Woo Events Manager

March 02, 2017

Woo Events Manager Plugin

Woo Events Manager is a woo-commerce addon which turn your product to a booking item.

Woo-event-manager is an event booking Woo-Commerce add-on, It converts a product to a booking item just by adding and event date at the backend.You can have products and events on the same store.

Woo-event-manager also have a Calendar Widget which shows the coming events in a calendar format with detail on the tooltip.


WordPress Integration

  • Easy to install WordPress plugin
  • Translation Ready
  • Based on Woo-commerce
  • Works with any standards compliant WordPress theme
  • Plays well with other Plugins
  • 100% Customizable =
  • Easy to modify templates


  1. Upload the folder woocommerce-events-manager to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Add event start date.
    i) Event End date, time and external link are optional.


  1. Backend options at product setting section.

    Backend options at product setting section.

  2. Front end external link.

    Front end external link.

  3. Front end booking link.

    Front end booking link.

  4. Calendar Widget showing event detail on the tooltip.

    Calendar Widget showing event detail on the tooltip.

  5. Backend options on woo-commerce setting.

    Backend options on woo-commerce setting.

  6. Add to Google Calendar Link

    Add to Google Calendar Link


Plugin installed but nothing changed on single product page

You need to add at least the start event date from the backend on edit product screen.



  • Fix – once the product is set as event it cannot be rollback.
  • Fix – The date format did affect if the wordpress date format changed.
  • Fix – The events on calandar has link issue.

  • Tweak – Add to google calandar functionality has been added.

  • Tweak – Admin can select to show add to google calandar link or not.
  • Tweak – Admin can select if he want to show google map on single event page.
  • Tweak – google autofill address field has been added to the add/edit product page.


  • Tweak – Admin can select whether to expire the event on start/end date.
  • Tweak – Event ends time added on the backend.
  • Fix – The plugin work on GMT 0 and event show expired though some hours left.
  • Fix – Custom link respond 404.
  • Fix – Date show on top of the event due to which the shop page layout looks akward.
  • Tweak – Tickets text changed to Book Now.
  • Fix – When setting updated, events didnot shows on shop page.
  • Fix – text also contains some html when trying to translate to other language.


  • Feature – tab on Woo-Commerce setting where user can check/uncheck options.
  • Fix – When activating the plugin it breaks the WooCommerce shop. Only one product is displayed.
  • Fix – The plugin hides all products that doesn’t have set an event date.


  • Fix – Each product have a default date, which is removed now.
  • Tweak – For all products the default text button changed to event text, now We can have normal products and events under one site.
  • Fix – If someone deactivate the woo-commerce then the site will be crash.
  • Tweak – For the passed events the color changed to red.


  • The first version


  • Version: 1.4.0
  • Active installations: 100
  • WordPress Version: 3.0
  • Tested up to: 4.7.29


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