Asaas Gateway for WooCommerce
Asaas By Asaas

July 09, 2024

Asaas Gateway for WooCommerce Plugin

Take transparent credit card and bank ticket payment checkouts on your store using Asaas.

Use Asaas as payment method in your WooCommerce store.

This plugin is an implementation of Asaas API v3. The checkout mechanism is completely transparent. The customer will not go out of your store to finish the order. The data are sent to Asaas service, that process the payment and return its status.

For any doubt about the plugin installation and integration, please read the FAQ. If it doesn’t solve, use the plugin Support area that we will help you as soon as possible.


This gateway requires WooCommerce 2.6 and above.

From your WordPress dashboard

  1. Visit Plugins > Add New.
  2. Search for Asaas Gateway for WooCommerce.
  3. Click in Install Now and, after, in Activate.
  4. Visit WooCommerce > Settings > Checkout.
  5. Visit Asaas Ticket and Asaas Credit Card to enable, set up and integrate the gateway with Asaas system.


  1. Download Asaas Gateway for WooCommerce
  2. Unzip the file and upload the woo-asaas directory to your wp-content/plugins directory using your favorite method (ftp, sftp, scp, etc…). Or visit Plugins > Add New > Upload Plugin, select file, click in Install Now and, after, in Activate Plugin.
  3. Search for Asaas Gateway for WooCommerce.
  4. Visit WooCommerce > Settings > Checkout.
  5. Visit Asaas Ticket and Asaas Credit Card to enable, set up and integrate the gateway with Asaas system.


  1. Checkout example

    Checkout example

  2. Bank ticket settings

    Bank ticket settings

  3. Credit card settings

    Credit card settings



  • Fix – Change behavior on subscription Pending Cancellation status
  • Fix – Subscriptions coupons


  • Fix – Matches the access token validation in the webhook configuration
  • Fix – Incompatibility issue with MercadoPago


  • Feature – Automate webhooks configuration process
  • Fix – Security issues


  • Feature – Subscriptions coupons (not applicable for first charges only)
  • Fix – Security issues


  • Tweak – Change settings to select the environment instead insert the URL
  • Fix – Issues with subscritions orders when total amount is zero
  • Fix – Webhook errors on subscription status update


  • Feature – Payment split with another Asaas accounts
  • Fix – Avoid interruption in the webhook processing queue on subscription


  • Fix – Prevents interruption of webhook queue processing


  • Fix – Remove body from GET requests


  • Tweak – Mask API key on gateway settings pages
  • Fix – Integreation with another packages that use the variable key on query string
  • Fix – Use WordPress date instead server to process Pix due date


  • Fix – Webhook with status different from order status


  • Fix – One click buy card information


  • Fix – Plugin security and quality


  • Fix – Shipping value on subscription


  • Fix – Error 500 in the created payment notification


  • Feature – Add new option in payment settings to choose the status when the customer makes a purchase and the order is not yet paid
  • Tweak – Changes how the PIX cancellation event is generated
  • Fix – Fix broken PIX Code when click in copy and past button


  • Fix – Show all installments in thank you page


  • Fix – Fix validation of available gateways
  • Fix – Gateway inicialization
  • Fix – Empty expiration time not being respected on PIX method


  • Fix – Fixes duplicated Pix area on thank you page


  • Fix – Fixes manual renewal message
  • Tweak – Allows change to active status, when subscription has parent order paid or refunded


  • Feature – WooCommerce Subscription compatibility, allow payment with subscription products
  • Tweak – Allow pix expiration in minutes, hours or days


  • Tweak – Change interest per installment label
  • Tweak – Allow ticket installment until 60 installments


  • Fix – First credit card purchase error


  • Fix – PHP 7.3 compability fixes


  • Fix – Accept empty installment interest value
  • Fix – Add interest at checkout to the order with an installment, if set


  • Feature – Remove anticipate receipt of payment confirmation setting
  • Feature – Reduces the minimum amount of installments
  • Fix – One click buy card selection render


  • Tweak – Remove credit card number validation of plugin side
  • Tweak – Update BINs credit card brands list
  • Fix – Fouble customer create request to API on PIX checkout
  • Fix – Customer neighborhood and company API integration


  • Fix – PHP 7.0 compability


  • Fix – Error on activate installments
  • Fix – Notice when increase intallments number


