Show Stock Status for WooCommerce

May 08, 2024

Show Stock Status for WooCommerce Plugin

The goal of this plugin is to show the “stock quantity” under each product in the shop, category and archive pages (wherever there is a loop).

The goal of this plugin is to show the “stock quantity” under each product in the shop, category and archive pages (wherever there is a loop). The code is based on this tutorial:


Preorder for WooCommerce – Ultimate Preorders Plugin for WooCommerce.
Order Status Control for WooCommerce
Custom Order Status for WooCommerce


  1. Upload the folder woo-show-stock to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. That’s it!


  1. Show stock on the shop page

    Show stock on the shop page

  2. Stock settings

    Stock settings


1.0.5 – 8 May 2024

  • Update: HPOS compatibility declare
  • Support for WooCommerce version 8.8.3

1.0.4 – 4 Jan 2022

  • Update: .pot file for translation
  • Bug fix

1.0.3 17 Feb 2022

  • Update: .pot file
  • Added: custom wrapper class for stock status text.
  • Fixed: Warning: A non-numeric value encountered…

  • Support for WooCommerce version 6.2

1.0.2 6 Nov 2021

  • Added: plugin support Link
  • Update: .pot file
  • Support for WooCommerce version 5.8.x

1.0.1 – 10 Mar 2021

  • Fixed : ‘printf’ variable error.

1.0 – 9 Mar 2021

  • Update : .pot file
  • Update : Code refactor
  • Fixed: PHP fatal error
  • Fixed: ‘Out of stock’ message not showing.
  • Fixed: ‘Low stock’ message not showing.
  • Fixed: html div element not wrrap the stock message.
  • Fixed: WC 5.0 version compability


  • Version: 1.0.5
  • Active installations: 1,000
  • WordPress Version: 4.9
  • Tested up to: 6.5.5
  • PHP Version: 7.2.0


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