plugin framework with style name is ‘font-awesome-styles’
  • Tweak – Update a3 Dynamic Gallery script and style to support new features
  • Tweak – Update dynamic style for new features
  • Tweak – Tested for full compatibility with WooCommerce version 2.6.4
  • Tweak – Tested for full compatibility with WordPress version 4.6

1.4.1 – 2016/06/21

  • Tweak – Enqueue scripts to ‘wp_enqueue_scripts’ instead of footer to resolve script can’t load if theme don’t have wp_footer
  • Tweak – Register two new scripts ‘quick-view-hover-script’ and ‘quick-view-popup-script’
  • Tweak – Tested for full compatibility with WooCommerce major version 2.6.0
  • Tweak – Tested for full compatibility with WooCommerce version 2.6.1
  • Tweak – Tested for full compatibility with WordPtress version 4.5.2
  • Fix – update minus and plus script for just increase 1 time for when click instead of increase 2 or 3 times
  • Fix – Add to cart works on quick view pop up for Variation product that have custom attributes
  • Fix – Update style to not have padding when Quick View hover type is activated

1.4.0 – 2016/04/11

  • Feature – Completed full integration with WooCommerce Product Image Gallery. Dynamic Gallery functions and features are now applied to WooCommerce Product Gallery and does not create its own Gallery
  • Tweak – Define new ‘strip_methods’ argument for Uploader type, allow strip http/https or no
  • Tweak – Register fontawesome in plugin framework with style name is ‘font-awesome-styles’
  • Tweak – Update a3 Dynamic Gallery script and style to support new feature
  • Tweak – Saved the time number into database for one time customize style and Save change on the Plugin Settings
  • Tweak – Replace version number by time number for dynamic style file are generated by Sass to solve the issue get cache file on CDN server
  • Tweak – Update plugin framework to latest version
  • Tweak – Tested for full compatibility with WordPress major version 4.5
  • Tweak – Tested for full compatibility with WooCommerce version 2.5.5
  • Dev – Add ‘quick_view_product_sku’ selector class for SKU meta on popup
  • Dev – Add ‘quick_view_product_category’ selector class for Product Categories meta on popup
  • Dev – Add ‘quick_view_product_tag’ selector class for Product Tags meta on popup
  • Fix – Update Dynamic script to get data from attributes of gallery container instead of using ‘a3_dgallery_arg’ variable to parse into script. Resolves confliction with WooCommerce Dynamic Gallery plugin
  • Fix – Remove ‘z-index’ for Control Bar. Now obsolete with Dynamic gallery html structure. Resolves conflict with any overlaying html for example from sidebar navigation pop out menus
  • Fix – Remove ‘parseInt’ javascript function that was applying to get thumbnail type. Was causing the thumbnail container UI to be broken
  • Fix – Support shortcode for the description on Custom Quick View Popup
  • Credit – Thanks to Lana Mangusa for the suggestion to add sku, category and tag CSS selector classes for developers

1.3.0 – 2016/01/29

  • Feature – Add new popup content Feature – Simple Custom Template
  • Feature – Custom Template has Dynamic gallery feature in popup
  • Feature – Make Dynamic Gallery on frontend support the Responsive Image with 2 new attribute ‘scrset’ and ‘sizes’ are put on thumbnail and main image for decrease the total size of images are load on gallery for small screen
  • Feature – Change old Media Uploader pop-up to New UI of Uploader with Backbone and Underscore from WordPress
  • Feature – Added full support for Right to Left RTL layout on plugins admin dashboard
  • Feature – Added Option to set Google Fonts API key to directly access latest fonts and font updates from Google
  • Feature – Custom Template – Thumbnails use Hard Crop or Scale set on the WooCommerce Product Images settings
  • Feature – Define new function – hextorgb() – for convert hex color to rgb color on plugin framework
  • Feature – Define new function – generate_background_color_css() – for export background style code on plugin framework that is used to make custom style
  • Tweak – Remove Pop up Content type, Product Page Content Feature – has been replaced by the Simple Custom Template feature
  • Tweak – Update the uploader script to save the Attachment ID and work with New Uploader
  • Tweak – Change call action from ‘wp_head’ to ‘wp_enqueue_scripts’ and use ‘wp_enqueue_style’ function to load style for better compatibility with minify feature of caching plugins
  • Tweak – Change call action from ‘wp_head’ to ‘wp_enqueue_scripts’ to load google fonts
  • Tweak – Updated a3 Plugin Framework to the latest version
  • Tweak – Defined ‘frontend_register_scripts’ function with all gallery scripts are registered here for easy to enqueue on frontend
  • Tweak – Move all upgrade function code to /includes/updates/ path
  • Tweak – Update the frontend process for get new gallery of product
  • Tweak – Update core style and script of plugin framework for support Background Color type
  • Tweak – Updated required WordPress version to 4.1 for full compatibility with WooCommerce plugin
  • Tweak – Tested for full compatibility with WooCommerce version 2.5.1
  • Tweak – Tested for full compatibility with WordPress version 4.4.1
  • Fix – Quick View feature work for when use WooCommerce shortcode on homepage or any page or when it’s related products, current it just work for shop page

