Customer who viewed this item also viewed using Woocommerce

July 15, 2024

Customer who viewed this item also viewed using Woocommerce Plugin

To suggest your site visitors with products which were mostly explored by other customers. This requires the WooCommerce plugin activated

“Customer Who Viewed This Item Also Viewed Using Woocommerce” is an intelligent as well as a very useful WooCommerce plugin that keeps track of customers’ shopping trends and based on those statistics it improves cross-selling mechanisms. This plugin will suggest your site visitors with products that were mostly explored by other customers. These suggestions display on product pages that are based on the current product.

For an example :

Suppose you have product A and out of 60 visitors who viewed this product, 20 visitors moved to another product B, 10 to product C, and remaining 30 visitors moved to product D. This plugin will then display Product C and B in “Customer Who Viewed This Item Also Viewed”.

The important point is that it only shows those products which were mostly viewed and the most viewed comes in the first place. This ensures efficient performance and criteria of suggested products on your site because most of the customers consider only top visited or reviewed products.

Compatibility of WordPress VIP.

Plugin Requirement

PHP version : 5.3 and latest
WordPress : WordPress 3.0 and latest

Installation Process

  1. Install “Customer Who Viewed This Item Also Viewed Using Woocommerce” either via the plugin directory, or by uploading the files to your server
  2. Activate the plugin in your WordPress Admin and go to the admin panel Setting -> WooCommerce -> Customer Also Viewed Settings.
  3. Configure your plugin as needed.
  4. That’s it. You can view “Customer Who Viewed This Item Also Viewed” block on single product page like other blocks of WooCommerce.


  1. Screenshot 'screenshot-01.png' shows all the possible options available for this plugin.

    Screenshot 'screenshot-01.png' shows all the possible options available for this plugin.

  2. Screenshot 'screenshot-02.png' shows front end view for this plugin.

    Screenshot 'screenshot-02.png' shows front end view for this plugin.


Is WooCommerce necessary to use this plugin?

Yes, it is compulsory to install and activate WooCommerce before using this plugin. WooCommerce is the primary requirement for this plugin.

Does this plugin support shortcodes?

No, this plugin does not support shortcodes. This will automatically load “Customer Who Viewed This Item Also Viewed” block on product details page same like “Related Products”, etc.

Can the plugin be used on the Product details page?

Yes, this plugin can be used only on the Product details page.

Can I use the plugin on other post pages?

No, this plugin cannot be used on other post pages as this plugin displays products that are mostly explored by other customers related to current products.

Does this plugin utilize a database?

Yes, this plugin utilizes a database along with browser cookies to show recently viewed products.

Does this plugin supports product filter and sorting feature?

Yes, this plugin supports product filtering based on current product category and product sorting based on the most recently viewed product or in arandom manner.



  • Improved compatibility with WordPress VIP platform by refactoring code to adhere to VIP coding standards.


  • Test – Make multisite compibility and update text domain.


  • Test – Checking with Latest wordPress and Contact form 7, Tested and works fine.


  • Change – Change Payment Donation URL
  • Change – Update Plugin Author Name
  • Fix – Fixed some HTML struture of Viewed Items on Product Detail Page


  • fix – compatibility fix with wordpress and wooCommerce latest versions
  • fix – fixed the data validation
  • Change – Plugin strcuture to improved the security
  • Change – Plugin Name and banner changes


  • fix – Compatibility fix with WooCommerce 3.6.5


  • Change – Compatibility fix with WooCommerce 2.3.11


  • Change – Allow Products viewed by multiple users at different browsers
  • Change – Removed use of shortcode
  • Change – Loads on single product page like other blocks of WooCommerce


Initial Release


  • Version: 3.1
  • Active installations: 100
  • WordPress Version: 3.0.1
  • Tested up to: 6.6.1
  • PHP Version: 7.0


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