Sticky Product Add to Cart and Checkout Bar for WooCommerce

July 18, 2024

Sticky Product Add to Cart and Checkout Bar for WooCommerce Plugin

The WooCommerce Sticky Product Bar is a highly configurable sticky bar that can show product title, price, rating and Add to Cart / Checkout / Pay but …

When you have a product listing that has a lot of text, reviews, image gallery and all kinds of other information, which is meant to convience customer to place an order,
then you want to make sure that Add to Cart button will be easily accessible, in order not to lose momentum, when customer is finally ready to place an order.

WooCommerce Sticky Product Bar plugin is constantly presenting Add to Cart button with additional information such as product thumbnail, title and the rating, customers can easily initiate an order.
In addition to that it also adds sticky bar with Checkout button to the Cart and Pay Now button to checkout pages.

Features of Woocommerce Sticky Product Bar

  • Display sticky bar for Desktop, Mobile or both
  • Display sticky bar at the top or bottom depending on Desktop or Mobile platform
  • Supports Right to Left (RTL) languages by allowing to reverse order of the elements
  • Control if it will be displayed for Product listing, Cart and Checkout pages
  • Enable/disable for Out of Stock products
  • Always show it or only when Action button is outside of the visible range of the screen
  • Control what production information has to be displayed (Image, Name, Rating, Quantity)
  • Control if you want Cart and Checkout Total to be displayed
  • Control if you want Accept terms and conditions checkbox to be displayed
  • Customize Out of Stock text
  • Customize Choose and option text
  • Support for custom CSS to match your theme
  • Change Add to Cart button to Proceed to Checkout after item has been added to the cart
  • Define custom selector for Price and Quantity to accomodate themes that changes standard elements

Features of Woocommerce Sticky Product Bar PRO

  • Ability to visually configure every little detail of the product bar without the need to know CSS or coding.
  • Integration with YIHT WooCommerce Wishlist plugin
  • Ability to insert HTML and/or shortcodes before or after any elements of the Sticky Product Bar
  • Compatible with Uni CPO Custom Product Options plugin
  • WooCommerce TM Extra Product Options and other similar plugin that can modify price of the product

Demo of how it can look for the product can be seen here

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This will be the drive and motivation for us to further improve our plugins with more useful features.
We highly appreciate your support and love.

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  1. Go to Woocommerce -> Settings
  2. Choose Sticky Product Bar tab
  3. Set the settings you prefer
  4. Check Enable checkbox
  5. Hit Save


  1. Upload “Woocommerce Sticky Product Cart” to the “/wp-content/plugins/” directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the “Plugins” menu in WordPress.
  3. Installation complete


  1. Example of how Woocommerce Sticky Product Bar might look for the Product page

    Example of how Woocommerce Sticky Product Bar might look for the Product page

  2. Admin UI which lets you change Woocommerce Sticky Product Bar settings

    Admin UI which lets you change Woocommerce Sticky Product Bar settings

  3. Example of how Woocommerce Sticky Product Bar might look for the Cart page

    Example of how Woocommerce Sticky Product Bar might look for the Cart page

  4. Example of how Woocommerce Sticky Product Bar might look for the Checkout page

    Example of how Woocommerce Sticky Product Bar might look for the Checkout page



  • Updated compatibility


  • Updated compatibility


  • Added triggering of the update event when quantity is changed


  • Added ability to define an additional filter for the price selector, to support more complex scenarios


  • Updated compatibility


  • Updated compatibility


  • Code refactoring
  • Changed files structure


  • Fixed PHP warning


  • Use minified JS ans CSS
  • Added versioning to JS and CSS
  • Removed Feedback notice as it is ineffective 🙁
  • JS changed to improve support of other product addon plugins


  • Changed method of getting a current product to using global wp_the_query, because everything might be overwritten by other plugins


  • Ability to define custom product price and quantity jQuery selectors
  • Updated built-in product price selector
  • Added language template
  • Set text domain to wc-sticky-product-bar


  • Synchronized with the latest version of the library


  • Synchronized with the latest version of the library


  • Updated to include logo with the plugin


  • Added OneTeamSoftware menu


  • Display quantity for variable products
  • Use wordpress built-in function to detect mobile


  • Find product based on the current post id
  • Fixed bar flickering in mobile browser
  • Ability to add viewport that solves the issue of bar disappearance when scrolling up


  • Use visible add to cart button as a target to scroll to


  • Update button when payment method has been changed
  • Do not update button when page isn’t checkout


  • Cleanup settings before communicating them to JS


  • Configurable animation delay for scroll top
  • Added required compatibility changes for the latest PRO version of the plugin


  • Set product only once to avoid it being overwritten by various snippets


  • Some plugins can overwrite global product variable which is used to detect product page, so we have to grab it earlier to display bar for correct product


  • Changed how product page is detected


  • improved styles to work better in mobile mode


  • createAt was not set for the notices
  • fixed dismiss button of the notice
  • Display dependencies notice but do not deactivate the plugin to avoid issues during WooCommerce upgrade


  • Fixed cart/checkout botton margin style from bleeding into product page
  • Fixed that cart total was not updating in foreign languages
  • Fixed that add to cart button wasn’t not clicked in some themes


  • Fixed style for cart/checkout paages


  • Make sure to include plugin.php before checking if woocommerce is installed


  • Display Choose an Option only when variation options are not selected
  • Scroll to Add to Cart button when variation options have to be selected


  • Added inner bar container which allows us to control width of the inner part of the bar
  • Moved CSS to General Settings section
  • Appearance settings now refers to PRO extension of the plugin


  • Fixed rating that was always highligthing all the stars


  • Added support for future extensions
  • Check for required dependencies
  • Rearranged admin settings into groups
  • Fixed rating starts feature
  • Ship with rateyo plugin instead external reference
  • Fixed that unchecking enabled didn’t turn off the plugin completely


  • Ability to display bar at the top or bottom
  • Fixed toggling of visibility for product, cart and checkout pages
  • Slide Up/Down animation when bar is displayed
  • Improved support for variable products
  • Normalize font style for some themes


  • Changed CSS to force our style over default theme style, because they can affect bar size and looks
  • Added link to Settings on the Plugins page
  • Added feedback notice


  • Changed rule used to pick up price change on the product page


  • Minor style adjustment


  • Use flex display type for css instead of absolute positioning
  • Ability to display / hide price range for variable products, which can be enabled in the plugin settings
  • Support for RTL languages, which can be enabled in the plugin settings
  • Automatically update price when product options are changed


  • Bug fixes and improvements


  • Fixed add to cart for mobile devices
  • Added support for composite products total


  • Improved support for dynamic cart actions like delete, update
  • Show bar only when cart has items
  • Hide bar when all items have been deleted


  • Added support for Cart and Checkout pages
  • Renamed bar.php template to product-bar.php


  • Hide quantity selection for ultra small screens
  • Listen to submit event instead of click to make it work for on mobile
  • Fixed bug when js logic has not been enabled for mobile


  • Initial release.


  • Version: 1.0.49
  • Active installations: 400
  • WordPress Version: 5.6
  • Tested up to: 6.6.1
  • PHP Version: 7.3


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