Category Discount Woocommerce

March 19, 2024

Category Discount Woocommerce Plugin

Category Discount Woocommerce allows administrator to add and remove discount to products based on Category.

“Category Discount Woocommerce” enables administrator to apply discount on products based on Woocommerce product categories with just few clicks!! You don’t need to create separate categories for discount. Just one click & discount is applied. (Even to thousands of products)..!!

Key features:

  • Apply discount to products, based on your existing categories. No need to create separate categories for discount
  • Apply / Remove discount to products with a single click, even to thousands of products.

Don’t believe it? Try it out here, its free..!!

PRO version features:

  • Apply discount by Product categories, product attributes, product tags & product brand
  • Schedule hourly discount for future dates
  • Exclude specific products from Category, Brand or Attribute discounts
  • Choose if you want to apply maximum/minimum discount, when product has multiple attributes/categories etc.

Buy PRO version here: WooExtend (With 1000+ Happy Users)

Thank you for LOVING this plugin..!!

Demo of PRO version

More plugins by WooExtend:


  1. Upload woo-product-category-discount.php to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPresss


  1. Admin interface where product categories are displayed to apply discount. Administrator adds amount of discount and its updating.

    Admin interface where product categories are displayed to apply discount. Administrator adds amount of discount and its updating.

  2. Front end where user can see different amount of discount applied to different categories.

    Front end where user can see different amount of discount applied to different categories.

  3. When discount is applied, the wait icon turn into success notification icon.

    When discount is applied, the wait icon turn into success notification icon.


How Do I save prices? There is no Save button?

You can update any selection and discounts will be updated automatically in the system.

Does this plugin allow me to apply discount on my sub categories as well?

Yes. You can apply discount upto 2 levels of sub category. The discount will be applied to immediate products within that category and not its sub category.

Can I apply “% of price” type of discount on categories?

Yes. For applying discounts in ‘% of price’, you will need to purchase our pro version.

What will happen to my existing prices / discount data if I apply category discount from this plugin?

Your product’s selling price will have additional discount added to it when you use this plugin. If you make category discount ‘0’, then it will make your product’s selling price to original price of the product.

Can I apply more than one category to one product and then apply discount?

Yes. Maximum discount of the categories will be applied.



  • Initial release of plugin.


  • Fix for multiple categories can be assigned to one product while applying discount. The maximum amount of discount will be applied to the product.


  • Removed button based “Save” functionality. Discounts will be updated for each category as soon as user updates it.
  • Ajax based discount application for best performance and larger systems.


  • This is a minor update with fixes to update discounts.


  • Added support for woocommerce 3.x


  • Added condition for more consistency


  • Fix for handling empty instances of product from database which may brake process


  • Added thank you note.


  • Woocommerce 3.4 compatible.


  • Version release of 3.3 for Pro version.


  • Feature : Allow category % discount


  • WP 5.4 compatibility tested
  • Woocommerce 4.1 Compatible


  • Fixed links


  • Remove product discount completely for previously discounted items on sale when discount is turned off using plugin


  • Disabled all discount amount & type editing when sale is ongoing
  • Fixed a query which could cause sometimes not applying discounts


  • Fixed error for first time users


  • Fixed conflict with woocommerce sku fields


  • Fixed for a warning


  • Fixed for header already sent warning


  • Fix for standards


  • Fix for floatval


  • Fix for rare scenario while removing discount. It added regular price as sale price.


  • Fix for a fatal error for some variations.


  • Nonce verification for admin


  • Added capability check


  • Added capability check for AJAX


  • Allowed shop manager access to discount page


  • Version: 4.14
  • Active installations: 7,000
  • WordPress Version: 4.0
  • Tested up to: 6.4.5


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