Display a custom selection of WooCommerce products in any widget area, set by IDs.
WooCommerce Custom Products Widget allows you to display a custom selection of products. It uses the same styling as the WooCommerce built-in Product List widget. The products are being displayed in the order they are entered in the ID input field.
directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.In the Products->All Products screen, hover over a product to reveal its ID below its name. Do not use the SKU, but the WordPress internal product ID.
Yes, but only via CSS. The widget is constructed with the custom class custom_product_list_widget, which you can target.
Yes, it implements the same filters as the original WooCommerce Product List widget, namely woocommerce_products_widget_query_args, woocommerce_before_widget_product_list and woocommerce_after_widget_product_list. It also uses the WooCommerce built-in template content-widget-product.php, which you can overwrite.