  • Fix – Syntax error for some PHP installations
  • Fix – Boleto installments crash on thank you page for PHP 8


  • Feature – Interest per installment
  • Tweak – New default credit card payment method message
  • Fix – Fix JS error on all pages
  • Template – Improve PIX payment instructions template
  • Localization – Remove official WordPress translation repository dependency


  • Feature – New payment method PIX


  • Feature – PIX payment is processed as boleto


  • Tweak – Use WC_Order::payment_complete to set payment complete
  • Tweak – Remove setting to approve a payment when it is confirmed on boleto


  • Tweak – Translates webhook events order notes
  • Fix – Refactor order taxes and discount on credit card payment processing
  • Fix – Changes condition to don’t process paymet if the order is considered paid


  • Tweak – Return 200 on webhook when the event is unsupported
  • Fix – Solve fatal error with WooCommerce Payments plugin integration
  • Fix – Proccess webhook when the order status is on-hold


  • Tweak – Allow disable overdue boleto on Asaas removal
  • Fix – Remove only store overdue boleto on Asaas
  • Fix – Doesn’t change order value on receive boleto installment


  • Fix – Add missing assets


  • Feature – Added Hipercard credit card option
  • Feature – Deposit and transfer payments are processed as boleto
  • Feature – Boleto installments
  • Feature – Setting to approve a payment when it is confirmed
  • Tweak – Warning if WooCommerce isn’t installed
  • Tweak – Remove overdue boleto on Asaas automatically
  • Fix – Credit Card purchase don’t back anymore to processing when completed
  • Fix – Payment using My Account orders pay options


  • Fix – Mandatory installment error


  • Fix – Request timeout was increaced


  • Fix – Fix token validation


  • Fix – Fix webhook return on request error
  • Fix – Request timeout was increaced


  • Feature – Show a warning message on admin if any type of person is set on WooCommerce Extra Checkout Fields for Brazil settings


  • Tweak – Added woocommerce_asaas_request_api_key hook to manipulate the request api key
  • Tweak – Added woocommerce_asaas_set_customer_params and woocommerce_asaas_set_customer_action hook to manipulate the customer request


  • Fix – Fix webhook invalid billing type treatment


  • Fix – Fix webhook return when the external reference isn’t WooCommerce order


  • Tweak – Update log settings to link with WooCommerce status log screen
  • Tweak – Log webhook response


  • Tweak – Update absent webhook event message
  • Tweak – Return 200 code to webhook when the reference is a number but not a WooCommerce order


  • Tweak – Return 200 code to webhook when the reference isn’t WooCommerce order


  • Tweak – Return 200 for unidentified events on webhook
  • Tweak – Ignore non WooCommerce payments on webhook
  • Tweak – Add uppercase to the first letter of payment status on order details
  • Fix – Set payment as completed when the credit card status is RECEIVED or CONFIRMED
  • Fix – Order total call on webhook class


  • Fix – Min installment in checkout
  • Fix – Checkout Fields integration to work with one person type setting
  • Fix – Webhook endpoint rewrite rule


  • Fix – Fix credit card form fields render


  • Fix – Add missing assets files


  • Tweak – Use plugin version as query string in CSS and JS files to clear browser cache
  • Tweak – Update webhook message when integrate got Asaas API error status code
  • Fix – Get the customer IP in gateway process payment function
  • Fix – Webhook log messages


  • Tweak – Add description to payment
  • Tweak – Accept beetween 2 and 4 digits in card expiration year
  • Fix – New customer notification wasn’t the same setting value
  • Fix – When change notification setting. The setting is applied just for registered users.


  • Tweak – Validate if webhook payment status is the same of registered in Asaas
  • Tweak – Set production environment as default
  • Fix – Ticket URL on order inner customer account page


  • Tweak – Change plugin name in respect to plugin guidelines
  • Tweak – Hide credit card data in logs
  • Tweak – Ensure the minimum ticket due date for bank ticket
  • Tweak – Remove woocommerce- prefix from gateway ids
  • Tweak – Improve API integration
  • Fix – Fixed enable customer notification API


  • First Release.


  • Version: 2.5.2
  • Active installations: 9,000
  • WordPress Version: 4.4
  • Tested up to: 6.5.5
  • PHP Version: 7.0


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