1.2.5 – 2015/08/19

  • Tweak – Tested for full compatibility with WooCommerce Version 2.4.4
  • Tweak – Tested for full compatibility with WordPress major version 4.3.0
  • Tweak – Include new CSSMin lib from into plugin framework instead of old CSSMin lib from , to avoid conflict with plugins or themes that have CSSMin lib
  • Tweak – Make __construct() function for ‘Compile_Less_Sass’ class instead of using a method with the same name as the class for compatibility on WP 4.3 and is deprecated on PHP4
  • Tweak – Change class name from ‘lessc’ to ‘a3_lessc’ so that it does not conflict with plugins or themes that have another Lessc lib
  • Fix – Check ‘request_filesystem_credentials’ function, if it does not exists then require the core php lib file from WP where it is defined
  • Fix – Make __construct() function for ‘WC_Quick_View_Ultimate’ class instead of using a method with the same name as the class for compatibility on WP 4.3 and is deprecated on PHP4
  • Fix – Make __construct() function for ‘WC_Quick_View_Ultimate_Style’ class instead of using a method with the same name as the class for compatibility on WP 4.3 and is deprecated on PHP4

1.2.4 – 2015/06/04

  • Tweak – Tested for full compatibility with WooCommerce Version 2.3.10
  • Tweak – Tested for full compatibility with WordPress Version 4.2.2
  • Tweak – Security Hardening. Removed all php file_put_contents functions in the plugin framework and replace with the WP_Filesystem API
  • Tweak – Security Hardening. Removed all php file_get_contents functions in the plugin framework and replace with the WP_Filesystem API
  • Fix – Update dynamic stylesheet url in uploads folder to the format // so it’s always is correct when loaded as http or https

1.2.3 – 2015/05/05

  • Tweak – Tested for full compatibility with WordPress Version 4.2.1
  • Fix – Removed check_ajax_referer() call on frontend for compatibility with PHP caching plugins. Was returning -1 to js success call-back.

1.2.2 – 2015/04/21

  • Tweak – Tested and Tweaked for full compatibility with WordPress Version 4.2.0
  • Tweak – Tested and Tweaked for full compatibility with WooCommerce Version 2.3.8
  • Tweak – Update style of plugin framework. Removed the [data-icon] selector to prevent conflict with other plugins that have font awesome icons

1.2.1 – 2015/03/19

  • Tweak – Tested and Tweaked for full compatibility with WooCommerce Version 2.3.7
  • Tweak – Tested and Tweaked for full compatibility with WordPress Version 4.1.1

1.2.0 – 2015/02/13

  • Tweak – Maintenance update for full compatibility with WooCommerce major version release 2.3.0 with backward compatibility to WC 2.2.0
  • Tweak – Tested fully compatible with WooCommerce just released version 2.3.3
  • Tweak – Changed WP_CONTENT_DIR to WP_PLUGIN_DIR. When an admin sets a custom WordPress file structure then it can get the correct path of plugin
  • Tweak – Added Link to new plugins a3 Lazy Load and a3 Portfolio to the Free WordPress plugins list in yelow sidebar.
  • Tweak – Tested 100% compatible with WordPress Version 4.1
  • Fix – Sass compile path not saving on windows xampp

1.1.1 – 2014/09/12

  • Tweak – Tested 100% compatible with WooCommerce 2.2.2
  • Fix – Changed DIR to dirname( FILE ) for Sass script so that on some server __DIR___ is not defined

1.1.0 – 2014/09/05

  • Feature – Converted all front end CSS #dynamic {stylesheets} to Sass #dynamic {stylesheets} for faster loading.
  • Feature – Convert all back end CSS to Sass.
  • Tweak – use wc_get_product() function instead of get_product() function when site is using WooCommerce Version 2.2
  • Tweak – Updated google font face in plugin framework.
  • Tweak – Tested 100% compatible with WooCommerce Version 2.2 and backward to Version 2.1
  • Tweak – Tested 100% compatible with WordPress Version 4.0 – 2014/06/19

  • Tweak – change wp_register_script( ‘a3rev-chosen’) to wp_register_script( ‘a3rev-chosen-new’)
  • Tweak – Tested 100% compatible with WooCommerce version 2.1.11 – 2014/06/04

  • Tweak – Updated chosen js script to latest version 1.1.0 on the a3rev Plugin Framework
  • Tweak – Tested fully compatible with WooCommerce Version 2.1.10 – 2014/05/29

  • Tweak – Changed add_filter( ‘gettext’, array( $this, ‘change_button_text’ ), null, 2 ); to add_filter( ‘gettext’, array( $this, ‘change_button_text’ ), null, 3 );
  • Tweak – Update change_button_text() function from ( $original == ‘Insert into Post’ ) to ( is_admin() && $original === ‘Insert into Post’ )
  • Tweak – Added support for placeholder feature for input, email , password , text area types. – 2014/05/19

  • Tweak – Updated Pop-up menu with new Pro Version features set custom pop-up width and height.
  • Tweak – Updated Custom Template, Product Data > Product Description menu with new Pro Version features.
  • Fix – Quick View Fancybox pop-up menu not scrolling in iOS Mobiles

1.0.6 – 2014/05/17

  • Feature – Added option to show Quick View button or link text under …


  • Version: 2.3.2
  • Active installations: 100
  • WordPress Version: 6.0
  • Tested up to: 6.6.1


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